Smartsource is offering
a printable coupon for .55 cents of
2 dozen eggs. $1.10 off if your store doubles coupons!
I found it on page 2.
Free sample of Seattle's Best Coffee.
Takes 4-6 weeks to arrive.
Well it's 8:25am and I need to get my butt in gear.
Me and mom's going out shopping today.
Hitting the thrift stores, Meijers and possibly Big Lots.
I'm hoping today will be the last day of Christmas
shopping (other than buying 2 gerbils)
so that we can start wrapping gifts Thursday & Friday.
Kids are out of school today so Tony's staying
home with them.
Yesterday I did go back to Sears and got that
$20 tool set. I couldn't haggle them because
it was a different Sears we went to.
We shopped around for a cheaper set
and one couldn't be found.
Do you know during this shopping season
I have accumulated 4 more of those stupid plastic
cards to hang from my key chain.
I now have Pep Boys, Kmart, Gamestop & Sears.
I can add it to my collection of
Speedway, Kroger, Giant Eagle, CVS, & Big Lots.
I'm waiting for Walmart or Meijers to
come out with one next.
Everywhere ya go it seems you need these
cards to save money. Why not do it the old fashioned way
and just give us the darn sales price without any cards!
Finally done shopping for the day.
I stopped in to pick the car title up
and let's just say I spent 30 minutes to
an hour in there with about 4 people, all dudes,
all sly little shits that I didn't back down from.
I'm known around there as the Lexus Lady.
At first one guy tried walking the title directly out
to me when I pulled up, LMAO
I said ohhh no, I'm going inside.
I know they didn't want me inside because
they risk the chance of any potential customers
coming in and hearing what I had to say.
And believe me I spoke my mind!!
One older gentleman had walked in, interested in a car,
when I was getting
ready to leave. I wanted to so badly to pull him aside
and tell him, RUN FORREST RUN!!
That $265 I owed for the remaining balance on the car
is now back in my purse! The owner decided to give it back to me for all the crap I have been unhappy with.
(should've been more if ya ask me)
And I still have the original receipt that he never took
back when he did that so he can't say that I never paid it
even though he gave it back to me.
And on this receipt I have a written statement that
within the next two weeks I will have the other cluster
panel to the car. ALWAYS get things in writing.
I should have done this to begin with.
And that's about all I am saying about this
whole freaking story because the adrenaline was a flowin'
and I am now exhausted from it all and I know my
blood pressure is up because my face, nose and
ears feel really hot!
Ok, putting all that BS aside I wanted to tell you
about some deals I found today.
I took the one train set I got for Christopher
back to Meijer. I actually found the one train
set I had been looking for. They had three different
kinds and I had been to two other Meijers looking
for that one kind of train. I bought it for $40
used the Meijer employee discount for $4.00 off
then use the coupon from Tuesdays ads for
$6.00 off and got that $50 regular priced train
set for $30.
I hadn't really had mom a gift for Christmas and
didn't know what to get her. I've heard her
say many times she wish she had one of those
steam mops. I priced them for about $75 and knew
I couldn't afford to spend that much. So I pretty much
had crossed that idea off my list.
Even used one on Craigslist are going for
$50 for the cheapest Shark Mops!
Today I walked in the thrift store and low and behold
is a Shark Steam Mop for $8.98!!
Now that's a price I can afford. It didn't have pads
with it but that didn't worry me as I could make some.
Anyway, I had to try to hide this thing in my cart
to keep mom from seeing it while shopping in the
same store. So I went over and pulled some bath towels
off the rack to cover it up. And low and behold, the
two bath towels I grabbed off the rack, not paying any
attention at the time of grabbing them as I just
wanted something to cover the mop with,
was Jeff Gordon towels!! Yupper I bought them
also for my honey who loves Jeff Gordon.
They were $1.99 each and don't look like
they've ever been used!
It was like things were just falling into my hands
today unexpectedly!
It doesn't look too hard to make your own
pads for one of these steam mops.
Get some towels or microfiber cloths
(found at Dollar Tree),
cut to size, sew edges &
and sew velcro onto them.
To buy the pads from Walmart
would cost $20 to $30 for two pads!!
Another one of my BESTEST DEALS
and it works like a charm!
I tried it out on my kitchen floor
and took about 5 minutes to
clean the entire area!
