Still not feeling up to par but I was
determined to use what energy
I had to do a little shopping trip today.
I had a $6.00 coupon good on anything
at Walgreens that expired tomorrow
and didn't want it to go to waste.
My head is still in foggy mode
so didn't want to do too much
in the way of coupons and trying
to think out a big shopping list.
LOL, you need to be able
to think straight to do a large list with
sales match ups with coupons
and so on.
So I didn't do too bad with a little list.
I was trying to get some things for Thanksgiving dinner.
I PAID: $3.93
I SAVED: $20.42
1 gallon milk FREE
6 Butterfinger Candy Bars FREE
2 boxes Stove Top Stuffing FREE
3 cans Sweet Potatoes FREE
6 Two Liter Bottles Diet 7UP
.99 cents each x's 6 is $5.94
minus 3- $1.00 off 2 coupons
made the pop 6 for $2.94 or .49 cents each
Plus tax made my total $3.93
Plus the catalina machine spit
out a coupon for a free bottle of
Walgreens Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen!
Oh yeah, and I did stop by Pep Boys
and got Tony that Jump Box/Air Compressor that I mentioned
yesterday. Now I gotta send in the rebate.
Regular Price $44.97
after pre black Friday sale & rebate: $22.49
I wanted to show you what my honey
found and brought home last night
from a vacated apartment.
These are all brand new, never
been used items,
other than the watch/stop watch.
I know this stuff above doesn't look like much
so let me add up how much it saved us
by just finding things!
APC Travel Adapter $80.00
Walgreens Chap-Aid 1 stick is .99 cents x's 3 is $2.97
Downy 103 ounces $10.87
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix $2.00
Kroger Bread Crumbs $1.50
Betty Crocker Muffin Mix $2.00
Stopwatch $9.00
TOTAL: $108.34!!
So hell yeah, bring on the trash pickins!!
There is still more stuff and Tony
wants to take me to check out
what was left in the apartment.
I'm thinking I get to go Christmas shopping,
He did say there was many Disney
movies still in their cases and I told him
to put them in a box and bring them home
and hide them. We're gonna wrap them
up and give those to the kids for Christmas!
Well I am gonna try and chill today.
I'm stubborn and feel like I should be
doing something around here when in
all actuality I should be taking it easy and resting.
I probably did too much yesterday with trying
to clean my house and do some laundry
but I couldn't stand it any longer.
After a week or more of sickies and no one
feeling like doing anything the house was
in shambles.
Last night I was feeling shaky with a queasy
stomach. Then I started getting chilled.
Took my temp and it was 100.7 degrees.
Then I blew my nose and it started a nose bleed.
So I just need to rest for most of today til this evening.
But I feel better knowing some things got done.
I am really, really hoping to get our car back
tonight and to go to that apartment to check it out.
So need to get some energy built back up by then.
I've been trying my darndest with getting
XBox 360 controllers.
I know how much GameStop sells them for
new and used. And according to their website
they don't currently have the used in stock.
I was hoping to find something on Ebay for a lil cheaper.
I tried to win an auction on Ebay but it went
way beyond what I wanted to pay.
Still watching a few auctions which are days away.
So please, if anyone knows where I can get
wireless XBox 360 controllers within reason.
(I'm not paying a fortune for these when I got
the system for free!). At this time I'd
even settle for a cheap set of wired ones!
Don't ya just love this time of year when
you can't find certain things in stock or within a reasonable price!
Looks like we won't be going to the apartment tonight.
Tony just checked on it before leaving work and the
power company turned off the electric which is
something they are not supposed to do in
an apartment complex. So hope they get it
back on in the next couple of days so we
can go check it out!
I was chillin this evening and studying
some of the bottles that we found at Hoover Reservoir
this year. I told ya that I had never seen the
reservoir this low before and while walking
around the area the kids decided to start looking
for bottles. One bottle they found was an all
clear bottle with the letters Choc-Ola embossed
on it. So what I wanted to know was this bottle
there before the dam was built. It took me awhile
to finally find one of these bottles on the internet,
on Ebay, the last place I looked, lol.
I noticed that they had dated their bottle 1957
and wondered how they got that date.
Then I noticed on the bottom of their bottle
was the number 57. So I looked on the bottom
of our bottle and it says 56 so ours is
from 1956, a year earlier.
Next I looked to see when Hoover Dam was
built. I found that it was dedicated to two
brothers (Hoover) in 1955. So it is
quite possible this bottle has been
in the reservoir since 1956,
a total of 54 years!
I just think it's neat to hold a piece of history
and to be able to find out a little bit more about it
and where it came from.
Here's the history about the Choc-Ola company
if you are interested.
I have 6 more bottles to research
that were also found at Hoover.
