Got up around 8:30PM.
Tony went down to Speedway to get a coffee.
He came home and told me about the Speedway sign
that displayed the gas prices. All the prices said $6.66.
I'm guessing someone probably hacked their computer
to get that to come across.
Anyway I guess people were jokingly going into
Speedway saying, I see gas prices took up jump!!
I had Tony take me down the street to get
a picture of it!
Never seen anything like it before and will
probably never see it again.
Heck people are even figuring out how to change
those digital highway construction signs
now a days to say rude things to drivers.
Tony went down to Speedway to get a coffee.
He came home and told me about the Speedway sign
that displayed the gas prices. All the prices said $6.66.
I'm guessing someone probably hacked their computer
to get that to come across.
Anyway I guess people were jokingly going into
Speedway saying, I see gas prices took up jump!!
I had Tony take me down the street to get
a picture of it!
Never seen anything like it before and will
probably never see it again.
Heck people are even figuring out how to change
those digital highway construction signs
now a days to say rude things to drivers.
Busy day today.
8:30-10:30am- I did up my shopping list for this week.
I don't have totals on it yet as I still have to
price things in the store on some items.
I still need to make a grocery list and round
up coupons for a Walgreen's trip.
10:30am- breakfast of egg sandwiches.
And here's what the rest of the day looks like:
Get out 2 crock pots.
Skin 3 family packs of chicken leg quarters.
Put in crock and let cook most of the day on low.
Then later on today after chicken has cooled
start packing it up in freezer bags and put in freezer.
Thinking about a chicken noodle soup for supper
using a box or two of Betty Crockers
Creamy Chicken Noodle Helper.
Maybe throw in a box of Green Giant carrots.
1 pound Chicken .11 cents
(remember I got 3 family packs for $1.29
which was about .11 cents a pound!)
2 betty crocker chicken helpers $1.00
box of green giant carrots .59 cents
don't know serving amount yet as I have yet to make it.
But anyway the total to make it is:
Mop kitchen floor.
I may need to do this the old
fashioned way, on my hands and knees!
Carpet clean dining and living room.
Wash laundry, hang on line to dry, hang up and put away.
Set out clothes for everyone for the week.
Does anyone know where I can find some
CHEAP hangers? I'd even settle for
some metal ones at the moment!!
Pack up everyone's lunch for tomorrow.
Give dog a bath!
And on top of all the chores Tony
has the pager which could go off
at any given moment!
THIS is where I found my Meijer
coupon and sales matchups.
Got the kitchen swept and actually got down
on my hands and knees with a scrub brush
and scrubbed each tile!!
Should've had a before picture
but it was too disgusting with kids running
in and out all the time along with the dog
and of course the dog deciding to pee everywhere!
I did have a large round braided rug in there
that the dog peed a big spot on.
I just rolled it up and tossed it out the back door
for the moment.
Living room floor looked so disgusting
with dog pee spots everywhere from
the last couple of day!!!
I think it took me about 2 hours
to carpet clean our carpet
because I wanted it thoroughly cleaned.
Now that I got a before and after pictures of.
Just so you know the hard work I have put into
my house cleaning today!!
And yes the dog was put outside yesterday
morning and has been out there since!
She will not be allowed back in until I see
her desire to pee constantly has subsided.
Ain't no way she's coming back in here right
now after do some hard core cleaning
because of her!!!
I used Lysol Pourable cleaner in my
carpet cleaner if anyone is wondering.
My favorite to use is Mr. Clean.
But Lysol I can get for .50 cents a bottle
on sale with coupons!
I think at tax time we are seriously thinking about ripping
up the carpet in dining, living room, half hallway
and possibly taking out kitchen tile
and putting in vinyl flooring that looks
like hardwood floors.
I can't take all this work cleaning carpet
at the moment. Can you imagine all the dirt
and grim still left in the carpet, padding
and underneath it. That can't be healthy for you.
If we are lucky, there will be half way
decent hard wood floors underneath
the carpet. But it worries me if there is
all the dog spots that could have leaked through to it!
Vinyl floors like this:
Break time is over.
Now I need to head to kitchen and skin
some chicken for the crock pot.
Good thing about these newer crock pots
is they cook things in like 3-4 hours time
compared to the old ones that took 6-8 hours!
Still got laundry to take down off line and put away.
Lay clothes out for week.
Lunches to pack.
Supper to make.
And reorganize my shopping list.
