Got 3 lunches packed up, breakfast made
and Tony off to work, back home again because
he forgot the pager, then off to work again, lol.
What to do?
Ever have one of those mornings?
That's this morning!
It's been trying to rain outside,
I can only find one umbrella,
the truck's on empty to drive to bus stop
and Christopher's shoe has a blow
out on the bottom. Hasn't even had these
new shoes a month!!
I don't even
think I could repair it with hot glue.
He refuses to wear his sandals to school
which is the only other pair of shoes
at the moment.
I think this morning me and mom will
head to Meijer then I will see if she
will take me to Wally World to
try and find another pair of shoes
for Christopher.
Then maybe to Big Lots
to see if they still have their pool covers
on sale for about $2.50.
Well I am off here. It's 8:00AM.
Got Christopher to wear sandals today,
Gets to grandma's house, which is right
by the bus stop. We go in grandmas
and Jonathan is tinkering with his book bag
making sure he has his homework
and stuff.
He did have his homework
and was putting it into some kind
of folder. He was holding it up
when I realized there was a backside
to the homework that didn't
get done. We didn't know last
night it continued on the back.
So minutes before the bus shows
up he's rushing to get the rest
of his homework done!
Went to Meijer.
I got 6 boxes of Helper &
a box of Marshmallow Pebbles Cereal,
went through
checkout and out to car.
Got my $3.00 Catalina coupon.
Paid $3.73
Mom got a few groceries
and another 6 boxes of Helper.
I had her go in front of me at the checkout.
She passed back the $3.00 coupon she got.
Total for Helpers $2.94
I was up next checking out again.
I put up 6 boxes of Helper
then a divider bar
then 3 family packs of chicken.
The cashier rang up my Helpers
and I got my third $3.00 coupon
for meat.
Paid $2.94
Then she rang up my 3 packages of
chicken (14.29 pounds worth)
I handed the cashier three of the
$3.00 catalinas and another
$1.00 off $10 of meat catalina.
It all came to $11.29
then minus my 4 coupons
made 3 family packs of chicken $1.29!!
If you average that out it is only .09 cents a pound!!
18 Helpers $2.00 x's 18 is $36.00
Post cereal: $2.29
3 family packs of chicken quarters $11.29
TOTAL: $49.58
I PAID: 18 Helpers $8.82
Post Cereal .74 cents
3 family packs of chicken quarters $1.29
TOTAL: $10.85
I SAVED: $38.73
And here is one receipt to show
you I did get the chicken for ONLY $1.29!!
Here's everything I got for $10.85
This shows the size of chicken
packages in my fridge.
Almost the width of my fridge shelf.
And I ain't done shopping for the week!
Still have 42 more boxes of Helper to get!
Along with those purchases I should get
$21.00 towards FREE meat
that I will use next week.
My total so far for groceries this week:
plus I plan to spend $20.58
in another 42 Helpers
and another $2.00 for a gallon of milk
A total of $39.62
$5.38 UNDER my budget of $45 a week!
Almost nap time and I so deserve it today!
Want to know about other mishaps that happened this morning?
And why my legs are hurting like crazy?
Well let's see...
During one of my checkouts with Helpers
I realized I picked up 8 instead of 6
so had to give the extra 2 to the cashier
and tell her I didn't want them.
Another checkout incident I realized
I picked up a package of chicken thighs
instead of quarters, which are .10 cents
cheaper per pound. Made a run from
the checkout to the back of the store
to get the correct package and back
to the checkout again.
Went to Walmart this morning to
see about getting Christopher
another pair of shoes.
Their boys tennis shoe selection sucked,
worse than sucked as they really didn't have
any at all. I thought it would be a wasted
trip but decided to head over to the computer
area to check out printers.
I found a printer for $29!
I can't wait for the staple rewards thing
to happen to be able to get free printer ink
because I need coupons NOW to save money with!
Anyway printer ink would have cost
$35 for color and black
while the whole darn printer WITH ink
cost $29!!
Ok carrying on...
Stopped in Big Lots to see if they
had pool covers.
