Sure will be glad when Spring
gets here. Getting tired of
getting up at 5:45am!
Sitting here doing the bills this early, ahhh.
My brain ain't too functional at this hour!
Definitely gonna get a nap in this
Printable manufacture coupons found
at Walmart's website.
This morning I will work on
getting a casserole dish made of
chicken enchiladas. I was only
able to find small corn tortillas
at Kroger last night. Don't they
make full sized ones like the flour tortillas?
If so I sure as heck couldn't find them.
I looked in bread, refrigerated
and the foreign food section of the store.
I just saw a commercial on tv for Space Bags.
I remembered making my own years
ago to save lots of money.
I recommend that along with rubber banding
the bag to also use some duct tape
to hold it. Using a heavy duty
trash bag would help also.
1. Take a large garbage bag (any size but I like the big black ones, hold more)
2. Fill with all your clothes
3. Put the vacuum hose just inside the top and hold the edges of the bag around the outside of the nozzle about 3-4 inches up
4. Turn vacuum on and suck out all the air... takes 30-60 seconds
5. Twist the bag 3-5 times below the nozzle so it's nice and tight
6. Remove the nozzle.
7. Tie off the top and put masking tape on the outside with a label.
I've got 2+ dozen cupcakes
baking in the oven.
Got a couple more ideas I want
to try and one I'm still working on
trying to figure out how to decorate.
I am getting sooo flustered.
The credit card company started
calling again today, 2x's within one hour.
They just sent me a bill within the
last couple of days and that bill
still shows we haven't made a payment.
I'm going to have Tony call them this evening
to straighten things out through
customer service.
You can not talk to their bill collectors
when they call here that's for sure
because they won't stop talking
and start demanding money
and won't listen to your side of the story.
I don't want bad credit but damn it,
ya know when you send someone a payment,
it clears the bank, and they are still demanding
money saying you haven't paid it,
is pissing me off royally!!
Hell we paid the bill on the 27th
and I just got the recent bill a couple days ago.
On the 29th they started demanding
we pay January's bill and late fees
along with February's bill that hadn't
even arrived yet.
This sh*t is so crazy.
I wish I could just pay off the credit card
and do away with it. I can't with doctor bills.
We got it awhile
back to build our credit up so we could
get a house. And they keep adding
crap to our bill that we did not sign
up for that causes our bill to go up and up.
Things like a payment protection plan
and stuff like that, that could run $15 a month.
Why are they allowed to sign you up
for stuff like this without your permission??!!
I know I didn't sign up for it.
I never signed any paperwork for it.
I just send them a check every month.
Oh well will let ya know what
happens this evening.
Credit card place just called again!!
GRR..GRRR...and double GRRRR.
That's 3 times in an hour and a half.
4 x's.
I used to enjoy having a phone
but now I'm about ready to scream
if it rings!
And you know if I answer it, it
will get me nowhere because it's
not in my name.
Just like one time I tried to
call the mortgage company and
ask them how much was owed
for the one month. They refused to tell me
because I was not on the loan.
It's just so frustrating being the wife
that pays the bills and these people
will not have anything to do with
me calling customer service and
asking them questions.
I'm tired & irritated at the moment.
You try your damndest and you still
get screwed.
Think I'll just go into the kitchen
and work on my cupcakes as a stress
reliever. I can't turn off the ringer
on the phone because someone else
important could call like the school
and I cannot take a nap with it ringing.
Yeah at the moment I feel like reaching
out and touching someone.
You would too if someone called
you 15 times total and the day ain't
over with. That includes the other
3.5 days they had happy fingers
on the telephone dial.
I'm not one who likes to watch
reality tv shows but I found
one today that I really like.
It's called
You're Cut Off on VH1
It's about really rich age 20 something
girls that still live at home with
mom and dad who wait on them
hand and foot and buy anything they want.
The parents want them to learn what
it's like to get out on their own
in the real world instead of relying on them.
They are sent to an urban house
and are made to live with a
total of 8 girls in a 2 bedroom house.
They have to learn
how to cook, clean, get along with one
another, make do with what little
clothes they have.
They have no money and are
not supported by mom and dad.
They are made to live
like average Americans and get jobs
to pay for things like food for the house.
I am so loving this show and
seeing these spoiled little brats
have to live like how we
live day to day.
If you go to the link I provided
above you can watch a couple
full episodes.
Taking a break from
cupcakes at the moment.
I will have to say this recent cupcake
has been the most challenging
trying to put it all together!
When getting flustered
I have to walk away from it
for a few.
So time to work on supper.
I didn't make it earlier because
I didn't want it to get soggy.