So tired. Just got up before 10.
I tossed and turned all night
and the last time I checked the clock it
was 2am.
The schedule around here is so outta
wack. I did figure out our new dishwasher
yesterday and got most dishes done other
than the large pans. The kids don't have school
tomorrow due to Martin Luther Kind day.
So between today and tomorrow I have
laundry to do sometime. Been eating crappy with
stuff like McDonalds, ramen noodles, grilled cheese
and chicken sandwiches from Kroger's deli.
I think today I'll pull something from
the freezer and throw it in the crock pot
and let it cook with all the running back
and forth to the hospital.
Or maybe I'll see if I have any more
freezer meals left.
That would be nice but I don't think
I have any more.
I've been keeping a notebook with any
and all jelly bean cupcake ideas.
I am now at a point of determination
with getting things entered into this contest.
I really need to win this due to all
doctor bills we're gonna have!
Mine wouldn't have been too too bad
but now with Tony's we might be
struggling. I know you can make
payment plans but I'm sure that
would take many years to pay off.
I hate the idea of having bills hovering
over our head that aren't paid off.
Heck I hate the idea of a house payment
and are trying to get that paid off way early as well.
I know I could use the tax refund but that's
money we live off of for they next year.
Let's hope the insurance pays most!
We pay about $5000 a year for insurance!
I'm sure being the beginning of the year
there will be a deductible we will
have to meet first.
So, if you hear me talk about cupcakes
in the middle of everything going on,
it's not because I have my priorities in the wrong place.
It's because I am thinking
ahead with the bills we're going to have.
It's sad some people can do these contests for fun
while others do them out of desperation!
I just got the gas bill the other day
and it jumped up $28 from last month.
They guesstimate it though.
I've been turning it back 3 degrees
more than what I had it set at last year.
Last year I ended up paying too much
and had three months of not having
to pay a gas bill so that was good.
So we'll see how it goes this year.
I can't wait for Spring weather!!
We're wanting to change our diet
with more healthier foods.
Don't know how to do it the cheap way.
Gotta cut back on buying convenience and
boxed foods at the store. Cut back on pastas
and starchy foods as well.
Sorry my mind is going in 100
different directions at the moment.
Got laundry started,
dishes put away,
and loaded my pans into dishwasher.
Man this dishwasher is great!
I got 4 skillets, 1 saucepan and
a large pot along with a few other
dishes/cups into the bottom rack alone!
Also got a ham out of the freezer
and put it in the crock pot.
I just threw stuff in there, no recipe.
Poured a lil V8 Splash raspberry juice
into the bottom then rubbed the ham
with grape jelly, zested a couple orange
peels on top, sprinkled with brown sugar
and season salt.
Figured I could get a few meals out of one ham.
I could also take Tony some ham sandwiches
to the hospital.
It's a frozen precooked ham on low in the crock
so it can slowly warm up throughout the day.
I've never done a ham in the crock.
Got 2 loads of laundry in the washer/dryer,
one load out,
creamed chipped beef made for
lunch & kitchen tidied up.
I think I'd like to head up to the hospital
around 3pm.
Can only get up there once today since
mom is busy with other stuff
and she is the one taking me.
Just talked to Tony online and this is
what he said the doctor did today:
yes he put the needle in my knee
then cut a one inch slice in my knee
then put a wick in
my knee to drain.
it hurt like helllllll
its hurting like ------ right now
I think I'm gonna wrap things up here
and have mom take us up to the hospital now.
On a brighter note they said he
may get to come home tomorrow!
Let's hope!!!!
Just returned from the hospital.
Tony's leg/knee was wrapped up
in gauze. He was so kind to unwrap
it for us and show us everything the doctor did earlier.
Now I have that visual stuck in my head!
It was cut pretty deep and you could see
layers of skin, ewww. Nothing is holding
the cut together at the moment.
They do have something else stuck
in the cut that they call a wick.
This wick I assume is to help draw out
more infection.
Tony said the doctor stuck in a needle to
withdraw some infection and got about
1/3rd of a needle container full.
By having them decide to open
up and drain the knee we are hoping that
the infection can now start to clear up.
But who knows, it could open up
a can of worms.
Think about it, cellulitis is caused
when bacteria enters any scrape
or cut on the skin whether you can see
it with the eye or not.
So let's hope the antiobiotics are
doing their job!
He was still in lots of pain and
the nurse gave him some vicadins for it.
He also had to do this thing you blew air
into. They said it was to keep you from
getting a fever. Never heard of that before
so it must be something new.
It looked like a breathing
treatment thing you blew into see how
much air you were breathing or
Hoping all this cutting and draining
shows signs of getting his knee/leg better
so he can come home tomorrow!
It still could be awhile before
he returns to work.
I found this story someone wrote
that I thought y'all might like to read.
It's called
Rich Food, Poor Food
Why are there no recipes for
what to cook when you have nothing at all?
For lunch we had creamed chipped
beef over biscuits, supper was
ham sandwiches.
I'll take some of those leftovers
and tomorrow make ham and eggs
on biscuit sandwiches.
I probably won't make another big
shopping trip for awhile and will
have to use things I have on hand.
So I'm sitting here trying to think up meals
for the next week or so and stretch
everything as far as it will go.
Just putting thoughts down because
at the moment I'm liable to forget
many things.
I have 10 pounds of potatoes that I will boil up.
Fried taters and Italian sausage.
Mashed potatoes with pork chops
and stuffing.
Beans and weenies.
Ham & potato soup
with carrots & celery.
Chicken piccolini noodle soup
with leftover carrots and veggies,
cream of chicken soup.
So tired. Just got up before 10.
