You have a stockpile and a pantry
but don't know what to make.
Drag and drop the ingredients
you have on hand and it will try
and match a recipe for you
using the ingredients you have.
Uh oh, I'm seeing the first snowflakes fall.
They weren't falling 1o minutes ago
standing at the bus stop.
I've heard 2-4" and 3-6"
on different stations.
So guess we'll just wait and see
what nature has in store for us.
Getting ready to make some
French bread in the bread machine.
Well, I'll let the bread machine do
the mixing and kneading then I get
to take it out and do the rest.
Got dough going in bread machine.
My machine has a French bread cycle on it.
I've been keeping our heat at a steady
70 degrees in our home.
Trying to get the electric & gas
bill down some.
I don't think anyone notices and if
they do, they dress appropriately
and put on a sweater or warmer clothing.
But if it feels too chilly in here with
all this snow coming or wind chills
go into the single digits or minuses,
then I might put it back up to 72/73 degrees.
I am still pissed at Tony's doctor.
Saturday when we went to the train
show Tony started experiencing severe
knee pain and had difficulty walking.
Later that evening there was a slight pop
in his knee and his knee felt better.
I wondered if something had gotten out
of place and worked it's way back in place
and that what was causing the pain.
It was still a little sore but he was able
to get around.
Anyway yesterday Tony told his doctor about
what had been going on with his knee.
The doctor twisted and moved his knee & leg in
all different directions. He said it was swollen
and gave him a Naproxen prescription.
Never said what the problem was or
what may be causing it.
Last night Tony's knee was so swelled,
red and inflamed from the doctor
moving things around it wasn't funny.
I said, to me it sound like a car repair shop.
You take a car in to be repaired and they
only cause more problems and more
repairs to be made because
of something they did wrong.
Now Tony calls and is in so much
severe pain with his knee he is leaving work!
That is not like him to come home from work!
Obviously his doctor isn't doing his job
for him to be in extreme pain like this.
I'm not even sure how he is gonna drive home!
And I still haven't gotten over the fact
the doctor said he'd get in trouble
if Tony didn't get an eye exam.
I am like so done with this doctor it ain't funny.
Next time Tony needs an appointment
I WILL be requesting that he see my doctor instead!!
Tony's leaving work and heading
to Urgent Care of Upper Arlington to
go get checked out. It's good to know
that this place has an xray machine
in case he needed xrays of his knee.
Will keep you posted.
Swift Justice with Nancy Grace
has people on there from
Blacklick, Ohio.
Tony is still at urgent care.
They took xrays so are awaiting
to see what they say.
He said on the way there he hadn't
had the truck in 4x4 and spun it
sideways in the road.
I just checked the list for school
closings and still nothing for Columbus!
The townships snowplow just
started plowing our street.

Update on Tony:
They say he has torn ligaments in his knee.
They did xrays.
They wrapped his knee up in bandages
and put him on 2 prescriptions.
Not sure exactly what they are yet til
he gets home, I think one is an anti inflamatory.
He told urgent care that all his doctor
gave him was Naproxin. They said
for what he had that stuff was too low
of a dose and wouldn't of worked
for his torn ligaments.
When looking at his legs you can visually
see the one knee cap but the other leg
is so swollen that the knee cap is not
visible. And his knee is very hot!
Urgent care almost put a needle
into his knee cap to drain some fluid
but decided upon the medications first.
They said if there is no difference in
3-4 days to go to a doctor they
referred. They actually wanted him
to take the next week off of work but Tony
says he is only taking tomorrow off.
Oh it's still eating at me about the
family doctor,
-oh do this so I don't get in trouble.
-forgot to call in 2 prescriptions
but was able to call in the other 4.
Said he wanted him to start testing
his blood sugar but doesn't call
in any testing meters or strips like he said he would.
-misdiagnoses his knee and doesn't
give him proper medication for that.
-Then when Tony went in this morning
for blood work and asks the doctor
a few questions the doctor says,
"what was it we were seeing you for!!!"
HELLO, it's been less than 24 hours
and he forgot that fast!!!!
Dr. Padamadan (OSU)!!!
With all the snow and not going out
too much in the near future doing any shopping,
(I probably won't get to Meijer this week)
I went to the Columbus Public Library's
web site and reserved a bunch of books.
Will give me something to do on one
of those cold nights cuddled up under
the blankie watching tv.
The library is only a block or so away
so shouldn't be too hard to get to
in this snow.

Fettuccine pasta with
4 cheese sauce, tomatoes, mushrooms,
basil, garlic, parmesan cheese &
homemade meatballs.