Remember mom bought
a $100 pool for the kids for Christmas
for $25.
Well Big Lots has the pool covers
marked down 75% off.
We get to the checkout and I thought
the price of the cover was $10
before mark down.
It rang up as $18 before mark down.
So I go sprinting once again to
the back of the store to double
check the price.
By now my legs are on fire
from all the running I have done today!!
The $10 price was for a smaller cover.
So it was $18 marked down to $4.50.
These covers are like a rubberized
material and will help to keep
bugs, leaves and whatever out of the pool.
Ok from Big Lots we pick up my step-dad
to go out to lunch at Popeyes.
I see the Popeyes sign out front
and pull in and we all get out
and go inside.
That's when we realized we
were in Tim Hortons!
So back into the car and go
next door to Popeyes for lunch.
I ate only one piece of chicken
and saved a chicken breast
to put in one of Tony's lunches
for another day.
From Popeyes I want to stop
in the thrift store right behind there.
I say I will only be a minute to run inside.
I've been going to this thrift store 20+ years
and I walk in today and they COMPLETELY
rearranged the store. I was walking blind
through that store trying to find the shoes.
I didn't find a pair of shoes for Christopher.
Back out to the car. Mom suggests
I go to the other thrift store across the street.
The place is packed.
I find a pair of 6.5 sized shoes
then drop my wallet and of course
had change and dollar bills going all
over the floor. Scooped all that up
as quickly as possible.
It was embarrassing!
From there we head to my house
to unload groceries.
Mom & step-dad went home.
I get the groceries put away
and then take out those shoes
I got for Christopher.
His shoe now says size 6
and this pair I got today says 6.5.
I compared them side by side,
sole to sole and see that these
shoes look much smaller
than the ones he has!
I know they are not going to fit
him even though they say a half size bigger!
Tony calls and I tell him of the
great deals I got today.
Then was telling him about
that chicken breast I saved for him.
That's when I realized I forgot to get
the chicken out of Don's car.
So I quickly called mom to tell her
to get my chicken out of the car.
Too late!
Don had left to go visit his dad
in Marengo, Ohio.
Won't be back for another 4-5 hours.
So much for saving that chicken!!
It's now tagging along with Don
to Marengo!
Then I find out yesterday my Uncle
was out walking their little dog
when a Pitbull tried to attack them!
Then today I learned that my brother's
doberman was attacked by their
neighbor's Mastiff and tore
a chunk out of his side
and had to had staples put in.
And that is how my day has gone so
far and it's only half over with!!
Got boys off the bus.
Everything seems to be going smoothly, lol.
I got to thinking about wanting
to hang all my extra clothes
on bars in the basement.
Now I REALLY will need a dehumidifier!
So if anyone sees a good deal on
one out there anywhere like a yard sale
or something let me know!
A good deal to me is like $5-$15
An ok deal is $16 to $20.
Tonight's supper:
6 Breaded Pork Chops- $2.12
Bread Crumbs-Free
Honey Glazed Carrots .60 cents
Seasoned Hash Browns- .50 cents
3 slices cheese for tops of potatoes- .15 cents
TOTAL: $3.37
Serves 6 @ .56 cents a serving
Will make up Tony 2 lunches,
one for tomorrow and one to put back in freezer
for another day.
Oh yeah the day hasn't gotten any better!
The storm has passed and it
has beautiful sunny and partly cloudy blue skies!
It hardly hit here!
Once a storm passes and gets sunny
out I always tell the kids to watch
the backside of the storm clouds
for a rainbow.
Sure enough there was one
that we saw just seconds after the
sun came back out but
only lasted just seconds though.
By the time I told mom it was gone.
Got 3 lunches packed up, breakfast made
and Tony off to work, back home again because
he forgot the pager, then off to work again, lol.
What to do?
Ever have one of those mornings?
That's this morning!
It's been trying to rain outside,
I can only find one umbrella,
the truck's on empty to drive to bus stop
and Christopher's shoe has a blow
out on the bottom. Hasn't even had these
new shoes a month!!