I printed out even more coupons
I found for Meijer's sales!
Got all the chicken skinned and put into crock pots.
Out of 14.29 pounds of chicken
5 pounds of that was fat/skin.
Will figure out bone weight once
I de-bone all chicken when done.
I just want to know out of 14.29 pounds
how much of it is eatable that we are paying for!
I put all the chicken in 2 crocks
and added a couple glasses of water
to each one. Then I added in some bullion.
I ended up putting the crocks on high
considering the time of day.
Once chicken is done I can then strain off
the broth, allow it to cool, then put in fridge
over night. Tomorrow all the fat will have
hardened to the top of the bowl.
Remove fat and then you have chicken broth
to freeze for soups or whatever.
Don't put things in your fridge that are hot.
It makes the refrigerator work harder
to cool off things. Allow to come to room
temperature first.
The harder your fridge or freezer works
the more your electric bill goes up!
Whew, starting to wear out!
Time to go out and get the clothes of the line
and hang up any remaining clothes.
Then might head to Kroger to get some pop.
This evening I still have to cut coupons
and go through my grocery list
and make adjustments to it.
Still have these to cut out!!
Just got this in my email.
$2.00 coupon for Cream of Wheat Cinnabon!
Be patient while coupon is sent to
your printer!
It could take a minute or two before it
prints out.
Make sure to print 2 coupons!
You can also request a FREE sample!
Will have to price this at Meijers
or even check to see if they carry this flavor.
My tip/hint for today-
Saving paper.
I save all the large scrap paper
when printing coupons.
I can either use it for scratch paper
or reuse it on more single coupons
to print out.
Even if there was something printed
on one side of the paper I will
turn it over and print on the
other side. Stores don't care
what's on the backside of your printable coupons.
Went to Kroger and got pop.
I remembered to take along
my free coupon for Kroger cereal.
When walking by the meat section
I always scan that area for any bright orange
tags, clearance tags.
I found 10 pound bags of chicken legs quarters
marked down to $2.25!!!!!!
I bought all 7 bags marked down!!!!
That's 70 pounds of chicken!!!!!
Now add that to the 14.29 pounds of chicken
I bought earlier this week and have in crock pots
at the moment along with another 10 pounds
Kendra gave me last week.
And this week I plan to get
about 1o pounds of hamburger FREE!!!!
Oh yeah I want to add that I saw
in Kroger's sales ad they will
have cans of tuna for .38!!!
I don't plan to go to Meijers
until Tuesday this week.
Thank goodness because I am still
working on my grocery list.
After this trip to the store
I am stocked to the hilt!!
I could live off of what we have
for a good 4-6 months!!!!
So no more large grocery trips for awhile.
It better be free, .50 cents or less
or something we really need.
I never imagined getting stocked
up this fast. I just got back into
couponing since the kids started back
to school less than a month ago!
Got clothes off the line and hung up
anther load.
Got everyone's clothes laid out for the week,
socks, undies, shirts and shorts.
Makes life so much more easier in
the mornings when I do this.
I got a batch of Cheerio cereal bars made
so I can put them in the kids' lunches
this week.
Now time to start making up some
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
slicing up some carrot sticks,
put some ranch dressing in lil bowls
to dip carrots in,
put cereal bars in containers.
They will also have some yogurt
and Jonathan a container of mixed fruit
and Christopher some applesauce
along with fruit juice pouches.
Just turned off crock pots
so after I get the lunches done
I will start on getting the chicken
de-boned and ready for the freezer.
I didn't get my chicken noodle soup
made today but will do tomorrow.
Then I have the broth to strain
and put in fridge.
It's 8:00PM
and my work day is still not done yet
after I do all the above.
I still have one more kid to get in the shower
and Tony's hair to cut!!!
So whoever out there thinks that
a stay at home mom's/housewive's job is easy
can kiss my you know what!!
Do you know they say if a stay at home
mom or dad was to get paid for what he or she
does, they'd make at least $100,00+ a year!
I always put in a bogus phone number
when it asks for one!
Says it should take 1 week to get!
If you LIKE Miracle Whip
on Facebook you can get
$1.00 printable coupon.
Look for coupon tab at top of page
after you click like!
Ahhhh, boy does it feel good to
sit down with nothing else to do for today!
The only thing I didn't get done
was dog a bath, because she is still outside.
And Tony's hair cut.
I'll try to do it tomorrow.
Kids lunches are packed.