I tossed and turned all night
and the last time I checked the clock it
was 2am.
The schedule around here is so outta
wack. I did figure out our new dishwasher
yesterday and got most dishes done other
than the large pans. The kids don't have school
tomorrow due to Martin Luther Kind day.
So between today and tomorrow I have
laundry to do sometime. Been eating crappy with
stuff like McDonalds, ramen noodles, grilled cheese
and chicken sandwiches from Kroger's deli.
I think today I'll pull something from
the freezer and throw it in the crock pot
and let it cook with all the running back
and forth to the hospital.
Or maybe I'll see if I have any more
freezer meals left.
That would be nice but I don't think
I have any more.
I've been keeping a notebook with any
and all jelly bean cupcake ideas.
I am now at a point of determination
with getting things entered into this contest.
I really need to win this due to all
doctor bills we're gonna have!
Mine wouldn't have been too too bad
but now with Tony's we might be
struggling. I know you can make
payment plans but I'm sure that
would take many years to pay off.
I hate the idea of having bills hovering
over our head that aren't paid off.
Heck I hate the idea of a house payment
and are trying to get that paid off way early as well.
I know I could use the tax refund but that's
money we live off of for they next year.
Let's hope the insurance pays most!
We pay about $5000 a year for insurance!
I'm sure being the beginning of the year
there will be a deductible we will
have to meet first.
So, if you hear me talk about cupcakes
in the middle of everything going on,
it's not because I have my priorities in the wrong place.
It's because I am thinking
ahead with the bills we're going to have.
It's sad some people can do these contests for fun
while others do them out of desperation!
I just got the gas bill the other day
and it jumped up $28 from last month.
They guesstimate it though.
I've been turning it back 3 degrees
more than what I had it set at last year.
Last year I ended up paying too much
and had three months of not having
to pay a gas bill so that was good.
So we'll see how it goes this year.
I can't wait for Spring weather!!
We're wanting to change our diet
with more healthier foods.
Don't know how to do it the cheap way.
Gotta cut back on buying convenience and
boxed foods at the store. Cut back on pastas
and starchy foods as well.
Sorry my mind is going in 100
different directions at the moment.
Got laundry started,
dishes put away,
and loaded my pans into dishwasher.
Man this dishwasher is great!
I got 4 skillets, 1 saucepan and
a large pot along with a few other
dishes/cups into the bottom rack alone!
Also got a ham out of the freezer
and put it in the crock pot.
I just threw stuff in there, no recipe.
Poured a lil V8 Splash raspberry juice
into the bottom then rubbed the ham
with grape jelly, zested a couple orange
peels on top, sprinkled with brown sugar
and season salt.
Figured I could get a few meals out of one ham.
I could also take Tony some ham sandwiches
to the hospital.
It's a frozen precooked ham on low in the crock
so it can slowly warm up throughout the day.
I've never done a ham in the crock.
Got 2 loads of laundry in the washer/dryer,
one load out,
creamed chipped beef made for
lunch & kitchen tidied up.
I think I'd like to head up to the hospital
around 3pm.
Can only get up there once today since
mom is busy with other stuff
and she is the one taking me.
Just talked to Tony online and this is
what he said the doctor did today:
yes he put the needle in my knee
then cut a one inch slice in my knee
then put a wick in
my knee to drain.
it hurt like helllllll
its hurting like ------ right now
any pain meds?
not doing much good right now
did they have to stitch it up
I think I'm gonna wrap things up here
and have mom take us up to the hospital now.
On a brighter note they said he
may get to come home tomorrow!
Let's hope!!!!
Just returned from the hospital.
Tony's leg/knee was wrapped up
in gauze. He was so kind to unwrap
it for us and show us everything the doctor did earlier.
Now I have that visual stuck in my head!
It was cut pretty deep and you could see
layers of skin, ewww. Nothing is holding
the cut together at the moment.
They do have something else stuck
in the cut that they call a wick.
This wick I assume is to help draw out
more infection.
Tony said the doctor stuck in a needle to
withdraw some infection and got about
1/3rd of a needle container full.
By having them decide to open
up and drain the knee we are hoping that
the infection can now start to clear up.
But who knows, it could open up
a can of worms.
Think about it, cellulitis is caused
when bacteria enters any scrape
or cut on the skin whether you can see
it with the eye or not.
So let's hope the antiobiotics are
doing their job!
He was still in lots of pain and
the nurse gave him some vicadins for it.
He also had to do this thing you blew air
into. They said it was to keep you from
getting a fever. Never heard of that before
so it must be something new.
It looked like a breathing
treatment thing you blew into see how
much air you were breathing or
Hoping all this cutting and draining
shows signs of getting his knee/leg better
so he can come home tomorrow!
It still could be awhile before
he returns to work.
I found this story someone wrote
that I thought y'all might like to read.
It's called
Rich Food, Poor Food
Why are there no recipes for
what to cook when you have nothing at all?
For lunch we had creamed chipped
beef over biscuits, supper was
ham sandwiches.
I'll take some of those leftovers
and tomorrow make ham and eggs
on biscuit sandwiches.
I probably won't make another big
shopping trip for awhile and will
have to use things I have on hand.
So I'm sitting here trying to think up meals
for the next week or so and stretch
everything as far as it will go.
Just putting thoughts down because
at the moment I'm liable to forget
many things.
I have 10 pounds of potatoes that I will boil up.
Fried taters and Italian sausage.
Mashed potatoes with pork chops
and stuffing.
Beans and weenies.
Ham & potato soup
with carrots & celery.
Chicken piccolini noodle soup
with leftover carrots and veggies,
cream of chicken soup.