Will let you know what I find out.
Still not feeling up to par but I was
determined to use what energy
I had to do a little shopping trip today.
I had a $6.00 coupon good on anything
at Walgreens that expired tomorrow
and didn't want it to go to waste.
My head is still in foggy mode
so didn't want to do too much
in the way of coupons and trying
to think out a big shopping list.
LOL, you need to be able
to think straight to do a large list with
sales match ups with coupons
and so on.
So I didn't do too bad with a little list.
I was trying to get some things for Thanksgiving dinner.
I PAID: $3.93
I SAVED: $20.42
1 gallon milk FREE
6 Butterfinger Candy Bars FREE
2 boxes Stove Top Stuffing FREE
3 cans Sweet Potatoes FREE
6 Two Liter Bottles Diet 7UP
.99 cents each x's 6 is $5.94
minus 3- $1.00 off 2 coupons
made the pop 6 for $2.94 or .49 cents each
Plus tax made my total $3.93
Plus the catalina machine spit
out a coupon for a free bottle of
Walgreens Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen!
Oh yeah, and I did stop by Pep Boys
and got Tony that Jump Box/Air Compressor that I mentioned
yesterday. Now I gotta send in the rebate.
Regular Price $44.97
after pre black Friday sale & rebate: $22.49
I wanted to show you what my honey
found and brought home last night
from a vacated apartment.
These are all brand new, never
been used items,
other than the watch/stop watch.
so let me add up how much it saved us
by just finding things!
APC Travel Adapter $80.00
Walgreens Chap-Aid 1 stick is .99 cents x's 3 is $2.97
Downy 103 ounces $10.87
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix $2.00
Kroger Bread Crumbs $1.50
Betty Crocker Muffin Mix $2.00
Stopwatch $9.00
TOTAL: $108.34!!
So hell yeah, bring on the trash pickins!!
There is still more stuff and Tony
wants to take me to check out
what was left in the apartment.
I'm thinking I get to go Christmas shopping,
He did say there was many Disney
movies still in their cases and I told him
to put them in a box and bring them home
and hide them. We're gonna wrap them
up and give those to the kids for Christmas!
Well I am gonna try and chill today.
I'm stubborn and feel like I should be
doing something around here when in
all actuality I should be taking it easy and resting.
I probably did too much yesterday with trying
to clean my house and do some laundry
but I couldn't stand it any longer.
After a week or more of sickies and no one
feeling like doing anything the house was
in shambles.
Last night I was feeling shaky with a queasy
stomach. Then I started getting chilled.
Took my temp and it was 100.7 degrees.
Then I blew my nose and it started a nose bleed.
So I just need to rest for most of today til this evening.
But I feel better knowing some things got done.
I am really, really hoping to get our car back
tonight and to go to that apartment to check it out.
So need to get some energy built back up by then.
XBox 360 controllers.
I know how much GameStop sells them for
new and used. And according to their website
they don't currently have the used in stock.
I was hoping to find something on Ebay for a lil cheaper.
I tried to win an auction on Ebay but it went
way beyond what I wanted to pay.
Still watching a few auctions which are days away.
So please, if anyone knows where I can get
wireless XBox 360 controllers within reason.
(I'm not paying a fortune for these when I got
the system for free!). At this time I'd
even settle for a cheap set of wired ones!
Don't ya just love this time of year when
you can't find certain things in stock or within a reasonable price!
Looks like we won't be going to the apartment tonight.
Tony just checked on it before leaving work and the
power company turned off the electric which is
something they are not supposed to do in
an apartment complex. So hope they get it
back on in the next couple of days so we
can go check it out!
I was chillin this evening and studying
some of the bottles that we found at Hoover Reservoir
this year. I told ya that I had never seen the
reservoir this low before and while walking
around the area the kids decided to start looking
for bottles. One bottle they found was an all
clear bottle with the letters Choc-Ola embossed
on it. So what I wanted to know was this bottle
there before the dam was built. It took me awhile
to finally find one of these bottles on the internet,
on Ebay, the last place I looked, lol.
I noticed that they had dated their bottle 1957
and wondered how they got that date.
Then I noticed on the bottom of their bottle
was the number 57. So I looked on the bottom
of our bottle and it says 56 so ours is
from 1956, a year earlier.
Next I looked to see when Hoover Dam was
built. I found that it was dedicated to two
brothers (Hoover) in 1955. So it is
quite possible this bottle has been
in the reservoir since 1956,
a total of 54 years!
I just think it's neat to hold a piece of history
and to be able to find out a little bit more about it
and where it came from.
Here's the history about the Choc-Ola company
if you are interested.
I have 6 more bottles to research
that were also found at Hoover.
Will let you know what I find out.