You have taken all the time and energy to carve those jack o' lanterns, only to watch them slowly rot into a slimy mess. Combine one part water and one part white vinegar in a spray bottle. Then give it a shake and spritz those jack o' lanterns exposed areas (their insides and any cuts). Since the acetic acid in vinegar kills over 90% of pumpkin rotting bacteria on contact...the jack o' lanterns will last longer...
from Simplify Me.
Well mom & Don wanted to go
out for breakfast this morning so we went
to Burger King.
We had a buy 1 get 1 free
Ultimate Breakfast Platter.
It included:
biscuit, sausage patty, 3 pancakes, hashbrowns & eggs.
Me and mom split one while
my step-dad had a whole one to himself.
For the 3 of us to eat breakfast at Burger King
cost $3.59!
That's about $1.20 each.
Then if I call the number on the back
of the receipt I can get a FREE
Whopper or Chicken sandwich
with purchase of any size drink & fries!
Yay! Ronzoni just released a new coupon on Facebook! Just head to their Facebook page, click on the “Healthy Ha!” tab and scroll down and click on “Get $1 Off Coupon”. You’ll then have to allow the application to access a $1/1 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest coupon.
from Hip2Save
I found Ronzoni pasta at meijer
and it was like $1.17 so only .17 cents after coupon!
That was for the spaghetti though.
I also found another pasta coupon
for $1.00 of Barilla Plus Pasta.
Took a blanket down off the clothesline
and got 2 more in the washer about
ready to hang to dry.
I go through and wash all blankets/pillows
about 2-3 times a year.
I prefer when the weather is warmer
so I can hang outside to dry.
I was gonna start the 10 lbs. of chicken leg quarters in
the crock pot but discovered it was still
frozen even when I've had it in the fridge
for 2 days. I now have it sitting on the
counter to thaw out faster!
So maybe we'll try for tomorrow
of getting those in the crock pot.
My 1.5 lbs of chicken breasts were half thawed out
so I put them in the crock with a little
water, chicken boullion and a splash
of liquid smoke.
2 more blankets hung on the line.
One large blanket in the washer.
I still have 7 more to go, ahhh!
About 4 of those look like lap blankets
so I should be able to get those in one load.
I have a super capacity washer/dryer
so that helps out allot when doing laundry!
I don't wash blankets all the time.
I have more than enough blankets to get by on.
Once dirty I let them accumulate
until it comes to blanket washing time
then do them all at once that week.
Next will be towels and a couple more pillows.
I could fill half my linen closet with towels alone!
Once I run out of my supply of laundry detergent
and can't find any extremely good sales with coupons
then I will considering making my own
liquid laundry detergent.
It says you can use essential oils to
add a fragrance to the soap but they can
get expensive. I think at one Dollar Store
on Indianola by the Ohio Thrift store
I saw tons of what looked like essential oils
in all different fragrances for only a buck!
I'm pretty sure the rest of the
ingredients can be found at Meijers.
The Fels Naptha was in the isle with
the bar soap, not in the cleaning supply isle!
I don't know why as this is a soap
for laundry. You could also use Zote
or sometimes Ivory soap.
This is a recipe from the Duggars.
In case you don't know who they are,
they are on the show called 19 (or is it 20) and Counting,
I lost count as to how many kids they have, lol!
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda*
½ Cup Borax
- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
*Arm & Hammer "Super Washing Soda" - in some stores or may be purchased online here (at Baking Soda will not work, nor will Arm & Hammer Detergent - It must be sodium carbonate!!
1 Container of Name Brand Fabric Softener
4 Inexpensive sponges, cut in half
Pour entire container of softener into a 5 gallon bucket. Fill empty softener container with water twice. (2 parts water to 1 part softener) Add sponges to softener/water mixture. When ready to use wring out extra mixture from one sponge and add to the dryer as you would a dryer sheet.
Can you imagine having a family this big
with this many kids????
You would definately have to find ways
to cut back and make your own things!
I just did a few more surveys worth $3.00.
I am now up to $38.50 with
one survey site I started almost 2 months ago.
4 blankets taken down off clothesline,
1 more hung up and 3 more
put into washer.
It thought this info I found was interesting:
To run a washer with gas water heater
on warm wash & cold rinse costs
.08 to .10 cents a load to run.
So for 5 loads a week or 25 loads a month
it costs $2.50 a month to run.
Dishwasher .13-.18 cents to run each time.
To run an extra freezer runs about $3.00 a month.
Coffee maker $3.00 a month, that's using it 1 time a day.
3 chicken breasts were done in the crock
so I took them out and put in fridge
for supper tonight.
That took 2-2.5 hours to cook on low.
Might go lay down and take a nap now
so I can be ready for my second go round
when everyone gets home tonight.
This was a first. Columbus City Schools
actually sent a letter to tell me my kids
qualified for reduced lunches, yeah!
No more packing lunches or the
expense of buying the items to pack them!!
