NatureMade Fish Oil 100 count
Buy 1 Get 1 Free $8.99
All You has $2.00 coupon on last page of magazine.
Use 2 coupons if you can find 2 magazines.
Makes it $5.99 for a total of 200 count or $3.00 each.
$3.00 off Zarbee's Cough Syrup coupon.
Watch Walgreens ads for it to possibly go on sale again.
The last time they had a sale it made it free and I got 2 of them!
Breakfast this morning.
I made up a pkg of strawberry muffin mix.
It made 5 muffins. I then took
a couple tablespoons of sliced strawberries
in a little juice and added a couple tablespoons
cream cheese frosting and poured over top the warm muffins.
The clock's ticking down. Today is the last
day of any baking I have to do for my cookie bags.
Tomorrow is the last day of school before Winter break
and a couple guys at Tony's work are going on vacation
next week. So need to get those gift bags done today!!
Then between today and tomorrow I have to wrap up
ALL Christmas gifts or else I don't know when I would
get it done with the kids out of school next week.
For years we've been doing it Christmas eve.
I don't have the energy to keep doing that and
be able to stay up half the night.
The boys are loving their new hats and gloves.
They couldn't wait to go outside and try them out.
It gets pretty darn cold standing out at the
bus stop when it gets in the single digits or below
and then add in the wind chill, BRRR!
Luckily the bus has been coming on time
or a few minutes early.
It's starting to flurry this morning.
I think we're supposed to get 1 inch of snow today.
Further South could get up to 4 or so.
Oh have I got a news story for ya.
Remember the apartment that we recently went
into that was an eviction at Tony's work?
Now check out this news story found on channel 10.
I'm sure we've all heard this story on the news recently.
Man Shot Outside Dublin Business; Woman In Custody
Police: Called-Off Engagement Led To Shooting
Police ID Woman Arrested for Shooting Man in Dublin
Well this is the couple who lived in that apartment.
This took place after they moved out due to the
eviction though.
How did I find out?
My hubby told me Fox 28 was out yesterday
at the apartment complex trying to locate someone
to talk to
only knowing their last known address.
But they had been evicted a month earlier so
no longer lived there.
So I did a people search on her name to see
if I could locate an address. And sure
enough it came back to that exact apartment!
How crazy is that???!!!
They had to of been evicted around the week
of November 14th and this happened
December 14th.
Got all the rice krispie bark broken up,
put in zip bags and divided among all the gift bags.
Just made up about 60 peanut butter cookies.
I sometimes make up recipes as I go.
I knew I wanted to make peanut butter
cookies and I also wanted to make fudge
today. So why not combine the two?
So here's my recipe:
Peanut Butter Fudge Cups
In a large microwavable bowl
add a package of chocolate chips.
Microwave a minute or so until chips
are melted. You may have to stir every 30 seconds.
Remove from microwave and stir in a
tub of fudge frosting. Stir to mix well.
Place in fridge while you make the cookies.
I made a Krusteaz peanut butter cookie mix
according to package directions.
I then sprayed mini muffin pans with
cooking spray.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Then spoon 1/2 tablespoon cookie dough
into each muffin cup and press down with fingers.
Bake 7-9 minutes.
Remove from oven and immediately
press indentation into center of cookie
while still warm. I found that an old, empty
and small prescription bottle fit well into those cups.
Allow to sit 1-2 minutes
then flip pan over and slightly bang on counter
to remove cookies.
Place on wired rack to cool.
Remove fudge from fridge.
You should be able to roll in palm
without sticking too much.
If it does slightly wet hands.
Spoon 3/4 teaspoonfuls of fudge into
your palm and roll into a ball.
Press fudge ball into the center of the
cookie cups. Dip tops into chopped peanuts.
Makes about 60 mini peanut butter fudge cups.
Here is an antique table hubby brought home
yesterday that was left behind in an apartment.
My mom & step-dad will get this for Christmas.
It is solid wood. Has 3 drawers on the front
and compartments on each side with
hinged lids. It has a stamp on the underside
of one of the drawers but I can't read what it
but ruled that out. Then thought it was a
telephone table but that didn't explain the side compartments.
Then I said maybe it's a side table where a woman could keep her knitting in those side compartments.
I was trying to do some research and my last guess was right!
It IS a Martha Washington sewing table.
Made from solid mahogany wood.
From the 1930's?
This type cabinet is commonly called a Martha Washington sewing cabinet. Her original sewing cabinet had an open space in the middle with no drawers. This is a Depression era reproduction of a table made in 1815. Martha Washington died in 1802.
.------------------------------------------------Oooh oooh I wanted to tell you what we saw at
Kroger yesterday. You're never gonna believe this!!
5 isle displays with Reeses EASTER candy in it!!
Easter is April 24th.
OVER 4 months away!!!
Made another batch of the
peanut butter fudge cups
and a batch of sugar and spice gum drop cookies.
Not sure if anyone knew but we have quintuplets
in our family!! It's on my dad's side of the family.
I cannot imagine having 5 babies at once!
I don't think sleep would be possible.
Got the gift bags done and loaded
up in a laundry basket for my hubby to take to work.
Isn't it just like a husband to tell you things last minute.
He tells me tonight he needs a gift for a gift exchange tomorrow! AHHHHHH!
I rounded up three smelly candles I bought
last year on clearance and put in a gift bag.
Total cost .75 cents!
Also got his boss' kid's gift wrapped up.
We exchange gifts between our kids and the boss' kid.
