This week if you purchase $20 worth
of stuff at meijer you can get
$9 off grade A hen turkey 10-15 pounds
$16 off 16 pounds + turkey
makes it about .25 cents a pound.
I was thinking about getting a turkey when
doing my shopping for my Thanksgiving dinner.
Then when I asked mom if she was going
to get a turkey also she said no. So maybe I can
have her get me another turkey at that price
and pay for it. At .25 cents a pound I have found
that is the cheapest turkey to get at any store!!
We didn't get any deer this year so guess
I'll stock the freezer with a couple turkeys :0)
The best part of Thanksgiving other than
bringing family together is all the leftovers!
I won't have to cook for about a week!
Went over to the vacated, eviction apartment
this morning with Kendra to get the remaining
stuff we wanted. Kendra ended up with a truck
full of clothes!
I asked Tony when leaving there if they had a
cat. He said yes. I knew they did because
now I have to deal with allergies on top of
everything else. Runny & itchy nose, sneezing
and puffy & watery eyes. I came home
and scrubbed my arms and hand and then
changed my clothes.
Well it's 12:15pm and I have to work on tidying
up the living and dining room. Tony has the kitchen.
Then I'll go back through and scrub kitchen floor and vacuum the rest of the floors in the house.
Maybe tomorrow if I feel up to it I will
clean the carpets.
For now I have to get laundry changed over
and stay on top of that.
More ideas for Christmas treats.
Today I am on a rice krispies kick.
Rice krispie bars topped with
marshmallow fluff then topped
with mini marshmallow then drizzled
with chocolate.
I have a box of granola cereal and was thinking
what to do with it because I don't think the kids
will eat it. What about some rice krispie granola
bars? Throw in some mini chocolate chips or
raisins or cut up dried fruit.
You could make bars and wrap the outter
edges with fruit roll ups or fruit by the foot.
Or cut pieces and make it look like a present
with ribbon.
Hmmm, trying to think up a
rice krispie treat that tastes like
banana nut bread.
Ok I admit it, I found another contest
where you have to use Kelloggs cereals
or products. BUT you have to be original
and can't use someone elses recipe.
Here's a recipe for Banana Nut Rice Krispies
BUT it is not what I wanted to do.
I want to add the banana pudding but
also some dried banana chips, maybe
some actual walnut pieces and spices like what you
would find in banana bread.
Then maybe top it like the first picture
with fluff and more marshmallows.
Ooh don't they have coconut marshmallows?
That would sound good to add to the top.
As long as you can change someone's recipe
allot then you can claim it as yours.
ooh oooh what about a rice krispies
treat like somoa's???
And use the coconut marshmallows?
That's it. Might have to make some of these
for Thanksgiving as well since I will have
lots of guinea pigs to test them out, lol!
Please don't forget to vote daily
for my Pop Tart Tiramisu!
(first row, fourth from left)
This contest ends 11-26.
Only 5 more days.
The top 20% with most votes goes onto round 2
where actual judges will pick winner.
Kitchen is 90% cleaned up along with
the rest of the main living areas.
Only 2 more loads of laundry then I'm done.
1 in washer 1 in dryer.
Just lugged in 4 totes of stuff from the
apartment to go through then
loaded up the truck with our bags of yard waste
that they never picked up this week.
And I just did up a small grocery
list for Meijers tomorrow.
I'm still taking it slow and easy and trying
not to rush anything.
Tonight's supper:
Stuffed Pasta Shells from freezer.
I put them in a casserole dish
then mixed together a can of basil diced tomatoes
with a can of tomatoes soup and added a
little garlic powder.
I poured this over top the pasta shells
and topped with slices of white cheddar cheese.
Got all my laundry done. Boy it sure
seemed like allot. Everything's going as planned
and the best part is I'm not rushing to get
things done like usual. I got through all the totes
I brought home from the apartment except one
that had nothing but pants in it. I started it
but grew tired as there was so many pants in it.
Some fit me while others I have to think about
altering as they have these bell bottoms
on them and are too long. I would have to cut the bottoms
off and hem up or cut them off to make shorts.
Shorts I could use so it's a thought. Some the boys
might even be able to wear but it will be another day
when I find more to have them try them all on.
Next I have been trying to research a couple
items found in the apartment. While some
things are easy to find, others I have a little bit
more difficult because I can't find them on Ebay
or elsewhere.
Here is what I have:
Diesel black & white small purse.
A velvet type box with some type of collector
set of U2 in it. There is a cd, guitar pick,
zippo lighter and another cd which says from
I'm getting flustered with them and might put
them aside til another day.