Rise and shine at 6:30am.
The alarm went off and I nudged Tony
thinking it was another weekday.
It took me a couple moments to realize
it was Thanksgiving, lol.
So far have gotten the green bean casserole
and creamed cheese corn made and are
currently working on homemade
macaroni & cheese.
Started working on getting
the turkey in the oven. Should take at most
2 1/2 hours to bake in a oven bag for about
a 19 pound bird.
This will give me about an hour to let
it rest or keep warm in a lower temperature oven.
I got the vegetables steamed that will go into
the turkey. I added a cup of water to the veggies
along with some liquid smoke.
Then put it in the microwave for about 8 minutes.
I got my kitchen floor mopped. I waited
til the last second to this. It is raining
out so you can imagine what has been tracked
in on my cream colored, tile floor.
The internet here has been awful.
Either not working or sooooo slow!
So I will have to wait to upload any
Thanksgiving photos :0(
My turkey turned out beautiful and
was sooo moist and juicy.
Definately will brine it again for
future Thanksgivings.
Settling down for the evening.
Decided to make everyone a mug
of hot chocolate.
Filled up the coffee pot with water
and put 5 packets of hot chocolate into
the filter and then ran the coffee maker.
Filled the mugs with hot chocolate
some caramel vanilla creamer,
topped with either marshmallows
or whipped cream and then topped
with a sprinklin of cinnamon.
YUMMY! That hit the spot
to feeling all warm and fuzzy!
So there's a thought if you are a coffee drinker
and want a mocha. Empty a couple
packets of hot chocolate in your filter
with your coffee and brew as usual.
ok gonna try to upload my pictures.
Internet seems to be going a lil faster
so we'll see how long this lasts, ha ha.
Even my phone service sucks at the moment.
It sounds like it's garbled like I'm talking
under water.
I see this is going to take awhile, grrrr.
My turkey getting ready to go into the oven.
First time using our table with the leafs in it.
My $60 yard sale table.
The two odd ball chairs were curb crawled.
The kids use them for their desks in their rooms.
My last minute homemade table runner
and place mats.
My Caramel Coconut Krispies on a cupcake tree.
Close up of Caramel Coconut Krispies
My turkey. Don't it look purty!
I was so proud of it.
My in-laws. Never mind the spot on my couch.
I wiped something off and had a wet spot.
All the fixins
The gang's all here.
Time to eat. Dig in!
A week or more of planning and two hours
of eating and company from 1-3:00pm.
And in the blink of an eye the house returns
to normal.
2 hours after.
The after affects of turkey.
Yeah I dozed off on the couch
while watching tv, lol.
I was tired and was glad it was over with.
2 squirrels stopped by for a visit.
I threw them a couple pieces of bread.
I'm sure they would have preferred
a piece of pumpkin pie instead.
Well y'all it's been fun. I am tired and it
took me an hour and 20 minutes
just to upload these pictures.
This is ridiculous!
Another early wake up call tomorrow.
Thinking about heading to Pep Boys.
They are having a sale from 6-10am.
Does anyone need an idea of what to get
boys each year for Christmas???
When they get to the age where they like
to tinker with things like putting together and taking
apart bicycles or other items of the sort
and when they start borrowing dad's tools
is when I came up with this idea.
I did it with my oldest son and now want
to start doing it with the two younger ones.
The first year we buy them a tool box
and maybe a small set of tools like
screwdrivers or socket sets.
Then the following Christmas' we buy more tools
(wrenches, pliers, power screw driver, hammer and so on)
or power tools when they get into their teens.
With my oldest I think he was about 18 or 19 years
old and we got him a power tool set with
a saw zaw, drill, flashlight and a couple batteries
and I don't remember what else.
As they get older and more mature is when
the heavy duty tools should be gotten.
Why do I do this when they are young
and preteen age?
Tools can be quite expensive so I thought
by buying them a little each year for Christmas
they could have a nice collection for when they
reach the age of being able to get a job, a car or move out
on their own. They won't have to worry about
the financial burden of buying them or could
also use them on the job just like dad does.
So this year I think we are getting the boys
each a tool box and possibly a $10 tool set
from Pep Boys to get them started.
Then I'll have to teach them to take care of them
so they can last many years, and also how
to put them back in the toolbox when done, lol,
so as to not loose them.
Next thing is to be able to tell whose tools are whose.
Because ya know eventually they are going
to get mixed up between one anothers
and the arguing will begin.
Get 2 bottles of different color nail polish.
No it doesn't have to be pink or a feminine
color as there are a wide variety of polish colors.
Let's say you buy red and yellow.
Paint part of the tool or put a color dot
on each one. Then put that same color
on the tool box itself.
Red dotted tools will go in the red tool box
or yellow dotted tools go in the yellow tool box.