Got the chicken and bones separated.
I weighed the bones.
They were about 2 pounds.
Total meat out of 14.29 pounds
minus skin, fat (don't have total for fat because
it went into the broth) and bones
was about 9 pounds.
Got some homemade cinnamon
rolls out of the freezer for breakfast tomorrow.
Trying to conserve about a quarter gallon
of milk that we have by having cinnamon
rolls instead of cereal. I also needed the
space in my freezer for the chicken.
Won't get more milk (2 gallons)
til Tuesday's shopping trip.
Tony went to Speedway to get gas
for his buggy for work tomorrow.
They've had the $6.66 prices on the sign
all day long. This evening they finally
just shut the whole sign off
I think he said gas was $2.69
or less.
Well this evening has not wound too well.
9:30PM the pager went off.
Someone's apartment got broken into
which means Tony has to go repair a front
door or patio door to secure it.
This is not something new
as it's been happening quite
a bit in the past year.
Ya know it doesn't matter where you live,
there's always going to be a break in.
This is in the Upper Arlington area.
So much for heading to bed soon.
Tony thinks he'll be gone a couple hours
to take care of this.
I can't sleep until he's home.
That's just me.
So we're probably looking
at close to midnight.
Killing time til Tony gets home
so here's coupons or deals I found
for Meijer:
Print a $2/2 Nivea Lip Care coupon. They're on PRICE DROP at Meijer 9/13-10/10 for .99 making these absolutely FREE wyb 2!
..Best Life Buttery Spread $0.99 (Price drop thru 10/2)
-$1/1 Coupon HERE (from the 8/29 and 7/11 RP)
.Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.25
-$5/5 Coupon HERE
=$0.25 each.
.Free coupon alerts wants you to save more on your weekly grocery trips by giving you a alerts of when new coupons are available..
Don't know if this will work
but HERE is a coupon for $1.00 of Quaker Oats.
Remember they are $1.50 this week at Walgreens.
Nigh nigh y'all.
Gotta get a good night's sleep.
I got ALLOT of coupons
to go through tomorrow!
This grocery list for Meijer will be a
fun one to figure out.
It's like a puzzle.
I got all the pieces and
now have to figure out how to
put it all together.
Oh, one more thing,
tonight in Kroger I found those
Butterfinger coupons
for $1.00 off 2.
Look near the candy in the Halloween isle.
If you go to my Krogers on Morse
then if you are facing the Halloween isle
it is located on the left hand side in front.
Look hard, as I almost missed it
heading to checkout!
I was nice enough to leave some for others, LOL!
Walgreens has them for .50 cents with their coupon
stack with this other coupon for a couple
FREE candy bars.
Or you could hold off and wait
til Kroger has them go on sale for .50 cents.
Busy day today.
8:30-10:30am- I did up my shopping list for this week.
I don't have totals on it yet as I still have to
price things in the store on some items.
I still need to make a grocery list and round
up coupons for a Walgreen's trip.
10:30am- breakfast of egg sandwiches.
And here's what the rest of the day looks like:
Get out 2 crock pots.
Skin 3 family packs of chicken leg quarters.
Put in crock and let cook most of the day on low.
Then later on today after chicken has cooled
start packing it up in freezer bags and put in freezer.
Thinking about a chicken noodle soup for supper
using a box or two of Betty Crockers
Creamy Chicken Noodle Helper.
Maybe throw in a box of Green Giant carrots.
1 pound Chicken .11 cents
(remember I got 3 family packs for $1.29
which was about .11 cents a pound!)
2 betty crocker chicken helpers $1.00
box of green giant carrots .59 cents
don't know serving amount yet as I have yet to make it.
But anyway the total to make it is:
Mop kitchen floor.
I may need to do this the old
fashioned way, on my hands and knees!
Carpet clean dining and living room.
Wash laundry, hang on line to dry, hang up and put away.
Set out clothes for everyone for the week.
Does anyone know where I can find some
CHEAP hangers? I'd even settle for
some metal ones at the moment!!
Pack up everyone's lunch for tomorrow.
Give dog a bath!
And on top of all the chores Tony
has the pager which could go off
at any given moment!
THIS is where I found my Meijer
coupon and sales matchups.
Got the kitchen swept and actually got down
on my hands and knees with a scrub brush
and scrubbed each tile!!
Should've had a before picture
but it was too disgusting with kids running
in and out all the time along with the dog
and of course the dog deciding to pee everywhere!
