I checked my postings today and it's
coming up really weird. I don't
know what is causing it because I didn't
do anything different. It has to be a google
website gliche.
I am in my, what I call, Spring Weeding mood.
No, that doesn't mean cleaning the yard.
It means weeding out more crap from
this house. This morning I started on my
hallway linen closet. I went through
and weeded out extra blankets,
sheets and pillow cases.
This is going into the donation box
for mom's church. I put any matching
sheet set I kept
(flat sheet, pillow cases & fitted sheet)
into a matching pillow case.
I then started to move all my kitchen pantry
things into the linen closet.
Then when I start laundry today
I will be working on bringing up the other
pantry stuff stored in the basement.
Another thing I thought about with
the linen closet is that I could put
a keyed lock on that door to keep
kids out. They have a tendency to snack
all hours of the day so by doing this they
can be monitored a little closer with what
they are eating!

I am considering downsizing my
stockpile to getting only things
that are food. I can't see stockpiling
shampoos, toothpaste and such.
It'll take us years to go through it
and I don't have the space for it!
I am also considering canceling our
Sunday newspaper to save money.
I'll still get coupons from mom
and from The Bag and Tony's work.
So why not just cut the expense of
the paper out altogether. That's money
that could be going towards a doctor bill.
If we really want a paper for the ads we can
go down to the gas station and get one.
Just returned from dropping off
some donations then went to Micro Center.
We've been watching for laptop cooler fans
to go on sale. An average price for them
is around $20, even at Big Lots.
Laptops tend to overheat so getting
a fan is highly recommended.
We got 2 coolers. One was $20 on sale
for $6.99. I also found one that was
regularly $30 marked down to $6.96.
They run off a usb port and plug
into your computer. It comes with the
usb wire.

We also stopped in Kroger to get
some pop, milk and bread.
I've waited all week to see if
mom could get bread at the senior
center and they didn't have any
so had to go buy some.
I still found some in the marked
down area at Kroger.
.49 cents for regular and .80
cents for whole wheat multigrain.
We also picked up a 10lb bag of
bird seed for $2.50.
Plan to put the bird feeder back on
the shepherd's hook in front of
our living room window.
Had another bird fly into the window
again this morning. I think this
is the 4-5th time in the last couple weeks.
coming up really weird. I don't
know what is causing it because I didn't
do anything different. It has to be a google
website gliche.
I am in my, what I call, Spring Weeding mood.
No, that doesn't mean cleaning the yard.
It means weeding out more crap from
this house. This morning I started on my
hallway linen closet. I went through
and weeded out extra blankets,
sheets and pillow cases.
This is going into the donation box
for mom's church. I put any matching
sheet set I kept
(flat sheet, pillow cases & fitted sheet)
into a matching pillow case.
I then started to move all my kitchen pantry
things into the linen closet.
Then when I start laundry today
I will be working on bringing up the other
pantry stuff stored in the basement.
Another thing I thought about with
the linen closet is that I could put
a keyed lock on that door to keep
kids out. They have a tendency to snack
all hours of the day so by doing this they
can be monitored a little closer with what
they are eating!
I am considering downsizing my
stockpile to getting only things
that are food. I can't see stockpiling
shampoos, toothpaste and such.
It'll take us years to go through it
and I don't have the space for it!
I am also considering canceling our
Sunday newspaper to save money.
I'll still get coupons from mom
and from The Bag and Tony's work.
So why not just cut the expense of
the paper out altogether. That's money
that could be going towards a doctor bill.
If we really want a paper for the ads we can
go down to the gas station and get one.
Just returned from dropping off
some donations then went to Micro Center.
We've been watching for laptop cooler fans
to go on sale. An average price for them
is around $20, even at Big Lots.
Laptops tend to overheat so getting
a fan is highly recommended.
We got 2 coolers. One was $20 on sale
for $6.99. I also found one that was
regularly $30 marked down to $6.96.
They run off a usb port and plug
into your computer. It comes with the
usb wire.
some pop, milk and bread.
I've waited all week to see if
mom could get bread at the senior
center and they didn't have any
so had to go buy some.
I still found some in the marked
down area at Kroger.
.49 cents for regular and .80
cents for whole wheat multigrain.
We also picked up a 10lb bag of
bird seed for $2.50.
Plan to put the bird feeder back on
the shepherd's hook in front of
our living room window.
Had another bird fly into the window
again this morning. I think this
is the 4-5th time in the last couple weeks.