I don't have plans of going anywhere today.
Will come home from the bus stop and give myself
a hot oil treatment.
The hair salon recommended one before
coloring my hair again.
So I will be doing a homemade treatment.
I am using canola oil.
Canola or olive oil is the best.
Plus I read it helps those who may
have dandruff problems by moisturizing
the scalp.
Pour about 1/4 cup canola or olive oil
into a coffee cup and put in microwave
15 seconds.
Using fingers, apply to hair.
I also used a comb to thoroughly comb it in.
Once done wrap hair in a towel for about 30 minutes.
My step-dad's jaw dropped when I told him
what I was doing with my hair! He says you know
they make hot oil treatments for your hair you can buy.
I said I know. But why pay for something
when you have the ingredients already in your kitchen.
He still couldn't believe I was putting
Canola or Olive oil on my hair!
Guess I'll have to show him it works just
as good if not better!
Hair's all done.
I washed twice with shampoo afterwards
then conditioned as usual then dumped
a half can of flat beer on hair then rinsed.
I know I look like Thing, lol, but I brought
down my long bangs to show you how
clean, shiny and less frizzy it is!
Decided to reorganize my freezer in the kitchen.
It's become a danger zone.
You carefully open up the door for
fear of something falling out and landing
on one of your toes!
Freezer containers are the best route to go!
They stack nicely and can be picked up
at yard sales for very cheap!
I got mine for .10 or less.
Or even with coupons and sales
you could pick up a pack for about .50 cents.
So I removed everything from the freezer
and put most things in those freezer
type containers. Ahhhh, sigh of relief!
Nothing is falling out or hidden.
Don't ya hate when you don't know
what is in your freezer?
Reorganize and do an inventory sheet
and post in on the front of you fridge with a magnet.
Cross it off when you use it up.
Not only do I use the plastic containers
in the freezer, but on the shelf as well
for leftovers like chips, popcorn, cookies, cereal,
& baked goods.
Why have all these boxes or crumpled up
bags taking up space in the cupboard
when you now can have an easy view storage system
that shows how much you really have of something.
I set some of these on the microwave
so the kids know what snacks are available.
Even if it's a little bit of cereal not
enough to have a bowl of.
They can now eat it as a snack instead.
And another tip I have for getting
the most out of expensive trash bags-
Instead of throwing empty boxes from
food into the trash can whole,
tear them up!
You can get more trash in those bags
now instead of wasting them up
with these boxes taking up more space!
Here's an example of a cereal box
tore up, takes up less space
than if I had put the whole box in the trash can!
Trying to decide what to make for supper tonight.
Thinking about a Breakfast Potato Casserole.
I found a bag of hash browns in the freezer (free).
I can add a box of
Betty Crocker Cheesy Hashbrowns .50 cents, uncooked,
to stretch it further.
then mix in:
1/3 cup chopped onion .10 cents,
1/4 cup chopped green bell peppers .05 cents,
1/2 pkg bacon, fried & crumbled .25 cents,
Beat 5 eggs .12 cents and a cup of milk .12 cents,
salt & pepper,
then pour over potatoes.
Top with a cup of shredded cheese .50 cents.
Bake at 350 degrees
for 35 to 40 minutes.
Then will make Broccoli Salad-
6 small heads of broccoli .60 cents
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, .50 cents
couple pkts Splenda .04 cents,
1-2 tablespoons vinegar,
1/2 pkg bacon, fried & crumbled .50 cents
1 cup mayo .25 cents
Don't know how much it serves til I make it all.
Free sample of Cinnamon Raisin Bread Flavored Raisins
by Mariani Fruit.
O.N.E. all in one skin care sample
derived from antioxidant rich100% organic olive oil.
simply "like" Sutter Home Wines on Facebook
to request your free Night of Hope kit. We'll send you a party-ready kit, filled with all sorts of goodies: Sutter Home for Hope pink Chico Bag, pink ribbon bracelets, pink corkscrew, wine tasting skirts, recipes and more for this spectacular night in.
When it asks to invite friends & where you are going to havea gathering, click "skip this step"
and it will still go through.
How often should you change your oil?
And you thought it was every 3,000 miles!
Save more money now by getting oil
changes done about twice a year!!
This is providing your car is about 7-8 years old
and you don't drive but around 20,000 miles a year.
This next tip is from Edmunds.com
How Long Between Changes?
Even the automakers can't agree on the correct oil-change interval.
While 3,000 miles between oil changes has long been promoted as cheap insurance, some auto manufacturers and environmentalists are recommending 10,000 miles or longer.
The full answer lies with how you drive.
If you rarely drive farther than 10 miles at a time (which doesn't get the oil hot enough to boil off moisture condensation) or you start your car frequently when the oil isn't hot (which is when most engine wear occurs), you need to change oil more often: at least twice a year, even if that's every 1,000 miles.
But if your daily commute is 20-plus miles of steady flatland freeway, don't be afraid to go as far as your vehicle maker recommends.
Halloween School Party?
or upcoming birthday at school?
Is your school not allowing children to bring
in any types of food for party's or birthdays?
Here's a cheap idea to still give kids
a treat and this will only cost $2-$3 per classroom!