My other good deal I found was
3 packs of gloves for the boys for $2.00 at Big Lots.
I got two packs for a total of 6 pairs.
I really wanted the waterproof ones but
they were like $8.00 for one pair.
Since those cheapie gloves aren't as warm,
I have some gloves that are similar to the ones
I just bought but they are missing their mates.
I was thinking about having the kids
double up the gloves and put the mismatched
ones inside the new ones.
This eve I saw that I had some leftover
spiced gum drops from making the snowman pretzels.
These are Kroger brand and only cost
a buck a bag. I can't let nothing go
to waste so I started chopping up each gum drop
into 4 pieces. Actually I used scissors
and dipped the scissors in water to keep from sticking
to the candy. Then put the candy in a bowl of
powdered sugar to keep them from all sticking together.
I'll use one of those Krusteaz sugar cookie mixes
and make according to directions on package
and then stir in a bunch of the spiced gum drops.
These will go in the goody bags and I'll label
them Sugar & Spice Cookies.
It's just an idea I came up with and haven't made
Tony took his scrap copper and brass in today.
He had two 5 gallon buckets plus misc. pieces.
Boy those prices sure skyrocketed!!
This is the highest I've seen it.
I see more copper thefts in the near future
because of it. I already saw on the news where
someone stole the copper wire from the power
poles causing power outages.
When scrapping any metal now they
take down your license plate, vehicle
description, license info and a thumb print.
Copper#1 $2.70 lb.
Copper#2 $2.55 lb.
Brass $1.20 lb.
Just got done making a batch of
Sugar & Spice Cookies.
I will put these in the freezer.
Microwave Peanut Brittle


I read many of the reviews on this recipe
and here's what others had suggested.
Refrigerating the dough before hand
makes for a much more rounded mound
of a cookie. It is recommended that you mix
the extracts with the condensed milk
before mixing the milk with the coconut to
get a more even flavor.
You can dip bottoms in chocolate
or drizzle chocolate over top.
You can replace 1/2 teaspoon of the vanilla
with almond extract.
a printable coupon for .55 cents of
2 dozen eggs. $1.10 off if your store doubles coupons!
I found it on page 2.
Free sample of Seattle's Best Coffee.
Takes 4-6 weeks to arrive.
Well it's 8:25am and I need to get my butt in gear.
Me and mom's going out shopping today.
Hitting the thrift stores, Meijers and possibly Big Lots.
I'm hoping today will be the last day of Christmas
shopping (other than buying 2 gerbils)
so that we can start wrapping gifts Thursday & Friday.
Kids are out of school today so Tony's staying
home with them.
Yesterday I did go back to Sears and got that
$20 tool set. I couldn't haggle them because
it was a different Sears we went to.
We shopped around for a cheaper set
and one couldn't be found.
Do you know during this shopping season
I have accumulated 4 more of those stupid plastic
cards to hang from my key chain.
I now have Pep Boys, Kmart, Gamestop & Sears.
I can add it to my collection of
Speedway, Kroger, Giant Eagle, CVS, & Big Lots.
I'm waiting for Walmart or Meijers to
come out with one next.
Everywhere ya go it seems you need these
cards to save money. Why not do it the old fashioned way
and just give us the darn sales price without any cards!
Finally done shopping for the day.
I stopped in to pick the car title up
and let's just say I spent 30 minutes to
an hour in there with about 4 people, all dudes,
all sly little shits that I didn't back down from.
I'm known around there as the Lexus Lady.
At first one guy tried walking the title directly out
to me when I pulled up, LMAO
I said ohhh no, I'm going inside.
I know they didn't want me inside because
they risk the chance of any potential customers
coming in and hearing what I had to say.
And believe me I spoke my mind!!
One older gentleman had walked in, interested in a car,
when I was getting
ready to leave. I wanted to so badly to pull him aside
and tell him, RUN FORREST RUN!!
That $265 I owed for the remaining balance on the car
is now back in my purse! The owner decided to give it back to me for all the crap I have been unhappy with.
(should've been more if ya ask me)
And I still have the original receipt that he never took
back when he did that so he can't say that I never paid it
even though he gave it back to me.
And on this receipt I have a written statement that
within the next two weeks I will have the other cluster
panel to the car. ALWAYS get things in writing.
I should have done this to begin with.