I did have a large round braided rug in there
that the dog peed a big spot on.
I just rolled it up and tossed it out the back door
for the moment.
Living room floor looked so disgusting
with dog pee spots everywhere from
the last couple of day!!!
I think it took me about 2 hours
to carpet clean our carpet
because I wanted it thoroughly cleaned.
Now that I got a before and after pictures of.
Just so you know the hard work I have put into
my house cleaning today!!
And yes the dog was put outside yesterday
morning and has been out there since!
She will not be allowed back in until I see
her desire to pee constantly has subsided.
Ain't no way she's coming back in here right
now after do some hard core cleaning
because of her!!!
I used Lysol Pourable cleaner in my
carpet cleaner if anyone is wondering.
My favorite to use is Mr. Clean.
But Lysol I can get for .50 cents a bottle
on sale with coupons!
I think at tax time we are seriously thinking about ripping
up the carpet in dining, living room, half hallway
and possibly taking out kitchen tile
and putting in vinyl flooring that looks
like hardwood floors.
I can't take all this work cleaning carpet
at the moment. Can you imagine all the dirt
and grim still left in the carpet, padding
and underneath it. That can't be healthy for you.
If we are lucky, there will be half way
decent hard wood floors underneath
the carpet. But it worries me if there is
all the dog spots that could have leaked through to it!
Vinyl floors like this:

Break time is over.
Now I need to head to kitchen and skin
some chicken for the crock pot.
Good thing about these newer crock pots
is they cook things in like 3-4 hours time
compared to the old ones that took 6-8 hours!
Still got laundry to take down off line and put away.
Lay clothes out for week.
Lunches to pack.
Supper to make.
And reorganize my shopping list.
I printed out even more coupons
I found for Meijer's sales!
Got all the chicken skinned and put into crock pots.
Out of 14.29 pounds of chicken
5 pounds of that was fat/skin.
Will figure out bone weight once
I de-bone all chicken when done.
I just want to know out of 14.29 pounds
how much of it is eatable that we are paying for!
I put all the chicken in 2 crocks
and added a couple glasses of water
to each one. Then I added in some bullion.
I ended up putting the crocks on high
considering the time of day.
Once chicken is done I can then strain off
the broth, allow it to cool, then put in fridge
over night. Tomorrow all the fat will have
hardened to the top of the bowl.
Remove fat and then you have chicken broth
to freeze for soups or whatever.
Don't put things in your fridge that are hot.
It makes the refrigerator work harder
to cool off things. Allow to come to room
temperature first.
The harder your fridge or freezer works
the more your electric bill goes up!
Whew, starting to wear out!
Time to go out and get the clothes of the line
and hang up any remaining clothes.
This evening I still have to cut coupons
and go through my grocery list
and make adjustments to it.
Still have these to cut out!!
Just got this in my email.
$2.00 coupon for Cream of Wheat Cinnabon!
Be patient while coupon is sent to
your printer!
It could take a minute or two before it
prints out.
Make sure to print 2 coupons!
You can also request a FREE sample!
Will have to price this at Meijers
or even check to see if they carry this flavor.
My tip/hint for today-
Saving paper.
I save all the large scrap paper
when printing coupons.
I can either use it for scratch paper
or reuse it on more single coupons
to print out.
Even if there was something printed
on one side of the paper I will
turn it over and print on the
other side. Stores don't care
what's on the backside of your printable coupons.
Went to Kroger and got pop.
I remembered to take along
my free coupon for Kroger cereal.
When walking by the meat section
I always scan that area for any bright orange
tags, clearance tags.
I found 10 pound bags of chicken legs quarters
marked down to $2.25!!!!!!
I bought all 7 bags marked down!!!!
That's 70 pounds of chicken!!!!!
Now add that to the 14.29 pounds of chicken
I bought earlier this week and have in crock pots
at the moment along with another 10 pounds
Kendra gave me last week.
And this week I plan to get
about 1o pounds of hamburger FREE!!!!
Oh yeah I want to add that I saw
in Kroger's sales ad they will
have cans of tuna for .38!!!
I don't plan to go to Meijers
until Tuesday this week.
Thank goodness because I am still
working on my grocery list.
After this trip to the store
I am stocked to the hilt!!
I could live off of what we have
for a good 4-6 months!!!!
So no more large grocery trips for awhile.
It better be free, .50 cents or less
or something we really need.
