What's on my agenda today?
-make pizza dough in bread machine.
-make 2 turkey pizzas.
(one for freezer, one for tomorrow)
-finish laundry & get put away.
-work on cupcakes
-supper: cheesy potatoes & ham & sauerkraut roll ups.
I have a drawer full of all kinds of chargers,
from phones to mp3 players to jump boxes.
It's kind of hard to tell them apart at first glance.
So I came up with this solution so we didn't
play guess what cord goes to what.
Cut out a strip of paper, fold it in half.
On each side write what and who the
charger goes to. Place the folded paper on one end of a piece of
packing tape twice the length of the paper.
Place cord into the fold of the paper
and fold over tape.

I've got a bunch of cupcakes baking
in the oven. I used a Lemon Supreme cake mix.
I did 3 different sizes. The contest did not
say what size you had to use!
So with this many cupcakes and sizes
I can experiment a little :0)
Once baked I'll let them cool on racks
while we go out to Tony's work.
When doing brakes yesterday on the Lexus
we discovered the calipers are locked up
on both sides. We're trying to spray some
PB Blaster down in them and let them sit.
PB Blaster is GREAT for getting bolts free
when rusted on!!

We're trying really hard to get these
calipers working because if not
they run about $82 each!!
And of course no one sells just
the caliper bracket which is all we need,
they sell the whole freaking thing, grrr.
Next we need lug nuts because the ones
from the 20" rims won't work with
the regular rims, another grrr!
I just thought of a funny that actually happened to us.
Went to the auto parts store and asked for lug nuts.
The guy working behind the counter
asked us what a lug nut was!!
He wasn't trying to be funny either and was serious!
Anyway after stopping by his work we might
head to Sears Outlet to see if they are open
and stroll around there to see what they have.
Dear God,
I realize it is New Year's day but do you really
have to test my nerves the first day of the year???
Went to Tony's work.
He was wanting to use a torch to heat
up the calipers and try to work them free.
I was sitting out in the truck while he
was in the shop.
After awhile I decided to get out
of the truck and go inside and check
out how things were going.
I should've stayed in the truck!
I walk through the shop door
and see a torch hose on the cement floor ablaze!!
The hose connector was not tightened all the way
and when Tony was holding it and working
on the second caliper it must of come loose
and caused fire along the hose connection.
He had thrown it to the floor
and was turning the gas to the tank off when I walked in.
I swear he's trying to test my nerves
and good news is, they are still working
and shaking like a leaf!!
He burnt his forearm. Didn't look too
awfully bad but can't tell right away
with black soot on it, ahhhh!
When I first saw his forearm it was blackened.
I gave him a lukewarm towel with water on it
and had him clean it well.
The only thing I found in the first aid
kit in the shop was burn cream so
he applied that soon after.
From there we went over to
Sears Outlet. I will have to say
if you need a major appliance at
a reasonable price, this is the place to go!
Then from there I stopped in Kroger.
Not a good thing to do the first of the month
and especially at Northern Lights Shopping Center,
my least favorite Krogers of all!
But it was in the same shopping center as Sears.
I remembered to bring my camera along
because I wanted to show you a pig's
head at Kroger!
Don't this look yummy???
All the Krogers I've been to recently has
had them for New Years.

Just got supper done and made two
turkey pizzas with homemade pizza dough.
I had the bread machine going when
we were out and about so
the dough would be done when we got home.
Here are my pizzas.
I left one without cheese to show
you the toppings on it.
close up
crust, cranberry jelly, stuffing, turkey & gravy.
Then I topped with cheese after I took the photo.
Here is tonight's supper
Cheesy potatoes topped with
sauerkraut ham roll up and cheesy sauce.

Well here it is.....
My cupcakes I made with Jelly Belly Beans.
Tea Party Cupcakes.
I had my pork & sauerkraut today
so am hoping luck is on my side
with this contest and the beginning of
a new year!
I proved my honey wrong that I could make
these. Everyone here loved them!
I have submitted this to Jelly Belly
and are waiting for it to appear on their site.
My new wireless mouse!

