Today I have to play catch up.
I felt as though I was in slow motion yesterday,
had a headache and felt very tired and even
took a nap.
I didn't get my laundry done so guess what I get
to do today?
I also told the kids they could help
me make peanut butter cookie blossoms.
Still need to tie up a few gift bags and get those
delivered to neighbors in the near future.
Might also make Samoa cookies. Will cheat with
those though as I bought Nilla Wafers for the cookie
base and will make the coconut caramel topping
and chocolate to put on them. I usually like to buy the
fudge stripe cookies to put it on but when looking at
prices, this was the cheapest route for me.
Yesterday evening we went out on an emergency
call at Tony's work. There was an outside faucet that
was spraying everywhere. It was a mess. Water was everywhere and draining into the street causing lots of slush and ice. We threw down a bunch of salt so now I need
to wash gloves today. That stuff can eat at your clothes if
left on there. Then we had a hot water tank go out.
Got home around 7:30pm and ate supper.
As of today, no more pager for about another month!
Tony got about 10 hours or so overtime since Friday
evening. But if we get a couple snow storms this week
like they say on the news then the guys are required to go
into work early (minus the holiday) to help plow, salt and clear the walks.
Well it's almost 8am so need to go down and
start laundry and get that out of the way.
Oh, before I forget, here is the actual bike I am giving away
to a little girl in need of a Christmas gift.
Got 45 Peanut Blossoms made.
I rolled the top half of dough into
a red and green sugar before baking.
These will go in remaining gift bags,
Santa's cookie tray and for Christmas dinner.
Tidying up the house in between loads of
laundry. I found a candle and started to scrape
some of it's wax into an electric potpourri dish.
I wanted the house to smell good.
It's a good thing I got this large candle at
a yard sale for .50 cents because I'd of been mighty
pissed to have paid even a couple dollars for it
in a store. This is the first time I've run across
a company cutting back on their scented candles!
What I discovered was that they put plain wax
in the middle of the candle and only put the scented
wax around the sides and on top.
If you used this candle like regular and lit
it you probably would have never known what they did
since the wax would all melt together.
So I thought I would put a bug in your
ear when purchasing large candle jars
called Candle-Lite for about $10
to remember this.

Woo Hoo! My honey just called
and told me that work is giving them
an extra 2 days off for the holidays!
He'll work 4 days this week
(Friday off for Christmas)
and only 2 days next week.
(Wed & Thurs. - 2 extra days
& Friday for New Years Day).
I gave myself a makeover with my
free hair color.

I forgot to tell ya my brother got a deer
this past weekend. He's on crutches
after knee surgery and is out hunting!
Anyway me and mom's going half on the
processing so it's good to know there
will be some meat in the freezer.
I'm guessing that my half will be around $40
as it was a doe and not a buck.
Only a guess though from past deers.
We do our deer burger with sausage mixed in.
He's still going to try and get another deer
for us. We each wanted one if possible.
His family doesn't like deer so that
how we end up with venison.
It's allot healthier for ya than any meat
you buy in the stores!
Printable coupon for
$1.00 off Coke 14, 16 or 20 ounce coke.
Use 2 at Speedway when they have the
2 for $2.22 specials
and pay .22 cents plus tax.
Or if you can find the .99 cent bottles
this would make for some free bottles!
from hip2save
click on the “Oomph” tab and send your friend an Oomph Intervention to score a FREE Pack of the New Stride Spark Gum!
Today I have to play catch up.
I felt as though I was in slow motion yesterday,
had a headache and felt very tired and even
took a nap.
I didn't get my laundry done so guess what I get
to do today?
I also told the kids they could help
me make peanut butter cookie blossoms.
Still need to tie up a few gift bags and get those
delivered to neighbors in the near future.
Might also make Samoa cookies. Will cheat with
those though as I bought Nilla Wafers for the cookie
base and will make the coconut caramel topping
and chocolate to put on them. I usually like to buy the
fudge stripe cookies to put it on but when looking at
prices, this was the cheapest route for me.
Yesterday evening we went out on an emergency
call at Tony's work. There was an outside faucet that
was spraying everywhere. It was a mess. Water was everywhere and draining into the street causing lots of slush and ice. We threw down a bunch of salt so now I need
to wash gloves today. That stuff can eat at your clothes if
left on there. Then we had a hot water tank go out.
Got home around 7:30pm and ate supper.
As of today, no more pager for about another month!
Tony got about 10 hours or so overtime since Friday
evening. But if we get a couple snow storms this week
like they say on the news then the guys are required to go
into work early (minus the holiday) to help plow, salt and clear the walks.
Well it's almost 8am so need to go down and
start laundry and get that out of the way.
Oh, before I forget, here is the actual bike I am giving away
to a little girl in need of a Christmas gift.
Got 45 Peanut Blossoms made.
I rolled the top half of dough into
a red and green sugar before baking.
These will go in remaining gift bags,
Santa's cookie tray and for Christmas dinner.
Tidying up the house in between loads of
laundry. I found a candle and started to scrape
some of it's wax into an electric potpourri dish.
I wanted the house to smell good.
It's a good thing I got this large candle at
a yard sale for .50 cents because I'd of been mighty
pissed to have paid even a couple dollars for it
in a store. This is the first time I've run across
a company cutting back on their scented candles!
What I discovered was that they put plain wax
in the middle of the candle and only put the scented
wax around the sides and on top.
If you used this candle like regular and lit
it you probably would have never known what they did
since the wax would all melt together.
So I thought I would put a bug in your
ear when purchasing large candle jars
called Candle-Lite for about $10
to remember this.
Woo Hoo! My honey just called
and told me that work is giving them
an extra 2 days off for the holidays!
He'll work 4 days this week
(Friday off for Christmas)
and only 2 days next week.
(Wed & Thurs. - 2 extra days
& Friday for New Years Day).
I gave myself a makeover with my
free hair color.
I forgot to tell ya my brother got a deer
this past weekend. He's on crutches
after knee surgery and is out hunting!
Anyway me and mom's going half on the
processing so it's good to know there
will be some meat in the freezer.
I'm guessing that my half will be around $40
as it was a doe and not a buck.
Only a guess though from past deers.
We do our deer burger with sausage mixed in.
He's still going to try and get another deer
for us. We each wanted one if possible.
His family doesn't like deer so that
how we end up with venison.
It's allot healthier for ya than any meat
you buy in the stores!
Printable coupon for
$1.00 off Coke 14, 16 or 20 ounce coke.
Use 2 at Speedway when they have the
2 for $2.22 specials
and pay .22 cents plus tax.
Or if you can find the .99 cent bottles
this would make for some free bottles!
from hip2save
click on the “Oomph” tab and send your friend an Oomph Intervention to score a FREE Pack of the New Stride Spark Gum!