I snatched up 4 beaded and 3 ribbon pony tail
holders, 2 sparkly headbands and a package of
4 cupcake lip gloss last Christmas when stuff was marked
down 75% off! I put all her stuff in a small
Diesel brand purse that I found recently.
So this whole gift probably cost me a couple dollars at the most!
and start to get my house put back together!
I'm so tired and my back and head hurts.
It's a no wonder people drink and celebrate
on New Year's eve, Christmas is finally over with by then!!
I'm not a drinker but one sounds good right
about now!
Cutting back on electric and lowering your
electric bill. This is not something you
do every once in awhile, it has to be
done all the time to see a difference!
So get in the habit!
Our electric bill runs about $75 a month.
I am not on a budget for electric or gas!
-Turn off those Christmas lights when going to bed!
I don't think there are many people out at 2am
looking at Christmas lights!
-Flourescent bulbs.
-I have three bulbs in my ceiling fan and
only use one. This puts out enough light
to light up our dining and living room.
-I constantly go around and turn off things
like tv's or lights left on in the kids bedrooms.
-Set tv on a timer to shut off if you watch it when going
to bed.
-smaller refrigerator. We would love to have a larger
one but have been doing ok with a small fridge.
It doesn't run as much as a larger one.
-Keep freezers full so it won't have to run as much.
Put gallons of water in it to freeze if you don't
have enough food to fill it up.
-phantom power: Any appliance or electronic device
that uses a remote control or has a clock
uses electric when turned off.
Things like coffee makers, microwaves, tvs, stereos,
game systems, dvd/vhs/dvr players and so on. Plug all these
things into a power strip and turn everything
completely off when not in use.
-I set my air conditioner on 75 degrees.
and my heat on 72 degrees.
When at work turn down the temperature in the Winter
when not at home. Same in the Summer time for AC.
The more you lower it in the winter the more you save.
Same with Summer. 1-3 degrees will make a
difference in your bill.
Wear sweaters if need be if you are chilled
instead of turning up the thermostat.
I like to turn on the electric blanket for
about a half hour then turn it off when getting
ready to go to sleep. It stays warm under the covers
for awhile.
-instead of using a dryer during the warmer weather
I hang clothes outside on the line.
-wash laundry in warm or cold water instead of hot.
-change furnace filter often.
-do not place tvs or other electronics that produce
heat near the thermostat.
-do full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
I try to run them in the evening hours and not
peak hours during the day when possible.
-I run the ceiling fan 24-7.
It helps to circulate warm or cool air
and puts less stress on your furnace or ac.
-Use microwaves or crock pots more often
for cooking rather than using your stove or oven.
-wrap your water heater in the Winter.
Turn it down a couple degrees.
-When using an electric stove top,
turn off the burner a couple minutes before
your food is done. It will still have heat
and continue to cook your food.
Do the same with your oven.
Use the correct pan size on burners.
Keep burner pans clean so they can reflect
heat better.
-do not use the heat cycle on the dishwasher
to dry your dishes.
-defrost your freezer or it will use more energy
with ice build up.
-keep lint screen to dryer clean.
Check exhaust outside to see that there
is no lint build up.
-use motion detector lights for outside lights
instead of keeping them on all night.
-clean light fixtures to make for a more
brighter light. Bulbs can collect dust
and so can those globes on the ceiling.
-In the Winter open your blinds/curtains
on sunny days. The sun can heat your home a couple degrees and also reduces the use for lights to be turned on.
Close at night to hold heat in.
-turn your printer off when not in use.
Use the sleep mode on your computer when not in use.
-clean coils on refrigerator at least
twice a year.
-buy energy efficient appliances when possible.
-install a hot water heater timer.
Free notebook laptop from Google Chrome!!
Apply to beta test Google's new Chrome OS and get a free laptop.
If you are accepted the computer is yours to keep
after the beta testing.
You are not allowed to resell this computer
if you are selected and must use this computer
while testing.
More information about ChromeOS
This is from google:
The Chrome operating system is a work in progress. We’re looking for the right users to try it out and tell us how we can make it better.
Each participant in the Pilot program will receive a Cr-48 Chrome notebook; in return, we'll expect you to use it regularly and send us detailed feedback.
Sound interesting? Please note:
Chrome OS is for people who live on the web.
It runs web-based applications, not legacy PC software. -
The Pilot program is not for the faint of heart.
Things might not always work just right.
The Pilot program is open to individuals, businesses, schools, non-profits and developers based in the United States. Learn about Chrome notebooks for business
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. We'll review the requests that come in and contact you if you've been selected.
Some people are saying that they get no advanced
notice that they are accepted and the delivery
guy could just show up to your door with one!
Free printable cookie box.
from inking out of the box. ---------------------------------------------
From Deal Seeking Mom
CVS deal next week.
.Thermacare Neck, Wrist & Shoulder Heat Wrap (1ct.), $2.79
Get $2.79 ECBs (Limit 1)
$3/1 ThermaCare HeatWrap printable
$1/1 ThermaCare printable.
Big Lots
starts Saturday Dec. 18th
50% off of trees, lights, garland, wreaths,
ornaments & Christmas dinnerware.
Save-A-Lot deals
Good Dec 12 - Jan. 1
8 ounce Kraft cream cheese .89
1 pound bag mini carrots .79
16 ounce Sugardale sliced bacon $1.99
Ritz Crackers $1.79
64 ounce Bright & Early apple/orange juice .79
Little Smokies Sausage $2.49
8 oz whipped topping .79 cents
Mac & cheese 3 for $1.00
Cake mix .89
Jiffy corn muffin mix .39 cents
Kraft block cheese $1.79