Got a house full of sickies.
3 of the 4 of us got sick yesterday,
I'm not one of them, I've got enough going
on with myself.
The kids school said there was
a stomach virus going around.
I am so ready for this to be over with!
Time to Lysol the crap outta this place!
You know what comes with each birthday?
Getting your tags renewed, ahhh.
Gotta go do that today and get a 30 day tag
for the car. Then head to Kroger because
I am about out of ibuprofen and tylenol
for the kids.
back from Kroger and the bmv.
Kids and dad must of had a spurt of
energy because they are out back
shooting bb guns at targets.
I did tell them I didn't want any of
their friends over today
and they had to stay in their own yard.
As for myself I immediately started
working on freezer meals.
I got 10 pounds of chicken done up
in the crocks yesterday.
Today I reused the broth from both
pots to start working on some chicken noodle
Got a couple stalks of celery and a
pound of carrots chopped up.
Now have a blister on my finger
thanks to the carrots.
Now for the celery I use a pair
of kitchen shears to cut them up.
I put the chicken broth in a pot
and put in the fridge overnight.
This brings all the fat to the surface
where it will harden and you can
scrape it off.
I added the celery and carrots to the
pot and have them simmering on the stove.
The broth also has French onion soup in it.
2 pounds chicken .53 cents ($2.69 for 10 pounds!)
1 pound bag of carrots .78 cents
2 stalks of celery .30 cents
2 cans french onion soup $1.00
2 eggs for homemade noodles .08 cents
flour for homemade noodles .14 cents
@ .70 cents a meal
Kinda taking a break at the moment.
Then will work on making homemade noodles
which could take awhile.
That's ok because I want the
carrots and celery to get tender
while waiting.
Also have to get the rest of chicken I won't
be using today bagged up and put in the freezer.
Oh yeah and I also have my two crocks
going yet again today.
One has bbq pork ribs in it
and will serve with mashed potatoes.
The other has pork ribs with
apple pie filling. Which will then
be mixed with a box of stuffing once done.
Pork Ribs $5.84
BBQ sauce $1.40
can of Apple Pie Filling $1.70
stuffing mix $1.00
Mashed Potatoes $1.00
TOTAL COST FOR about 4 meals: $10.94
@ $2.73 a meal
Got my pasta noodles made.
Check out my cart I rigged up to make
the noodles.
I added a top to attach my pasta
maker to and then hung the pasta
off the racks on the bottom.
Told ya these carts would come
in handy and do many things for me, lol.
Soups on! Nothing like a homemade
pot of chicken noodle soup to fight those sickies!
We hardly put a dent in this pot
so I'm sure it makes more than 4 meals!
Didn't want you to feel left out
so I made a bowl for ya, LOL!

It's 66 degrees out. Think I'm
gonna go around and open up some
windows for a few and air out the house.
Spent part of the afternoon
cleaning up the fallen leaves and the yard.
There are still a ton of leaves on our tree!
Well energy is gone and I have
gotten the queasy feeling in my stomach.
Great! I knew it was a matter of time
considering 3 others in this house
got this stomach bug.
Got a house full of sickies.
3 of the 4 of us got sick yesterday,
I'm not one of them, I've got enough going
on with myself.
The kids school said there was
a stomach virus going around.
I am so ready for this to be over with!
Time to Lysol the crap outta this place!
You know what comes with each birthday?
Getting your tags renewed, ahhh.
Gotta go do that today and get a 30 day tag
for the car. Then head to Kroger because
I am about out of ibuprofen and tylenol
for the kids.
back from Kroger and the bmv.
Kids and dad must of had a spurt of
energy because they are out back
shooting bb guns at targets.
I did tell them I didn't want any of
their friends over today
and they had to stay in their own yard.
working on freezer meals.
I got 10 pounds of chicken done up
in the crocks yesterday.
pots to start working on some chicken noodle
Got a couple stalks of celery and a
pound of carrots chopped up.
Now have a blister on my finger
thanks to the carrots.
Now for the celery I use a pair
of kitchen shears to cut them up.
and put in the fridge overnight.
This brings all the fat to the surface
where it will harden and you can
scrape it off.
I added the celery and carrots to the
pot and have them simmering on the stove.
The broth also has French onion soup in it.
2 pounds chicken .53 cents ($2.69 for 10 pounds!)
1 pound bag of carrots .78 cents
2 stalks of celery .30 cents
2 cans french onion soup $1.00
2 eggs for homemade noodles .08 cents
flour for homemade noodles .14 cents
@ .70 cents a meal
Then will work on making homemade noodles
which could take awhile.
That's ok because I want the
carrots and celery to get tender
while waiting.
Also have to get the rest of chicken I won't
be using today bagged up and put in the freezer.
Oh yeah and I also have my two crocks
going yet again today.
One has bbq pork ribs in it
and will serve with mashed potatoes.
The other has pork ribs with
apple pie filling. Which will then
be mixed with a box of stuffing once done.
Pork Ribs $5.84
BBQ sauce $1.40
can of Apple Pie Filling $1.70
stuffing mix $1.00
Mashed Potatoes $1.00
TOTAL COST FOR about 4 meals: $10.94
@ $2.73 a meal
Got my pasta noodles made.
Check out my cart I rigged up to make
the noodles.
I added a top to attach my pasta
maker to and then hung the pasta
off the racks on the bottom.
Told ya these carts would come
in handy and do many things for me, lol.
Soups on! Nothing like a homemade
pot of chicken noodle soup to fight those sickies!
We hardly put a dent in this pot
so I'm sure it makes more than 4 meals!
Didn't want you to feel left out
so I made a bowl for ya, LOL!
It's 66 degrees out. Think I'm
gonna go around and open up some
windows for a few and air out the house.
Spent part of the afternoon
cleaning up the fallen leaves and the yard.
There are still a ton of leaves on our tree!
Well energy is gone and I have
gotten the queasy feeling in my stomach.
Great! I knew it was a matter of time
considering 3 others in this house
got this stomach bug.