A good place to find cheap tools to get them started
is Harbor Freight or Marcs.
Harbor Freight usually has circulars
that come out each week in the Columbus Dispatch
The have coupons to get cheap tools or
even some freebies like an led flashlight.
The alarm went off and I nudged Tony
thinking it was another weekday.
It took me a couple moments to realize
it was Thanksgiving, lol.
So far have gotten the green bean casserole
and creamed cheese corn made and are
currently working on homemade
macaroni & cheese.
Started working on getting
the turkey in the oven. Should take at most
2 1/2 hours to bake in a oven bag for about
a 19 pound bird.
This will give me about an hour to let
it rest or keep warm in a lower temperature oven.
I got the vegetables steamed that will go into
the turkey. I added a cup of water to the veggies
along with some liquid smoke.
Then put it in the microwave for about 8 minutes.
I got my kitchen floor mopped. I waited
til the last second to this. It is raining
out so you can imagine what has been tracked
in on my cream colored, tile floor.
The internet here has been awful.
Either not working or sooooo slow!
So I will have to wait to upload any
Thanksgiving photos :0(
My turkey turned out beautiful and
was sooo moist and juicy.
Definately will brine it again for
future Thanksgivings.
Settling down for the evening.
Decided to make everyone a mug
of hot chocolate.
Filled up the coffee pot with water
and put 5 packets of hot chocolate into
the filter and then ran the coffee maker.
Filled the mugs with hot chocolate
some caramel vanilla creamer,
topped with either marshmallows
or whipped cream and then topped
with a sprinklin of cinnamon.
YUMMY! That hit the spot
to feeling all warm and fuzzy!
So there's a thought if you are a coffee drinker
and want a mocha. Empty a couple
packets of hot chocolate in your filter
with your coffee and brew as usual.
ok gonna try to upload my pictures.
Internet seems to be going a lil faster
so we'll see how long this lasts, ha ha.
Even my phone service sucks at the moment.
It sounds like it's garbled like I'm talking
under water.
I see this is going to take awhile, grrrr.
My turkey getting ready to go into the oven.
My $60 yard sale table.
The two odd ball chairs were curb crawled.
The kids use them for their desks in their rooms.
and place mats.
I was so proud of it.
I wiped something off and had a wet spot.
of eating and company from 1-3:00pm.
And in the blink of an eye the house returns
to normal.
2 hours after.
Yeah I dozed off on the couch
while watching tv, lol.
I was tired and was glad it was over with.
I threw them a couple pieces of bread.
I'm sure they would have preferred
a piece of pumpkin pie instead.
Well y'all it's been fun. I am tired and it
took me an hour and 20 minutes
just to upload these pictures.
This is ridiculous!
Another early wake up call tomorrow.
Thinking about heading to Pep Boys.
They are having a sale from 6-10am.
Does anyone need an idea of what to get
boys each year for Christmas???
When they get to the age where they like
to tinker with things like putting together and taking
apart bicycles or other items of the sort
and when they start borrowing dad's tools
is when I came up with this idea.
I did it with my oldest son and now want
to start doing it with the two younger ones.
The first year we buy them a tool box
and maybe a small set of tools like
screwdrivers or socket sets.
Then the following Christmas' we buy more tools
(wrenches, pliers, power screw driver, hammer and so on)
or power tools when they get into their teens.
With my oldest I think he was about 18 or 19 years
old and we got him a power tool set with
a saw zaw, drill, flashlight and a couple batteries
and I don't remember what else.
As they get older and more mature is when
the heavy duty tools should be gotten.
Why do I do this when they are young
and preteen age?
Tools can be quite expensive so I thought
by buying them a little each year for Christmas
they could have a nice collection for when they
reach the age of being able to get a job, a car or move out
on their own. They won't have to worry about
the financial burden of buying them or could
also use them on the job just like dad does.
So this year I think we are getting the boys
each a tool box and possibly a $10 tool set
from Pep Boys to get them started.
Then I'll have to teach them to take care of them
so they can last many years, and also how
to put them back in the toolbox when done, lol,
so as to not loose them.
Next thing is to be able to tell whose tools are whose.
Because ya know eventually they are going
to get mixed up between one anothers
and the arguing will begin.
Get 2 bottles of different color nail polish.
No it doesn't have to be pink or a feminine
color as there are a wide variety of polish colors.
Let's say you buy red and yellow.
Paint part of the tool or put a color dot
on each one. Then put that same color
on the tool box itself.
Red dotted tools will go in the red tool box
or yellow dotted tools go in the yellow tool box.
A good place to find cheap tools to get them started
is Harbor Freight or Marcs.
Harbor Freight usually has circulars
that come out each week in the Columbus Dispatch
The have coupons to get cheap tools or
even some freebies like an led flashlight.