Here's the stuff we got last night
from the vacated apartment.
There's still more but have to wait
til this evening or tomorrow to show ya.
I am not currently giving anything away
other than the clothes. We basically grabbed
things that we could use.
So early Merry Christmas to those
that can use the clothes!
Oh I would like to know who likes
Hello Kitty? Anyone?
Vera Wang Doctor Style Patent Purse
Just don't feel with it today so
ain't doing much of anything
til maybe later on. Feel tired and cold
so might just go lay down.
Yesterday I had been putting "vick's"
on my chest and inhaling those vapors
to help my cough and congestion.
It seems to be helping so I'll
continue it for another day.
Kids are due to be home soon.
My honey just called and has to work late.
I guess they had an underground gas leak yesterday
and had to shut off the gas to a whole apartment
building for an entire day. That meant no hot water
or heat for all those people. Gas company
came out today to fix it and he has to stay
late to wait for them to finish up and go
around and make sure furnaces and
hot water heaters are lit and running.
Oh goodie.
I need to sometime soon sit down
and figure out a menu and grocery list
for Thanksgiving.
1 week before Thanksgiving and all
I have figured out is turkey, sweet potatoes
and corn, lol. A year or two ago
I started a family cookbook. In this cookbook
I have been writing down any recipes
I use for holidays or any recipes I use all the time.
So instead of searching every year for
those recipes I have them compiled in one book.
Another thing found in this one apartment
was a bunch of Christmas mugs.
I was thinking about making Gifts in A Cup
for maintenance workers or teachers with them.
I've seen it all.
A commercial came on for something
called Train & Play Pup.
This thing poops.
Didn't do too much this eve.
We decided to get the other stuff
from the vacant apartment this weekend
due to Tony being so busy at work.
Had to stop in Kroger to get me some pop.
Still looking for that darned canned
corned beef. Had employees and even the
store manager looking for it. No luck.
I did find some white cheddar cheese slices
marked down to .79 cents a pack. I got 5 packs.
2 packs for Thanksgiving's veggie, cheese, cracker & dip tray.
2 to put in freezer for Christmas dinner
& 1 to eat now.
I just turned in some of my survey points
to get a couple magazine subscriptions.
Wish they'd of had more of a selection
of magazines to choose from.
I got:
Whole Living by Martha Stewart (worth $15)
& PC World (worth $15).
And I already got 2- $25 GameStop
gift cards from them.
I still have many more points to use
for more things but will wait to see
if they ad something new and of interest.
Here's the stuff we got last night
from the vacated apartment.
There's still more but have to wait
til this evening or tomorrow to show ya.
I am not currently giving anything away
other than the clothes. We basically grabbed
things that we could use.
So early Merry Christmas to those
that can use the clothes!
Oh I would like to know who likes
Hello Kitty? Anyone?
Vera Wang Doctor Style Patent Purse
Just don't feel with it today so
ain't doing much of anything
til maybe later on. Feel tired and cold
so might just go lay down.
Yesterday I had been putting "vick's"
on my chest and inhaling those vapors
to help my cough and congestion.
It seems to be helping so I'll
continue it for another day.
Kids are due to be home soon.
My honey just called and has to work late.
I guess they had an underground gas leak yesterday
and had to shut off the gas to a whole apartment
building for an entire day. That meant no hot water
or heat for all those people. Gas company
came out today to fix it and he has to stay
late to wait for them to finish up and go
around and make sure furnaces and
hot water heaters are lit and running.
Oh goodie.
I need to sometime soon sit down
and figure out a menu and grocery list
for Thanksgiving.
1 week before Thanksgiving and all
I have figured out is turkey, sweet potatoes
and corn, lol. A year or two ago
I started a family cookbook. In this cookbook
I have been writing down any recipes
I use for holidays or any recipes I use all the time.
So instead of searching every year for
those recipes I have them compiled in one book.
Another thing found in this one apartment
was a bunch of Christmas mugs.
I was thinking about making Gifts in A Cup
for maintenance workers or teachers with them.
I've seen it all.
A commercial came on for something
called Train & Play Pup.
This thing poops.
Didn't do too much this eve.
We decided to get the other stuff
from the vacant apartment this weekend
due to Tony being so busy at work.
Had to stop in Kroger to get me some pop.
Still looking for that darned canned
corned beef. Had employees and even the
store manager looking for it. No luck.
I did find some white cheddar cheese slices
marked down to .79 cents a pack. I got 5 packs.
2 packs for Thanksgiving's veggie, cheese, cracker & dip tray.
2 to put in freezer for Christmas dinner
& 1 to eat now.
I just turned in some of my survey points
to get a couple magazine subscriptions.
Wish they'd of had more of a selection
of magazines to choose from.
I got:
Whole Living by Martha Stewart (worth $15)
& PC World (worth $15).
And I already got 2- $25 GameStop
gift cards from them.
I still have many more points to use
for more things but will wait to see
if they ad something new and of interest.