Not moving too fast this morning.
Just want a day where we take
it slow and easy at home.
Kendra and Dewaine are coming
over today. Supposed to go
to Lowes to get a couple fence
panels, posts and cement.
Gonna have Dewaine start working
on the gate area of the driveway
and start digging the post holes
and possibly get them set in.
Then I think the only thing left
to get is a latch and wheels.
Tony says he can get the latch
from work and I thought about
checking Habitat for a couple
It's 6:00pm
I feel like we got some things
accomplished today. For starters
we pulled up half the garden and
took out the boards and fence.
I raked it out smooth.
Then I mulched the flower
beds. I got the front of the house,
corner bed, around a large rock and
some in the front flower bed done.
I still have about 1/2 to 3/4 bag
left out of 15 bags.
Not too shabby for only $15.
regular price would have been
$50 ($3.33 a bag)
Dewaine & Kendra came over about
2o til 1pm til 20 til 5. We went to Lowes
and got supplies needed for
the fence & gates across the driveway.
Dewaine got 3 post
holes dug, 2 posts set in cement
and another hole dug.
And lastly we got a little fish tank
set up for the kids new goldfish.