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I checked my postings today and it'scoming up really weird. I don'tknow what is causing it because I didn'tdo anything different. It has to be a google
website gliche.12:00pmI am in my, what I call, Spring Weeding mood.No, that doesn't mean cleaning the yard.It means weeding out more crap fromthis house. This morning I started on myhallway linen closet. I went throughand weeded out extra blankets,sheets and pillow cases.This is going into the donation boxfor mom's church. I put any matchingsheet set I kept(flat sheet, pillow cases & fitted sheet)into a matching pillow case.I then started to move all my kitchen pantrythings into the linen closet.Then when I start laundry todayI will be working on bringing up the otherpantry stuff stored in the basement.Another thing I thought about withthe linen closet is that I could puta keyed lock on that door to keepkids out. They have a tendency to snackall hours of the day so by doing this theycan be monitored a little closer with whatthey are eating!
I am considering downsizing mystockpile to getting only thingsthat are food. I can't see stockpilingshampoos, toothpaste and such.It'll take us years to go through itand I don't have the space for it!I am also considering canceling ourSunday newspaper to save money.I'll still get coupons from momand from The Bag and Tony's work.So why not just cut the expense ofthe paper out altogether. That's moneythat could be going towards a doctor bill.If we really want a paper for the ads we cango down to the gas station and get one.3:15PMJust returned from dropping offsome donations then went to Micro Center.We've been watching for laptop cooler fansto go on sale. An average price for themis around $20, even at Big Lots.Laptops tend to overheat so gettinga fan is highly recommended.We got 2 coolers. One was $20 on salefor $6.99. I also found one that wasregularly $30 marked down to $6.96.They run off a usb port and pluginto your computer. It comes with theusb wire.
We also stopped in Kroger to getsome pop, milk and bread.I've waited all week to see ifmom could get bread at the seniorcenter and they didn't have anyso had to go buy some.I still found some in the markeddown area at Kroger..49 cents for regular and .80cents for whole wheat multigrain.We also picked up a 10lb bag ofbird seed for $2.50.Plan to put the bird feeder back onthe shepherd's hook in front ofour living room window.Had another bird fly into the windowagain this morning. I think thisis the 4-5th time in the last couple weeks.
Inspirational photos of faux walls.
I've been experimenting
and testing Blonde SW paint samples on the wall
with the paint sample I got yesterday.
I even mixed up some of the paint
sample with some Dover White SW paint
to lighten it since I thought the color
was too dark for our living room.
Top color-mixed with dover white.
Left color applied over previous paint.
Right color applied over primed area.
While I like the lighter color and painted
different splotches around the room,
it didn't seem to work with the other
colors I have in the room.
Then it finally dawned on me as to why
it didn't fit, it has green undertones
and my living room is done in warm colors
so it makes it clash.
Green is on the cooler side of
the color wheel.
The color in the picture
is not true colors.
My camera won't capture the actual colors
for some reason.

I'm at a loss at the moment as to what
paint color to use. Tony thinks I should just
browse the mis-tinted paints at places like
Lowes, Home Depot & Walmart to see
if I can find something I like.
Plus if we go with the possible hardwood
floors that are underneath our carpet
we'd want a color that would compliment
them as well.
Here's a photo of what the hard wood floors
should look like that we have.
This is another same type of house on our street.
Here's some more colors I'm looking at
along with a faux painting technique.
Believe me, I wish picking a paint
was easy and over with!!
ANTIQUE WHITE Sherwin Williams
Faux painting using rollers.
I stripped down our bed and took
the steam mop to the mattress, comforters
and about 6 pillows to freshen them
up and sanitize everything.
I plan to have Tony help me flip
and rotate the mattress this weekend
and possibly move the bed to another
wall in the bedroom.
Supper tonight-
Chicken & Noodles.

I gave mom a 10 pound bag of chicken
and she cooked this up with some
of that chicken and gave me
half of it. Oh goodie, I don't have to cook
tonight. I did start preparing for
tomorrow's supper though.
I got pollock fish marinating.