Bruschetta- Homemade French bread topped
with olive oil, basil, garlic,
tomatoes, mushrooms & Swiss cheese.
Having a most wonderful evening.
Now Tony has the chills
and a fever on top of his knee pain.
He says the knee pain hurts worse
than his diabetic nerve pain in his feet.
I've never heard him say something
has been more painful than his feet
so this knee must hurt extremely bad!
It doesn't matter if he stands, sits
or lays, it's all the same.
but don't know what to make.
Drag and drop the ingredients
you have on hand and it will try
and match a recipe for you
using the ingredients you have.
Uh oh, I'm seeing the first snowflakes fall.
They weren't falling 1o minutes ago
standing at the bus stop.
I've heard 2-4" and 3-6"
on different stations.
So guess we'll just wait and see
what nature has in store for us.
Getting ready to make some
French bread in the bread machine.
Well, I'll let the bread machine do
the mixing and kneading then I get
to take it out and do the rest.
Got dough going in bread machine.
My machine has a French bread cycle on it.
I've been keeping our heat at a steady
70 degrees in our home.
Trying to get the electric & gas
bill down some.
I don't think anyone notices and if
they do, they dress appropriately
and put on a sweater or warmer clothing.
But if it feels too chilly in here with
all this snow coming or wind chills
go into the single digits or minuses,
then I might put it back up to 72/73 degrees.
I am still pissed at Tony's doctor.
Saturday when we went to the train
show Tony started experiencing severe
knee pain and had difficulty walking.
Later that evening there was a slight pop
in his knee and his knee felt better.
I wondered if something had gotten out
of place and worked it's way back in place
and that what was causing the pain.
It was still a little sore but he was able
to get around.
Anyway yesterday Tony told his doctor about
what had been going on with his knee.
The doctor twisted and moved his knee & leg in
all different directions. He said it was swollen
and gave him a Naproxen prescription.
Never said what the problem was or
what may be causing it.
Last night Tony's knee was so swelled,
red and inflamed from the doctor
moving things around it wasn't funny.
I said, to me it sound like a car repair shop.
You take a car in to be repaired and they
only cause more problems and more
repairs to be made because
of something they did wrong.
Now Tony calls and is in so much
severe pain with his knee he is leaving work!
That is not like him to come home from work!
Obviously his doctor isn't doing his job
for him to be in extreme pain like this.
I'm not even sure how he is gonna drive home!
And I still haven't gotten over the fact
the doctor said he'd get in trouble
if Tony didn't get an eye exam.
I am like so done with this doctor it ain't funny.
Next time Tony needs an appointment
I WILL be requesting that he see my doctor instead!!
Tony's leaving work and heading
to Urgent Care of Upper Arlington to
go get checked out. It's good to know
that this place has an xray machine
in case he needed xrays of his knee.
Will keep you posted.
Swift Justice with Nancy Grace
has people on there from
Blacklick, Ohio.
Tony is still at urgent care.
They took xrays so are awaiting
to see what they say.
He said on the way there he hadn't
had the truck in 4x4 and spun it
sideways in the road.
I just checked the list for school
closings and still nothing for Columbus!
The townships snowplow just
started plowing our street.
Update on Tony:
They say he has torn ligaments in his knee.
They did xrays.
They wrapped his knee up in bandages
and put him on 2 prescriptions.
Not sure exactly what they are yet til
he gets home, I think one is an anti inflamatory.
He told urgent care that all his doctor
gave him was Naproxin. They said
for what he had that stuff was too low
of a dose and wouldn't of worked
for his torn ligaments.
When looking at his legs you can visually
see the one knee cap but the other leg
is so swollen that the knee cap is not
visible. And his knee is very hot!
Urgent care almost put a needle
into his knee cap to drain some fluid
but decided upon the medications first.
They said if there is no difference in
3-4 days to go to a doctor they
referred. They actually wanted him
to take the next week off of work but Tony
says he is only taking tomorrow off.
Oh it's still eating at me about the
family doctor,
-oh do this so I don't get in trouble.
-forgot to call in 2 prescriptions
but was able to call in the other 4.
Said he wanted him to start testing
his blood sugar but doesn't call
in any testing meters or strips like he said he would.
-misdiagnoses his knee and doesn't
give him proper medication for that.
-Then when Tony went in this morning
for blood work and asks the doctor
a few questions the doctor says,
"what was it we were seeing you for!!!"
HELLO, it's been less than 24 hours
and he forgot that fast!!!!
Dr. Padamadan (OSU)!!!
With all the snow and not going out
too much in the near future doing any shopping,
(I probably won't get to Meijer this week)
I went to the Columbus Public Library's
web site and reserved a bunch of books.
Will give me something to do on one
of those cold nights cuddled up under
the blankie watching tv.
The library is only a block or so away
so shouldn't be too hard to get to
in this snow.
Fettuccine pasta with
4 cheese sauce, tomatoes, mushrooms,
basil, garlic, parmesan cheese &
homemade meatballs.
Bruschetta- Homemade French bread topped
with olive oil, basil, garlic,
tomatoes, mushrooms & Swiss cheese.
Having a most wonderful evening.
Now Tony has the chills
and a fever on top of his knee pain.
He says the knee pain hurts worse
than his diabetic nerve pain in his feet.
I've never heard him say something
has been more painful than his feet
so this knee must hurt extremely bad!
It doesn't matter if he stands, sits
or lays, it's all the same.