Ya know beggar's can't be choosers
when it comes to food, especially when free.
I offered someone some cereal
from my stockpile.
Ohh no we want Frosted Mini Wheats,
don't want the Cheerios or Raisin Bran.
So out to the store they go to buy some
because they are tired of eating
those kinds!
You could always jazz it up like I do.
Or even add some fresh fruit to it
with a little sprinkin' of Splenda or sugar.
Think about it, do you really think
if I had a choice I would buy a gazzilion
boxes of Hamburger Helpers
and all this other crap with coupons?
NO, but ya know it's cheap and free
and it's food in our bellies.
If it's free I'll take it and not complain
and be thankful someone offered it to me!
Well I'm off here to get the kids to the bus stop
then head to Meijers.
Will let you know how that trip turns out.
Back from Meijer at 12:00PM
I thought I did an excellent shopping trip today!!
Haven't done one like this in awhile.
TOTAL VALUE: $173.77
TOTAL I PAID: $38.19
And this price above does not reflect
my savings I got on the bags of oranges,
broccoli and celery.
I will find out tomorrow what
they usually cost because I did not
write it down. Then recalculate it.
I did find two mistake so far on
my receipt. I was supposed to of had
20% off 1 pet food item.
That bag of food cost $6.99
so I should have saved $1.40 off that bag.
For some reason they took 20%
off of $2.99 (.60 cents off) instead of $6.99.
I did not buy any other pet food items!!
I also had a Meijer Catalina coupon
for free Idahoan potatoes but do
not see where they took it off!
So they owe me $1.98 cents!!
So I adjusted that above to reflect that
so you will not see that on the reciept.
It will be taken care of tomorrow
as mom wants to go back to Meijers again
which is fine by me because I have another list
for Meijers and Walgreens.
I have shown those lists in the pics below
and what I will be paying on those trips!
I love to mention others customers
remarks about my shopping.
While standing in line this guy in front
of me notices all my groceries and vegetables
I had on the conveyor belt.
He says are you a vegetarian?
I say no, hope not, and point
to all the hamburger still in my cart I hadn't
put up on the conveyor yet.
He then says, you must have a large family.
I say no, not really, only 4 of us.
Then he says, do you run a restaurant?
I say no, I just have a lot of coupons
and the cashier probably won't be too happy
with me by the time it's all said and done.
He just laughed and went on his way.
I read about all these deals people
get at the grocery store with pictures
of all the food and stuff. I very rarely
see their receipts. Well I have the receipts
along with pictures of what I got
to back up what I did and will show you here.
.Below is 12 head of broccoli for .10 cents each!
And 2 bags of oranges for $1.00 each!
.All this hamburger for only $1.20!!
.Ramen Noodles .10 cents each.
.Dressing .50 cents each
Ketchup $1.00 each
Tobasco Sauce- FREE
Bag of celery .31 cents
.Ziploc containers $1.00 each.
Ziploc 120 count sandwich bags $1.50 each.
.Ronzoni Spaghetti .11 cents each
Nivea Lip Care- FREE
Nestle Tollhouse Cookie Dough $2.00 for 3
.Old Orchard Juice .67 cents each
Skippy Peanut Butter .67 cents each
Grape Jelly- FREE
Chi Chi's Salsa .58 cents each
.McCormick Gravy Mixes .40 cents each
.Best Life Butter- FREE
4 Armour Pepperoni $1.00 each
.Yoplus Yogurt .67 cents each.
Idahoan Potatoes- FREE
Applesauce $1.59
.Cereal .49 cents
Cream of Wheat .50 cents each
.Phili Cream Cheese .25 cents each
.Milk $2.00
Pop $1.39
Bread .78 cents each
2 dozen eggs $2.81
(I priced eggs by the dozen and they were $1.49 each
so to buy this 2 dozen package at $2.81 was cheaper!)
.Dog Food $4.59.
And here are two more shopping lists for tomorrow.
Total should be around $4.75 for
4 Butterfinger candy bars
1 Quaker Oatmeal
4 Right Guard Deodorants
Dr. Scholl's Shoe Insoles
10 Philadelphia Cream Cheese
4 Nivea Lip Care
3 Chi Chi Salsas
Like I said, I should totally be stocked
to the hilt in my pantry and freezers
for quite awhile!
