Tony called on his way to work
to say he saw that gas now was at $3.39 a gallon.
Roads are crappy. He said he had to
put the truck in 4x4 to get to work.
This weather sucks!!
It 29 but feels like 17 degrees with the wind.
Got my pasta dough made
and resting til after the kids
get on the bus this morning then
will work on raviolis and
lasagna noodles.
Columbus City Schools are
still open today!
Got 2 batches of lasagna noodles rolled out
and another 2 batches of dough resting
for the ravioli.
I'm taking a short break then going
to work on the filling for the ravioli.
Just finished making 32
large sized ravioli.
There's about 2 meals here.
2 eggs .16 cents
salt- free
1 pound sausage- $2.29
1/2 cup ricotta cheese- .75 cents
1/2 cup mozarella cheese- .50 cents
1 cup bread crumbs- .23 cents
2 cans spaghetti sauce- $1.38
TOTAL: $5.45
2 meals
serves 8 @ .68 cents a serving
Preview Walgreens ad for next week.
Preview Meijers ad for next week.
I started saving those crisper sleeves
from Hot Pockets.
I plan to use them on
egg rolls and those cheapie
burritos. Trying to find ways
to make things fast without
having to use the oven.
I even save some from those cheap
microwave pizzas.
If you get the Kroger 3 minute
microwave pizzas you will notice
they are smaller than
other cheap frozen pizzas.
Now I can buy larger, cheap
pizzas at the same price and are able to nuke them
in the microwave and get
the crispy crusts.
Here's an idea to reuse and old sweater
and make an ear warmer out of it.
I don't see why you couldn't also
cut off the arms and use them as
leg warmers or even make some
mittens out of it.
The other day I picked up a bunch
of marked down bananas from Kroger.
Today I whipped up some
yummy banana bites.
I had a baggie of leftover
cinnamon and brown sugar mixture
from where I made cinnamon rolls.
I cut bananas in half then in
half again and sprinkled with
the brown sugar mix and baked.
Time for a short break then
I get to start making pork chops
for supper.
Search for elderly couple underway in Lowndes County, GA
Reports: Search Underway For Missing Logan Co. Couple In Georgia
Tonight's supper-
6 Pork chops- $2.79
3/4 cup fried onions- .42 cents
1/2 cup bread crumbs- .25 cents
ranch dressing- .10 cents
2.5 pounds potatoes- .50 cents
jar of turkey gravy- .50 cents
Total: $4.56
serves 6 @ .76 cents a serving
Wow cable will be going all digital
starting about the middle of March.
They will give out 2 free digital
boxes for tv's so you can view cable.
After that you have to rent
the boxes at $1.99 a month.
You have to have these
boxes to view any cable
other than your local channels!
This totally sucks.
I have 5 tv's with cable
(3 bedrooms, living room
and rec room in basement),
one with DVR so no box needed there,
then 2 free boxes, I still need
2 more. And to get them will
cost me an additional $4.00
a month or $48 a year!
It's always something
or someone with their hand out
for money. And in this case
no one gets a choice!
I was wondering if you could
use a digital converter box
instead or if you have to
use the cable companies box??
I would rather outright pay
for these stupid boxes than
have to pay a fee each month.
It's costing me $120 a year
just to rent the DVR box!!!
I need something that I can
buy that will easily record
programs from tv, sometimes
more than one at a time.
I've lost count now at how many
times they have increased
our bill in 2.5 years time!!
We've discussed possibly getting
rid of the house phone.
But with kids on the phone to their
friends and Tony on call needing it for work,
and other people, it would
just rack up time on the cell
phone so that wouldn't be any
Plus long distance is free
with our house phone.
So we're screwed there.
Well I might go take me a hot bath
then watch either
Ghost Adventurer at 8pm
or Gold Rush.
Gotta get up early tomorrow
morning to go finish doing
our taxes.
I got a few questions and paperwork
for H&R block to see why
we are getting back $1400
less than what we've been getting
back the past couple of years.
We file jointly, have 2 kids,
claim our home and
claim 0 dependents,
so they take out the highest
taxes each paycheck like they
would for a single person.
It does not make sense to make
about $2150 more this year
only to get back $1400
less in our refund.
H&R Block has a free
second look at your prepared
tax return. Wonder
if they'll do it if you used
them to begin with and
then go to another one
to have another person
check it out?
Then the tax preparer
at H&R Block told us
he's not going to worry
about turning in our city taxes?
Do what???
Why wouldn't you do that???
I don't understand taxes and
all but that just don't sound right to me!