I never imagined getting stocked
up this fast. I just got back into
couponing since the kids started back
to school less than a month ago!
Got clothes off the line and hung up
anther load.
Got everyone's clothes laid out for the week,
socks, undies, shirts and shorts.
Makes life so much more easier in
the mornings when I do this.
I got a batch of Cheerio cereal bars made
so I can put them in the kids' lunches
this week.
Now time to start making up some
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
slicing up some carrot sticks,
put some ranch dressing in lil bowls
to dip carrots in,
put cereal bars in containers.
They will also have some yogurt
and Jonathan a container of mixed fruit
and Christopher some applesauce
along with fruit juice pouches.
Just turned off crock pots
so after I get the lunches done
I will start on getting the chicken
de-boned and ready for the freezer.
I didn't get my chicken noodle soup
made today but will do tomorrow.
Then I have the broth to strain
and put in fridge.
It's 8:00PM
and my work day is still not done yet
after I do all the above.
I still have one more kid to get in the shower
and Tony's hair to cut!!!
So whoever out there thinks that
a stay at home mom's/housewive's job is easy
can kiss my you know what!!
Do you know they say if a stay at home
mom or dad was to get paid for what he or she
does, they'd make at least $100,00+ a year!
I always put in a bogus phone number
when it asks for one!
Says it should take 1 week to get!
If you LIKE Miracle Whip
on Facebook you can get
$1.00 printable coupon.
Look for coupon tab at top of page
after you click like!
Ahhhh, boy does it feel good to
sit down with nothing else to do for today!
The only thing I didn't get done
was dog a bath, because she is still outside.
And Tony's hair cut.
I'll try to do it tomorrow.
Kids lunches are packed.
Got the chicken and bones separated.
I weighed the bones.
They were about 2 pounds.
Total meat out of 14.29 pounds
minus skin, fat (don't have total for fat because
it went into the broth) and bones
was about 9 pounds.
Got some homemade cinnamon
rolls out of the freezer for breakfast tomorrow.
Trying to conserve about a quarter gallon
of milk that we have by having cinnamon
rolls instead of cereal. I also needed the
space in my freezer for the chicken.
Won't get more milk (2 gallons)
til Tuesday's shopping trip.
Tony went to Speedway to get gas
for his buggy for work tomorrow.
They've had the $6.66 prices on the sign
all day long. This evening they finally
just shut the whole sign off
I think he said gas was $2.69
or less.
Well this evening has not wound too well.
9:30PM the pager went off.
Someone's apartment got broken into
which means Tony has to go repair a front
door or patio door to secure it.
This is not something new
as it's been happening quite
a bit in the past year.
Ya know it doesn't matter where you live,
there's always going to be a break in.
This is in the Upper Arlington area.
So much for heading to bed soon.
Tony thinks he'll be gone a couple hours
to take care of this.
I can't sleep until he's home.
That's just me.
So we're probably looking
at close to midnight.
Killing time til Tony gets home
so here's coupons or deals I found
for Meijer:
Print a $2/2 Nivea Lip Care coupon. They're on PRICE DROP at Meijer 9/13-10/10 for .99 making these absolutely FREE wyb 2!
..Best Life Buttery Spread $0.99 (Price drop thru 10/2)
-$1/1 Coupon HERE (from the 8/29 and 7/11 RP)
.Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.25
-$5/5 Coupon HERE
=$0.25 each.
.Free coupon alerts wants you to save more on your weekly grocery trips by giving you a alerts of when new coupons are available..
Don't know if this will work
but HERE is a coupon for $1.00 of Quaker Oats.
Remember they are $1.50 this week at Walgreens.
Nigh nigh y'all.
Gotta get a good night's sleep.
I got ALLOT of coupons
to go through tomorrow!
This grocery list for Meijer will be a
fun one to figure out.
It's like a puzzle.
I got all the pieces and
now have to figure out how to
put it all together.
Oh, one more thing,
tonight in Kroger I found those
Butterfinger coupons
for $1.00 off 2.
Look near the candy in the Halloween isle.
If you go to my Krogers on Morse
then if you are facing the Halloween isle
it is located on the left hand side in front.
Look hard, as I almost missed it
heading to checkout!
I was nice enough to leave some for others, LOL!
Walgreens has them for .50 cents with their coupon
stack with this other coupon for a couple
FREE candy bars.
Or you could hold off and wait
til Kroger has them go on sale for .50 cents.