Took a jog on the exercise machine.
Only did a tenth of a mile then
had to get breakfast for the boys
which was blueberry muffins
I made yesterday.
Working on the last 2 loads of laundry.
Also just put in 6 mini loaves
of banana bread.
The banana bread was just something
I threw together and didn't have
a recipe for.
1/2 cup butter- free
1 pkg Pumpkin Spice pudding- .25 cents
1 cup sugar- .25 cents
2 eggs- .28 cents
2 medium bananas mashed- $1.00
1 tsp vanilla- free
2 packets of bananas & cream
instant oatmeal- .10 cents
2 1/4 cups pancake mix- .25 cents
1/4 cup brown sugar- .10 cents
1/4 cup sugar- .10 cents
1/2 cup chopped walnuts- .50 cents
2 Tablespoons butter- free
$2.83 or .47 cents a mini loaf
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray foil pans with cooking
spray and dust with dry pancake mix.
In a medium bowl add everything
for bread except pancake mix.
Beat with a mixer until combined.
Stir in pancake mix.
Put about 3/4 cup of bread batter
into each muffin tin.
In a small bowl combine
sugars and walnuts.
Cut in butter with fork.
Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons
of struesel topping over
bread batter.
Bake 40 minutes.
Going into oven-

Borders on Henderson Road is closing.
At the moment I think things are
15%-20% off. They had someone standing
on the corner waving a sign.
Don't know if you can use these coupons
below but it's worth a try.
Printable coupon for
free silly bands with purchase of
a children's book.
Printable coupon for 33% off
any item list price
Banana Bread fresh from the oven!

Just completed another survey.
Now up to almost $84.
I'm trying to do as many surveys
with Opinion Outpost so I can
save up money for Christmas time.
Gotta be sure to request the money
by sometime in September because
it takes 6-8 weeks to get.
Recently I got another $25 Gamestop
gift card from another survey site.
I will collect these throughout the
year also to use for Christmas time.
I should be able to get another $50 to $75
with them by then.
Yeah I know it's only February
and I'm planning for Christmas already.
Better to plan now than
to be broke at Christmas time
wondering where money will come from!
Come Spring I'll be hitting
the yard sales looking for
and stocking up on Christmas gifts.
Well time to go get the last
load of laundry out of the dryer.
Kids don't have school today
and they are slowly starting
to make messes so need to
stay on top of them as well
to keep things picked up.
Just called Tony at work but he couldn't
talk saying there was a fire.
I have no other details at this time.
The fire started when a lady turned on
her oven forgetting she had stored
things in it.
The fire department with hook
and ladder came out as usual.
Tony, the man on call, got it pretty
much put out before they got there.
I had just cleaned Tony's
work jacket last night and now
will have to rewash again
due to smoke smell, ahhh.
Why does it seem that every time
my poor honey goes on call
there is a fire???
A couple weeks ago
he had the fire where squirrels
chewed wires in the attic.
Another time was where people
didn't put out their cigarette butts
on their upper wooden patio.
And back at UV he had a major major
fire the first night he was ever on call.
Destroyed half the building with
about 9 apartments in it.
One time he was paged out due
to an apartment that flooded
real good and I mean
the whole apartment up past your ankles
with water rushing out the door.
Tony and my oldest son
hurried out to find the people weren't home
and had to go in to stop the water.
Well the people came home while
they were in there and had called
the police saying someone was
trying to rob their apartment.
So the police tried to apprehend them, lol,
until they could prove who they were
and show them the water in the apartment.
Yeah those resident felt a little stupid
and embarassed afterwards but
it was better to be safe than sorry
with all the break ins.
It's always something!!
Just finished all my laundry.
Ya know what sucks is
I have 4 more things to hang
up and have run out of hangers.
Time to go match up all the socks.
Iced Vanilla Latte
In a tall glass, fill halfway with your cool coffee, stir in sugar to taste
(about 1 tbsp), then add 1 tsp vanilla, milk and ice cubes.
I find you have to stir it well so that the sugar dissolves, so I don't add
the ice till last.
Here's some more coffee recipes
from Taster's Choice for cold & hot coffee
and baked goods.
If you have a Kroger or Kroger-affiliate card bonus card, you'll get a $5 off ecoupon loaded directly to your card when you enter a recipe in the 45th Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest!
Be sure to use the email address associated with your bonus card when you enter, and watch for a link in your confirmation email to load the coupon to your card.
Limit 1 coupon per household. Expires 5/15/11.
I have a recipe idea in mind
and have searched my idea and
didn't find anything.
Don't have the ingredients to
make it at the moment so will
have to wait til I get back to the store.
I've never entered because I don't
want the publicity or traveling,
even with a million dollars at stake!
If I didn't have panic attacks
I wouldn't mind.
by 6:30pm I had jogged .80 miles
on the exercise machine. I did two
.10 miles earlier today so a
total of a mile today.
6:30pm we headed out to Tony's work
to plow and salt.
What a mess the roads were!!
Do not go out unless you absolutely
have to!!!
Don't know what we were thinking
to try the Cooke Rd hills.
Got to the top of the first hill
and right before cresting could
see cars down in the bottoms of
the hills spun out to the side,
some in the middle of the road
and others that couldn't climb
the hill due to ice.
Right before we reached the edge
of the hill Tony hit the brakes
causing the ABS to pulsate.
We made it safely to the side of the
hill near a driveway before sliding
down the hill. Scared the crap outta
me I was shaking so bad.
He backed out of the driveway but
not in the direction of the hills,
he backed down Cooke Rd.
on the opposite side of the road
til we found a driveway to turn around.
There was no way we were backing
out hiny end facing the hill
for fear of sliding down backwards.
So we gets to his work only to find
the plows salt hopper empty.
Oh yeah just what I need after jogging
a mile, a workout with some weights.
Me and Tony loaded ten, 50 pound
bags of salt into this hopper thingy
that was up higher than the bed of the
truck. Got that loaded up and
the truck has no gas in it.
So he had to get the gas card and
go to Speedway to fill it up.
$75 and it still was not sitting on full!
He plowed and salted while
me and the kids waiting in our truck.
When we came home we went
down High St. to Morse Rd.
At almost 9:30pm the plows are still
out on the highways and have yet to
see any other roads. Morse Rd.
was at a crawl at 20-25mph when
it's normally 45mph.
9:30 we are finally home and the first
thing I did was pop some ibuprofen.
Neck, shoulders and back
are starting to ache from loading
the salt. Got a slight headache as well.
For better or worse, right!
Now will wait and see what tomorrow
brings and see if the kids have school.
If anyone saw the news at 6:00pm
where they showed Marion county
getting hit pretty good, well
that's what it looked like here
on the North end of Columbus.
Wet snow, ice and rain.
When we left at 6:30pm is
when it was snowing pretty
good that visibility was getting bad.
Well y'all it's been fun but
I think I'm gonna go collapse
somewhere. Hopefully my bed with
the electric blanket on!