Only shopping I will do til this dwindles down
some is for freebies, .50 cents or less
or something we need like bread, milk or eggs or tp.
Ya know beggar's can't be choosers
when it comes to food, especially when free.
I offered someone some cereal
from my stockpile.
Ohh no we want Frosted Mini Wheats,
don't want the Cheerios or Raisin Bran.
So out to the store they go to buy some
because they are tired of eating
those kinds!
You could always jazz it up like I do.
Or even add some fresh fruit to it
with a little sprinkin' of Splenda or sugar.
Think about it, do you really think
if I had a choice I would buy a gazzilion
boxes of Hamburger Helpers
and all this other crap with coupons?
NO, but ya know it's cheap and free
and it's food in our bellies.
If it's free I'll take it and not complain
and be thankful someone offered it to me!
Well I'm off here to get the kids to the bus stop
then head to Meijers.
Will let you know how that trip turns out.
Back from Meijer at 12:00PM
I thought I did an excellent shopping trip today!!
Haven't done one like this in awhile.
TOTAL VALUE: $173.77
TOTAL I PAID: $38.19
And this price above does not reflect
my savings I got on the bags of oranges,
broccoli and celery.
I will find out tomorrow what
they usually cost because I did not
write it down. Then recalculate it.
I did find two mistake so far on
my receipt. I was supposed to of had
20% off 1 pet food item.
That bag of food cost $6.99
so I should have saved $1.40 off that bag.
For some reason they took 20%
off of $2.99 (.60 cents off) instead of $6.99.
I did not buy any other pet food items!!
I also had a Meijer Catalina coupon
for free Idahoan potatoes but do
not see where they took it off!
So they owe me $1.98 cents!!
So I adjusted that above to reflect that
so you will not see that on the reciept.
It will be taken care of tomorrow
as mom wants to go back to Meijers again
which is fine by me because I have another list
for Meijers and Walgreens.
I have shown those lists in the pics below
and what I will be paying on those trips!
I love to mention others customers
remarks about my shopping.
While standing in line this guy in front
of me notices all my groceries and vegetables
I had on the conveyor belt.
He says are you a vegetarian?
I say no, hope not, and point
to all the hamburger still in my cart I hadn't
put up on the conveyor yet.
He then says, you must have a large family.
I say no, not really, only 4 of us.
Then he says, do you run a restaurant?
I say no, I just have a lot of coupons
and the cashier probably won't be too happy
with me by the time it's all said and done.
He just laughed and went on his way.
I read about all these deals people
get at the grocery store with pictures
of all the food and stuff. I very rarely
see their receipts. Well I have the receipts
along with pictures of what I got
to back up what I did and will show you here.
And 2 bags of oranges for $1.00 each!
Ketchup $1.00 each
Tobasco Sauce- FREE
Bag of celery .31 cents
Ziploc 120 count sandwich bags $1.50 each.
Nivea Lip Care- FREE
Nestle Tollhouse Cookie Dough $2.00 for 3
Skippy Peanut Butter .67 cents each
Grape Jelly- FREE
Chi Chi's Salsa .58 cents each
4 Armour Pepperoni $1.00 each
Idahoan Potatoes- FREE
Applesauce $1.59
Cream of Wheat .50 cents each
Pop $1.39
Bread .78 cents each
2 dozen eggs $2.81
(I priced eggs by the dozen and they were $1.49 each
so to buy this 2 dozen package at $2.81 was cheaper!)
And here are two more shopping lists for tomorrow.
Total should be around $4.75 for
4 Butterfinger candy bars
1 Quaker Oatmeal
4 Right Guard Deodorants
Dr. Scholl's Shoe Insoles
10 Philadelphia Cream Cheese
4 Nivea Lip Care
3 Chi Chi Salsas
Like I said, I should totally be stocked
to the hilt in my pantry and freezers
for quite awhile!
Only shopping I will do til this dwindles down
some is for freebies, .50 cents or less
or something we need like bread, milk or eggs or tp.