That's for classrooms of 20-30 children.
Wendy’s is having a promotion for Halloween to benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption!
For a limited time stop by your local Wendy’s and pick up a booklet of 10 Jr. Frosty Coupons for
only $1 (that’s only $0.10 each!)
The coupons are valid between 11/1/10 and 2/1/11!
Lunch time, belly's growling.
Can of Kroger veggie soup (free)
with some crackers (.05 cents).
Supposed to be 92 degrees today.
It says 80 degrees in here at the moment.
I might go ahead and kick the air conditioner
on for today.
My freebie for today:
Redkin For Men Clean Spice 2 in one conditioning shampoo.
Here's an idea for when freezing chicken,
or even beef and pork-
Mix marinade in a freezer ziploc bag, add the chicken
pieces, and freeze. When you're ready to cook it, put the bag in the
refrigerator and the chicken will marinate as it defrosts. Then all you have to
to is bake or grill it. The same idea can be used with pork or beef..
Started washing up a few more
blankets, getting ready for the colder
season right around the corner.
Using this 92 degree day to my advantage
with drying those blankets.
Got one large comforter
and a sheet hung on line to dry.
Got another load going.
I recommend replacing all your old bulbs
with newer fluorescent ones to save money.
My honey gets them from work free and saves us
allot money by doing so. When he turns over an
apartment he is required to remove any
fluorescent bulbs a resident has put in
and left behind, with regular bulbs.
So we have a good stock of these bulbs at
the moment and will probably never have
to buy any for quite some time.
I've even got mom to change over
her bulbs with the freebies I've gotten.
Got 2 more blankets hung on the line
and supper made and in the oven.
Should be done by the time Tony gets home.
Also got another load going in washer
of towels.
I'm thinking about making bracelets for Halloween
for the kids classrooms.
Do it in colors of Halloween like
yellow, black and orange.
Use rubber bands by cutting
and stringing beads on them.
Then tie off the ends.
Kinda like this picture below minus
the dangles or lettering.
I think the only dollar store I have found to carry
a variety of pony beads is at Northern Lights.
So there is yet another project I need to do,
make about 50-60 of these things.
I'm hoping it would cost around $4
to make them all!
What else is there to do when
you are not allowed to send in
food or treats for the kids???

Just pulled supper out of oven.
Looks yummy!
New e-coupon policy at Kroger!
Found this out at Deal Seeking Mom.
Kroger has recently changed their digital coupon policy.
Previously, Kroger allowed stacking of certain digital or eCoupons and a paper coupon. A couple of months ago Kroger added all of the eCoupons available from Cellfire, Shortcuts and P&G eSaver mixed in with the Kroger eCoupons. This created a lot of confusion since there is no way to tell which eCoupons are Kroger coupons and which are provided by other sites.
Kroger has now added to the Digital Coupon Rules stating that eCoupons and paper coupons can no longer be stacked.
The Wording from Kroger:
Remember that eCoupons do not double. Most of the time your best bet is to use a paper coupon that will double for the most savings.Can I use paper coupons as well as digital coupons on the same item?
Limit of one coupon per item. Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.
Let's see-
ate supper,
put a load of towels in washer then in dryer,
that's right I said dryer.
I needed towels now and can't wait for them to dry on the line.
I used up what towels I had tonight when
washing and rewashing the dog, yuck!
I had to clean out tub and bath area.
Then I took myself a shower.
Kids got homework done.
Got Tony's lunch packed for tomorrow
and got leftovers put away.
Told kids they could have those as
after school snacks tomorrow when
they got home.
Now I need to pack their lunches for tomorrow,
get them in the shower to get squeaky clean
for school pictures tomorrow
and find some nice shirts for them
to wear for pictures.
They each chose a flag type background
for their pictures.
So need to find something that is of
a solid color.
Still have to give Tony a hair cut,
fill out picture forms and write
out a couple checks for them.
Does anyone ever feel like there
is never enough hours in a day to get
things done?
Almost got everything done.
Still have lunches to pack for the kids.
Ahh, it was hurting writing checks for
school pictures which totaled $78.00!!
Gave Tony a hair cut.
Then Tony just tells me we are invited
to his co-workers wedding NEXT WEEKEND!!
Boy, sure would be nice to have had a
wedding invitation!
And to be told more than a week before
when the wedding was!
I have 1 week to figure out
a wedding gift that we can afford!
So there's another unexpected expense.
Let's hope I find some good yard sales tomorrow!!
As if this is bad enough wait til I have
to ask mom tomorrow if she could
watch the kids next Saturday so
we can go to it, Ahhhh!
And they are getting married in Hocking Hills.
Which I don't mind as I LOVE it down
there but we have to figure in travel time
down there and back so who knows
what time we'd get home!
Knowing my luck Proctor and Gamble
would call to see if I could go to Cincinatti then!
Running around like a chicken with it's
head cut off!!
Well I need to get kids to bed since it is their
bedtime. Then start packing their lunches.
Kids lunches are packed and ready to go.
I had a few moments to chill so decided
to look for some yard sales on Craigslist.
Pretty desperate for some at the moment
considering I need a wedding gift now!!
Heading to bed.
I'm too pooped to pop!