4 Pollock fish fillets- $1.25
(not shown, I threw in a 5th fillet out of
another packet so I'd have extra for
Tony's lunch)
about 1/3 cup Italian dressing- .25 cents
dabs of butter .05 cents
Mrs. Dash seasoning .05 cents
Broccoli & cauliflower- .99 cents
with cheesy white sauce
-velveeta cheese .25 cents
-butter- .05 cents
Packet of Spanish rice- .99 cents
maybe throw in some
bell pepper- free
Total cost for meal: $3.88
serves 5 @ .77 cents a serving
With mom having a limited income
now I've been kinda showing her
how I buy food on a limited budget.
I know pretty much all the grocery
stores in our area and know where
all the mark downs are in each
of those stores. They are not easy
to spot at times so are currently
showing mom where to look in each
store as they all are different.
She's says I've been a big help
and she wasn't aware of all
these bargains.
And another thing I've noticed is
that same stores within a 5 mile radius
sometimes don't have the same prices
so compare prices at each store.
Sales prices advertised in the flier
are usually the same though.
For example:
Summer sausage at Karl Kroger -$1.00
Summer sausage at Henderson Kroger -$1.99
Pistachios at Karl Kroger - $2.99
Pistachios at Henderson Kroger -$3.99
This week at Kroger I told her
it was cheaper to buy two half
gallons of milk ($1.25 each)
compared to buying a whole gallon
at $2.70-$2.80 (I can't remember).
And I can tell others don't know
how to shop for the cheaper milk
considering the gallon milk
had more containers gone
and the half gallons were still stocked.
I've been trying to get up the courage
to ask Henderson Rd. Kroger
what they do with their outdated
produce and bread.
I know some people that go around
to each store and get the produce
and breads for free that would
have otherwise been thrown out.
But what I don't know is if they
only give it to organizations
or churches and places like that.
For snacks I've been getting the kids
Kroger lite yogurt.
They keep wanting this more
expensive brand of yogurt
that comes with cookie crumbles
or candy topping which costs
about .70 cents each.
I got the Kroger vanilla lite yogurt this week
which is on sale 3 for $1.00
and a cheap package of sandwich
cookies for $1.80.
Now when they want that specialty
yogurt I get out the el cheapo yogurt
and crush one el cheapo cookie in it!
Cool deal, I just got notice that I will
be getting some free, high quality frozen
food (meat) in the mail soon to try for
one of my surveys!! I can't say
what it is due to their privacy policy.
Free food, heck yeah, bring it on!
We really need some warmer, less
rainy or snowy weather. Being
cooped up inside makes me think too
much, lol. I look around the house
thinking about things I could do
to improve it or make it more practical for us.
Now I've been thinking about taking
my one linen closet in the hallway and
turning it into the pantry, clearing
up some space in the basement!
Plus it would be more convenient instead
of going to the basement.
For some reason this house has
two linen closets so it wouldn't
be like I would be without one.
I could take the extra blankets
in the hallway closet and put them
on the shelves of the boys bedroom closets.
For those that need extra pantry space,
but don't have an extra linen closet like I do,
you could consider turning a coat closet
into a pantry by adding shelves.
Store everyone's coats in their bedroom
closet or use a hanging or peg type
coat rack on the wall.
Turn a coat closet into a pantry
from Apartment Therapy.
Another good idea shown below is
using a clear shoe holder on the
door for even more food storage.
This weekend, starting March 12th,
the Twin Drive-In outdoor Flea Market opens!!
Yeah!! I'm thinking that's kind of early for it.
I thought it opened up in April.
It's supposed to be 51 degrees Saturday
so we might take another trip down
South to the flea market.
Finally got our mattress flipped, rotated
and steamed.
For those of you who have trouble finding
deep pocket or fitted sheets for your mattress
try finding a flat sheet the next size up
from your mattress. Lay it over top of
your mattress and just tuck the
excess on the sides underneath.
This is what I have to do to our bed
since it has a double sided
mattress topper.
Gas is now $3.59 a gallon.
Honey Beige-Behr (right)
maybe done in a lighter color 
Here's a cute game for kids to play,
Spongebob Bowling.
It says to click on the slider bar,
that means right click your mouse
where you want the clam to stop.
Well I just put in my online order
for two free digital adapters
from Wow!.
I guess these will be required to
view cable channels.
It costs an additional $1.99
a month to rent any more than that
which sucks!
Here is my brother-in-law and soon
to be sister-in-law.
They sent out this picture
with their wedding invitation.
I've been thinking about making
some wall decorations
with fabric and boxes.
Just something to give the walls
a splash of color.Pictures are so expensive in the stores,
even at thrift stores, so figured
why not make your own masterpieces
for cheap. You could use old picture
frames or even a simple cardboard box.
Cover with fabric and hot glue
it to the backside.
Peeled and diced carrots.
Just now starting to blanche
them all. Thank goodness for
my slicer because I couldn't of
imagined cutting 5 pounds by hand.
I am reusing my veggie broth from
yesterday along with some more
water added to the pan.

I've been a chopping fool, lol.
I chopped up, blanched and packaged
a bag of celery, a 3 pound bag of onions,
along with a few other misc items
like garlic and leftover chicken chili.
I had to upgrade my pot to
a larger one to make the process
go faster plus I was able to have
more veggie broth.
That is currently cooling
then will be put into empty,
plastic peanut butter jars
and will go in the freezer as well.
I already have 25-30 ears
of corn in the freezer from
where they went on sale
for .10 cents or less an ear!

So my tips for cutting down
on your food bill is to buy
produce when it is in season
as it will be cheaper, buy
produce that is marked down,
grow a garden.
And when you have an over
abundance of produce that
you know you can not eat within
a couple days to a week then
either freeze, dehydrate or can it to preserve
it longer, for up to a year or more
depending upon the process you use.
And now's the time to start
stocking up your freezer.
With gas prices rising it
will eventually cause the food
prices to rise again.
Plus with all the frost and freezes
they've had down South will
also drive up the prices of food.
Even if the cost of meat rises
and you cannot afford as much of it,
at least you will be stocked up
with vegetables which is more
important than any meat
and is loaded with vitamins
to get you by each day!
When it comes to growing
a garden, visit your garden center
near the end of Fall for marked down
plants! Some plants might take
awhile to mature and produce
so get them in asap
so you can reap the benefits
in the near future.
I have blackberries, raspberries,
grapes, strawberries and pears
that I have planted that were
$1.50 to $5.00 a plant marked down.
Well I am off here for now.
It's about nap time and I could
really use one right about now!
My back and hands are aching
so time to give them a rest
from being in the kitchen.
Sometimes surveys are long and
boring. And don't you hate it
when you get half way through one
only to find out you don't qualify.
That happens so many times.
I finally got through a survey today.
Now up to $95.20!
Slowly getting up there.
I think for supper tonight
we will have tuna melts
made on the George Foreman
and some mac and cheese on the side.
Something simple.
I need to work on tidying the house
this week. My friend from high school
finally made it to town from
Germany so will likely visit
in the near future.
Got my veggie broth poured
into bottles. I ended up with 4 of
them. This should make some great
soups. It sure smelled good
when I was blanching the veggies.
Tonight's supper- Tuna Melts
with mac & cheese.
I realized when I started making
them that I was out of mayo
so used fat free ranch dressing instead.
This would have been
good with some lettuce and
a tomato slice, something I don't have.

Woo hoo, I finally hit the
$100 mark on doing surveys!