Want to get an idea of how
much your tax return will be?
Try out the H&R Tax Calculator,
it's free to use.
Tonight we need to make a run
to Kroger to pick up some milk.
Might grab a few other things in there.
I'm thinking about some chili
tomorrow done up in the crock pot.
Chili and cold weather go hand in hand!
Here's a different way to make
chili using baked beans.
Of course I'll tweak it to what I
have on hand.
No tomato juice so will use crushed tomatoes.
instead of ground beef I'll
use 1 pound (not 2) ground maple sausage.
Maybe use just 2 cans of baked beans.
And I'll use a jar of salsa
which has bell peppers, onions & tomatoes.
Any leftover chili could be thickened
up and used over hot dogs.
I know, how do you thicken chili?
Either mush up another can of beans
and/or add a can of tomato paste.
Hot dogs are not good for the diet
but I have them and don't want
them to go to waste!
Any processed meat like hot dogs,
bologna, sausage should be limited
in your diet.
What kind of beans are used in baked beans?
Most of the time it's navy beans.
It got it's name from the early
20th century because it
was a staple food for the US Navy.
Columbus doesn't have school today.
It's Professional Development Day,
a learning day for educators.
I am so ready to start my Spring cleaning
or in my case I'll call it Spring Weeding,
weeding out clutter.
I've got my honey keeping an eye
out for boxes at work so
I can start getting a supply of them.
Don't want to go to the nearest shopping
center and look for boxes because
security around here will stop
you and say you are stealing them
from the dumpsters!
Been there done that and that
is one of the most stupidest things I've heard!
On top of weeding out I have so
many other projects I want
to do this year once I get done
with decluttering like
painting the basement, bathroom,
maybe kitchen and living room.
(want to tone down the yellow paint
in the living room).
Carpet & padding in basement.
Remove couch & love seat from basement
and get rid of it. Due to a damp basement,
I don't think it would be in our best interest
to keep them. I do have a dehumidifier
I want to use down there. While it did
work it started getting frost on the coils.
So Tony took it to work and said the
reason it was doing that was because
it was collecting dust behind the coils.
He got it all cleaned up for me.
I think I spent like $5 on the dehumidifier
at a church sale.
And another project I would like
to do is remove carpet from the
living & dining room & hallway.
I'm willing to take my chances with
the condition of the hardwood floors
If all goes well this is what we should
find underneath. Our house used
to be a rental, so the question is this,
did the rental have hardwood floors
that possibly got messed up by
tenants over the years or did it have carpet?

One day, and I'm not saying this year
or when it would be,
I would like to chisel out all the tile
on the kitchen floor. Not a huge fan
of tile floors. They crack and the
grout gets so dirty! Would like
to get a sheet of floor vinyl that
looks like wood and install in there.
You can find this
at stores like Rite Rug and could
possibly find remnant sheets that would
work for small areas that are even cheaper.
Here's what a vinyl floor looks like:
Floor Type:
Vinyl Sheet----------------------------------
I've been looking through so many
yellow paint colors that it's not funny.
Finding the right yellow isn't easy!
I'm really liking this yellow called Blonde
by Sherwin Williams.
The Blonde paint seems to be a popular
color when compared to other yellow colors.

They let Tony off work early today at 1pm
due to him having too much overtime.
That's ok, he still ended up
with 17.5 hours overtime!
Went to Kroger this afternoon.
Found some multigrain bread
for .79 cents each.
Also found some 7up 2 liters products
on sale for .88 cents.
On 6 bottles I found .30 cent coupons.
So double that to .60 cents off
and it made each 2 liter only .28 cents each!!
I've been seeing a lot of coupons
for Sierra Mist and Coke on 2 liter
bottles. Been snatching them up
in hopes of $1.00 or less sale
in the near future.