And that's about all I am saying about this
whole freaking story because the adrenaline was a flowin'
and I am now exhausted from it all and I know my
blood pressure is up because my face, nose and
ears feel really hot!
Ok, putting all that BS aside I wanted to tell you
about some deals I found today.
I took the one train set I got for Christopher
back to Meijer. I actually found the one train
set I had been looking for. They had three different
kinds and I had been to two other Meijers looking
for that one kind of train. I bought it for $40
used the Meijer employee discount for $4.00 off
then use the coupon from Tuesdays ads for
$6.00 off and got that $50 regular priced train
set for $30.
I hadn't really had mom a gift for Christmas and
didn't know what to get her. I've heard her
say many times she wish she had one of those
steam mops. I priced them for about $75 and knew
I couldn't afford to spend that much. So I pretty much
had crossed that idea off my list.
Even used one on Craigslist are going for
$50 for the cheapest Shark Mops!
Today I walked in the thrift store and low and behold
is a Shark Steam Mop for $8.98!!
Now that's a price I can afford. It didn't have pads
with it but that didn't worry me as I could make some.
Anyway, I had to try to hide this thing in my cart
to keep mom from seeing it while shopping in the
same store. So I went over and pulled some bath towels
off the rack to cover it up. And low and behold, the
two bath towels I grabbed off the rack, not paying any
attention at the time of grabbing them as I just
wanted something to cover the mop with,
was Jeff Gordon towels!! Yupper I bought them
also for my honey who loves Jeff Gordon.
They were $1.99 each and don't look like
they've ever been used!
It was like things were just falling into my hands
today unexpectedly!
It doesn't look too hard to make your own
pads for one of these steam mops.
Get some towels or microfiber cloths
(found at Dollar Tree),
cut to size, sew edges &
and sew velcro onto them.
To buy the pads from Walmart
would cost $20 to $30 for two pads!!
and it works like a charm!
I tried it out on my kitchen floor
and took about 5 minutes to
clean the entire area!
My other good deal I found was
3 packs of gloves for the boys for $2.00 at Big Lots.
I got two packs for a total of 6 pairs.
I really wanted the waterproof ones but
they were like $8.00 for one pair.
Since those cheapie gloves aren't as warm,
I have some gloves that are similar to the ones
I just bought but they are missing their mates.
I was thinking about having the kids
double up the gloves and put the mismatched
ones inside the new ones.
This eve I saw that I had some leftover
spiced gum drops from making the snowman pretzels.
These are Kroger brand and only cost
a buck a bag. I can't let nothing go
to waste so I started chopping up each gum drop
into 4 pieces. Actually I used scissors
and dipped the scissors in water to keep from sticking
to the candy. Then put the candy in a bowl of
powdered sugar to keep them from all sticking together.
I'll use one of those Krusteaz sugar cookie mixes
and make according to directions on package
and then stir in a bunch of the spiced gum drops.
These will go in the goody bags and I'll label
them Sugar & Spice Cookies.
It's just an idea I came up with and haven't made
Tony took his scrap copper and brass in today.
He had two 5 gallon buckets plus misc. pieces.
Boy those prices sure skyrocketed!!
This is the highest I've seen it.
I see more copper thefts in the near future
because of it. I already saw on the news where
someone stole the copper wire from the power
poles causing power outages.
When scrapping any metal now they
take down your license plate, vehicle
description, license info and a thumb print.
Copper#1 $2.70 lb.
Copper#2 $2.55 lb.
Brass $1.20 lb.
Just got done making a batch of
Sugar & Spice Cookies.
Microwave Peanut Brittle
Coconut Macaroons
- 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 5 1/2 cups flaked coconut
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
- In a large bowl, stir together the flour, coconut and salt. Stir in the sweetened condensed milk and vanilla using your hands until well blended. Use an ice cream scoop to drop dough onto the prepared cookie sheets. Cookies should be about golf ball size.
- Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until coconut is toasted
- makes 12-18 cookies.
and here's what others had suggested.
Refrigerating the dough before hand
makes for a much more rounded mound
of a cookie. It is recommended that you mix
the extracts with the condensed milk
before mixing the milk with the coconut to
get a more even flavor.
You can dip bottoms in chocolate
or drizzle chocolate over top.
You can replace 1/2 teaspoon of the vanilla
with almond extract.