Just back from Kroger.
I ended up going over budget this
week by $6.27.
I like to stay within $45 for groceries each week.
BUT I had a couple extra expenses
like getting stuff for Tony's potluck
tomorrow and I picked up some more
toilet paper since I could get it for cheap.
I didn't really need any at the moment
but figured it's something we will use
and better get it now while cheap
rather paying more for it later.
I PAID: $26.15
My best deal at Kroger today:
4 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal AND 4 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios Total of 8 boxes of cereal ALL 8 FOR $1.16!!!!!!
I didn't list everything I got.
Below are my best deals.
3 (1.2 pound) packs ground turkey- $1.39 each
2 packs double roll Quilted Northern- .99 cents each
4 dozen medium Kroger eggs- .50 cents each
3 packs BallPark Franks- .56 cents each
2 boxes Nescafe Coffee singles- .19 cents each
14 Yoplait Yogurt- .37 cents each
for both Meijer & Kroger
TOTAL I PAID: $51.27
I saw this on the bottom of my receipt for Kroger.
It shows how much I saved this year so
far by using my Kroger Plus Card.
That's just by using the card and does
NOT include how much I saved with coupons!
By using your card you get the sales
price. Don't use it and pay full price.
I haven't checked out this deal below.
Broadway Nails on clearance for $2.19 – $2.99
Coupon: $2 printable coupon
Final Price: 19¢ – 99¢
from Hip2Save
Have you been to Dollar General lately? If not, you may want to make a trip over there today. According to reader, Katrina, select Kiss nails are priced at only $2. Use the $2/1 Facebook coupon here (“like” them and click on offers) to snag FREE nails!
Winds are starting to pick up.
Tony just called from work to say
a lil tree in front of an apartment we used
to live in blew over.
When we lived there we had a severe storm that
brought down a large branch off that tree
and onto our cars. The groundsmen came over
with chain saws and was gonna cut the whole
tree down. I saved the tree back then by stopping
them from doing so. But it looks like it finally bit
the dust today :0(
from Hip2Save
For those of you who were not able to snag this sample back in September, it is available again. Just go here to score a FREE sample of Thomas Premium Blend coffee!
Double Rainbow