Since it was very cold out I wanted to give
the kids something other than cold cereal
for breakfast this morning.
I made apple cinnamon muffins
and topped them with cocoa krispies before baking.
Then once baked, melted some cream cheese
frosting and drizzled over the top.
Total cost for 4 large muffins:
muffin mix .39 cents
and the other ingredients was leftovers
I had sitting around.
Got cookies baking in the oven.
I used a Krusteaz chocolate chip cookie mix
and added about a cup of dried cranberries that has
been soaking in water overnight with a little
almond & vanilla extract.
I stirred in a tablespoon of orange zest to cranberries
before adding to mix.
Then I stirred in a half cup of flour.
I wanted to add in some walnuts
but I'll be darned if I could find them in the pantry.
So instead I put in a half cup of granola cereal.
in a zip bag, closed, then rolled it around in my hands
to warm it up and make creamier.
I snipped a very tiny piece of one
of the corners of the zip bag. Then piped it
over top the cookies.
Homemade Potpourri
I had some orange and lime peel leftover
from baking so I threw them in a saucepan
with a cinnamon stick, nutmeg, ginger, ground cinnamon & allspice and covered with water and have it simmering on the
Around 10am this morning the township
was out and about plowing the streets.
I feel for the people who literally live one block
from here who don't get their streets plowed
because it's city streets.
from hip2save
If your kiddos like to do art projects (what kid doesn’t?!), check out this awesome deal you can score at Michaels! Today, 12/13 – in-store only, you can score a Creatology 80- OR 100-Piece Art set for only $2.50!! Wow!
If you’re at all interested, I would hurry on over to Michaels before they sell out!
It's taken me 2 days to search through numerous
pictures online to find some pictures to print
out for my gift bags.
I had to doodle and crop each image to fit the
size of the bag.
I printed them, cut them out and glued
onto paper lunch bags.
In the middle is the name tag.
I folded the top over and glued the one design
on the flap then poked 2 holes in the flap with
a pen and inserted some ribbon through it.
4 spools of gold ribbon .90 cent thrift store find.
50 lunch bags $2.00
Free cup of Yoplait yogurt!
Ribbons won't go in until I've filled them with cookies.
Hubby has a pot luck dinner at work Friday.
So instead of taking in a baked dish I'm
gonna have him take in all the cookie bags.
Showed Tony my assembly line of goody bags, lol.
Then he asks if I can make 4 more bags
for more girls/guys in the office at work, ahhh!
That means even more cookies because
I'm all out of the ones I had.
At the moment I am up to 18 goody bags.
Of those 18, I did 15 of those up for only 1 person,
and 3 of them which are for families of 3-4 people.
I am starting to get stressed out just a little!
I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow
to get stuff for Christmas dinner.
Then to Walgreens to use my $5.00 Jingle Cash
and possibly Walmart to return some Spinbrush
Kendra is stopping by to give me a FREE turkey!
That is sooooo nice of her to do that for us!
I couldn't afford a turkey this year to put back
for next so this is much appreciated!
Then I have Christmas wrapping to
do this week also along with Christmas cards.
I still have these cookie to make:
Peppermint Krispies Bark
Graham Cracker Brittle
Gingerbread Spice Snickerdoodles
another batch of Sugar & Spice Gum Drop Cookies.
My friend Kendra said she liked the idea with
the cranberry sugar cookies and made her own.
Instead of Canberries she added strawberries.
Said she will bring me some strawberries
and sugar cookie mixes over tomorrow so I can try
to make some. I think I will and add some
white chocolate chips to them and roll them
in red sugar sprinkles before baking.
Here's my assembly line.
I still have 9 more gift bags to make
and another hot chocolate gift mug.
And let me add in here that Tony is
on call all this week also.
Gone crazy, be back later, lol!!
Go to Lowes on Facebook on
Friday December 17th at 10:00am and "like" them
to try and get 90% off items.
They will be giving 90% off on
300 Ionic KitchenAid Stand Mixers to 300 people.
These things are like $200-$300!
I tried this before when they had it and
the sight gets overrun with people!
So good luck! Wish I could get that mixer for 90% off!!
Check out this cookie sitting on my baker's rack, LOL!
Jonathan put together a skateboard and
wanted to give it to his lesser fortunate friend
for Christmas who didn't have one.
He's been asking me for paint
the last couple of days so tonight I got out
some and decided to paint it up for him.
I wasn't too crazy to hand him a paint brush
and a gallon of paint and let him do it himself!
Just got 10 more gift bags completed
for a total of 19 made today.
Whew, so glad that's over with!
I figured up that it costs me .09 cents a bag
to make. So for 18 bags was $1.66.
Yeah it's allot of work to try to save some
money. But I think in this case it let people
know that you put more thought into their gift.
Now time to work on my grocery list
then I'm heading to bed!