Regular elementary school lunches would have cost
$2.00 a day x's 5 days x's 4 weeks x's 2 kids equals
$80 a month!! Now you see why I have been
packing their lunches!
Now with reduced lunches it will only cost
$16 a month for both kids.
A lot cheaper than to pack 50 lunches
in one month and allot less hassle for me
to have to pack them every day!
Got Tony cell phone battery today I
won off Ebay. Now want to get
another house cell phone charger for his since
we have found out his has gone bad
and it wasn't the battery after all.
And lastly got a $3.00 check
in the mail for doing a survey.
Sitting here brainstorming about how
to use up some leftovers.
I have 2 bowls in the freezer with leftover chili in them.
I was thinking about this for a supper tonight.
(this is my recipe)
Bring chili to a boil in a pot
add the rice and seasoning packet
from an Asian Helper from Betty Crocker
and cook til rice is tender and
most of the soup base from the chili has
been absorbed, add water if needed to cook rice.
Stir in some cut up chicken.
Now lightly spray a skillet with cooking
spray and place a flour tortilla on it.
Spoon chili, rice & chicken mixture onto tortilla
and top with shredded cheddar cheese.
Fold over tortilla shell in half with spatula
and lightly brown on both sides.
Serve with sour cream.
I was inspired by Taco Bell's
Signed up for both my mom and myself.
Tonight's supper.
Also made dessert of mini pineapple
cheesecakes with a nilla wafer bottom.
The remaining cheesecake mixture
I added some pineapple to for
dessert for another day.
From The Thrifty Couple
I might try this with my bottle of lemon juice!
Today’s Daily Dose of Thrifty is homemade facial toners with a common household ingredient: Lemon Juice!
This little trick is actually very good for your skin and will save you loads of money over the name brand toners.
First, is lemon juice good for your skin? Well check out these rave reviews from the site
“Citric acid contained in lemon juice exfoliates your skin, which is essential to speed up the treatment of acne. It also allows you dry the pimples as it acts as an astringent. Being a skin whitener, it eventually diminishes the redness of your pimples naturally. You may also apply lemon juice to acne scars in order to encourage their swift healing and temporary bleaching.
Lemon juice works as a toner, especially if you have oily skin. Simply dilute lemon juice with water and use it. However, it is important to note that lemon juice is after all an acid and should therefore be kept away from eyes.”
Here’s what you will need:
- Lemon
- Water
How To Make:
- Squeeze a lemon wedge into a bowl/jar/small container
- Add a few drops of water to dilute a little
- Mix
How To Use:
- I just apply mine like a regular toner with a cotton ball on my face
- Store it in the fridge if you make enough for several days use
That’s it! You have a simple, virtually no cost way of taking care of the toning part of your skin. Plus the benefits are unmatchable (in my opinion – as we love using all natural alternatives)!
I have also seen some homemade lemon juice toners that use witch hazel but have never tried it. Just mix in equal parts witch hazel with lemon juice and a little bit of water to dilute.
Yesterday I posted about the Broadway Nails
coupon on Facebook.
I just priced these at
and they are $3.99 to $5.99 on average
and most are on sale for
buy 1 get 1 50% off.
Use two $2.00 off coupons
to make the cheapest ones (for $3.99)
2 for $2.00 or $1.00 each!
Now for the Kiss Artificial Nails
the coupons says $2.00 off ANY Kiss
artificial nail product!
But it does state does not include:
nail art, nail paint, glue and nail files.
It does not say anything about
nail stick on tabs which are priced
at $1.99. With 2 coupons would
make 2 pkgs free!
Short length nails are $2.99.
so $2.00 for 2 or $1.00 each
Most average $5.99 including toe nails.
Can you believe we have artificial toe nails now!!
$8.00 for 2 or $4.00 each.
These are NOT buy 1 get 1 50% off.
So if you use all 4 coupons for the different
nail brands above you could
get 2 packages of fake nails
and 2 packages of stick on tabs
for $2.00!!
from Hip2Save
Yay! A new coffee sample is available! I was excited to hear about this new Green Mountain Fair Trade coffee sample. Just head on over to their Facebook page, “Like” them, then click on the “Sign up Form” tab and scroll down to fill out the sample request form. You’ll be able to choose from K-Cup portion packs or ground coffee. Hurry!
*Note: They are giving out 2,500 samples every week for the month of October, so if you miss out tonight, try again next week.
Anyone ever try those Blockbuster Express things
you see sitting on sidewalks at gas stations and such.
I have been considering getting movies from
them since there is one like a minute up the street.
Looks to be $1.00 a dvd and accepts debit cards.
I went to
and typed in my zip code and it will
show you all these machines in your area
and will even tell you what movies are in each one.
Sometimes when using my Speedway
card they give you free rentals for
their machine out front!
I found on Coupon Dad he has a list
of coupon codes for Blockbuster Express for 2010.
Do you use these at the machines.
I would really like to try one sometime soon
to be able to rent movies.
Blockbuster store is TOOO EXPENSIVE
anymore to rent from along with
other places!!