What's on my agenda today?
-make pizza dough in bread machine.
-make 2 turkey pizzas.
(one for freezer, one for tomorrow)
-finish laundry & get put away.
-work on cupcakes
-supper: cheesy potatoes & ham & sauerkraut roll ups.
I have a drawer full of all kinds of chargers,
from phones to mp3 players to jump boxes.
It's kind of hard to tell them apart at first glance.
So I came up with this solution so we didn't
play guess what cord goes to what.
Cut out a strip of paper, fold it in half.
On each side write what and who the
charger goes to. Place the folded paper on one end of a piece of
packing tape twice the length of the paper.
Place cord into the fold of the paper
and fold over tape.
I've got a bunch of cupcakes baking
in the oven. I used a Lemon Supreme cake mix.
I did 3 different sizes. The contest did not
say what size you had to use!
So with this many cupcakes and sizes
I can experiment a little :0)
Once baked I'll let them cool on racks
while we go out to Tony's work.
When doing brakes yesterday on the Lexus
we discovered the calipers are locked up
on both sides. We're trying to spray some
PB Blaster down in them and let them sit.
PB Blaster is GREAT for getting bolts free
when rusted on!!
We're trying really hard to get these
calipers working because if not
they run about $82 each!!
And of course no one sells just
the caliper bracket which is all we need,
they sell the whole freaking thing, grrr.
Next we need lug nuts because the ones
from the 20" rims won't work with
the regular rims, another grrr!
I just thought of a funny that actually happened to us.
Went to the auto parts store and asked for lug nuts.
The guy working behind the counter
asked us what a lug nut was!!
He wasn't trying to be funny either and was serious!
Anyway after stopping by his work we might
head to Sears Outlet to see if they are open
and stroll around there to see what they have.
Dear God,
I realize it is New Year's day but do you really
have to test my nerves the first day of the year???
Went to Tony's work.
He was wanting to use a torch to heat
up the calipers and try to work them free.
I was sitting out in the truck while he
was in the shop.
After awhile I decided to get out
of the truck and go inside and check
out how things were going.
I should've stayed in the truck!
I walk through the shop door
and see a torch hose on the cement floor ablaze!!
The hose connector was not tightened all the way
and when Tony was holding it and working
on the second caliper it must of come loose
and caused fire along the hose connection.
He had thrown it to the floor
and was turning the gas to the tank off when I walked in.
I swear he's trying to test my nerves
and good news is, they are still working
and shaking like a leaf!!
He burnt his forearm. Didn't look too
awfully bad but can't tell right away
with black soot on it, ahhhh!
When I first saw his forearm it was blackened.
I gave him a lukewarm towel with water on it
and had him clean it well.
The only thing I found in the first aid
kit in the shop was burn cream so
he applied that soon after.
Sears Outlet. I will have to say
if you need a major appliance at
a reasonable price, this is the place to go!
Then from there I stopped in Kroger.
Not a good thing to do the first of the month
and especially at Northern Lights Shopping Center,
my least favorite Krogers of all!
But it was in the same shopping center as Sears.
I remembered to bring my camera along
because I wanted to show you a pig's
head at Kroger!
Don't this look yummy???
All the Krogers I've been to recently has
had them for New Years.
Just got supper done and made two
turkey pizzas with homemade pizza dough.
I had the bread machine going when
we were out and about so
the dough would be done when we got home.
Here are my pizzas.
I left one without cheese to show
you the toppings on it.
crust, cranberry jelly, stuffing, turkey & gravy.
Then I topped with cheese after I took the photo.
Cheesy potatoes topped with
sauerkraut ham roll up and cheesy sauce.
Well here it is.....
My cupcakes I made with Jelly Belly Beans.
Tea Party Cupcakes.
I had my pork & sauerkraut today
so am hoping luck is on my side
with this contest and the beginning of
a new year!
I proved my honey wrong that I could make
these. Everyone here loved them!
I have submitted this to Jelly Belly
and are waiting for it to appear on their site.
My new wireless mouse!