I don't even
think I could repair it with hot glue.
He refuses to wear his sandals to school
which is the only other pair of shoes
at the moment.
I think this morning me and mom will
head to Meijer then I will see if she
will take me to Wally World to
try and find another pair of shoes
for Christopher.
Then maybe to Big Lots
to see if they still have their pool covers
on sale for about $2.50.
Well I am off here. It's 8:00AM.
Got Christopher to wear sandals today,
Gets to grandma's house, which is right
by the bus stop. We go in grandmas
and Jonathan is tinkering with his book bag
making sure he has his homework
and stuff.
He did have his homework
and was putting it into some kind
of folder. He was holding it up
when I realized there was a backside
to the homework that didn't
get done. We didn't know last
night it continued on the back.
So minutes before the bus shows
up he's rushing to get the rest
of his homework done!
Went to Meijer.
I got 6 boxes of Helper &
a box of Marshmallow Pebbles Cereal,
went through
checkout and out to car.
Got my $3.00 Catalina coupon.
Paid $3.73
Mom got a few groceries
and another 6 boxes of Helper.
I had her go in front of me at the checkout.
She passed back the $3.00 coupon she got.
Total for Helpers $2.94
I was up next checking out again.
I put up 6 boxes of Helper
then a divider bar
then 3 family packs of chicken.
The cashier rang up my Helpers
and I got my third $3.00 coupon
for meat.
Paid $2.94
Then she rang up my 3 packages of
chicken (14.29 pounds worth)
I handed the cashier three of the
$3.00 catalinas and another
$1.00 off $10 of meat catalina.
It all came to $11.29
then minus my 4 coupons
made 3 family packs of chicken $1.29!!
If you average that out it is only .09 cents a pound!!
18 Helpers $2.00 x's 18 is $36.00
Post cereal: $2.29
3 family packs of chicken quarters $11.29
TOTAL: $49.58
I PAID: 18 Helpers $8.82
Post Cereal .74 cents
3 family packs of chicken quarters $1.29
TOTAL: $10.85
I SAVED: $38.73
And here is one receipt to show
you I did get the chicken for ONLY $1.29!!
packages in my fridge.
Almost the width of my fridge shelf.
Still have 42 more boxes of Helper to get!
Along with those purchases I should get
$21.00 towards FREE meat
that I will use next week.
My total so far for groceries this week:
plus I plan to spend $20.58
in another 42 Helpers
and another $2.00 for a gallon of milk
A total of $39.62
$5.38 UNDER my budget of $45 a week!
Almost nap time and I so deserve it today!
Want to know about other mishaps that happened this morning?
And why my legs are hurting like crazy?
Well let's see...
During one of my checkouts with Helpers
I realized I picked up 8 instead of 6
so had to give the extra 2 to the cashier
and tell her I didn't want them.
Another checkout incident I realized
I picked up a package of chicken thighs
instead of quarters, which are .10 cents
cheaper per pound. Made a run from
the checkout to the back of the store
to get the correct package and back
to the checkout again.
Went to Walmart this morning to
see about getting Christopher
another pair of shoes.
Their boys tennis shoe selection sucked,
worse than sucked as they really didn't have
any at all. I thought it would be a wasted
trip but decided to head over to the computer
area to check out printers.
I found a printer for $29!
I can't wait for the staple rewards thing
to happen to be able to get free printer ink
because I need coupons NOW to save money with!
Anyway printer ink would have cost
$35 for color and black
while the whole darn printer WITH ink
cost $29!!
Ok carrying on...
Stopped in Big Lots to see if they
had pool covers.
Remember mom bought
a $100 pool for the kids for Christmas
for $25.
Well Big Lots has the pool covers
marked down 75% off.
We get to the checkout and I thought
the price of the cover was $10
before mark down.
It rang up as $18 before mark down.
So I go sprinting once again to
the back of the store to double
check the price.
By now my legs are on fire
from all the running I have done today!!
The $10 price was for a smaller cover.
So it was $18 marked down to $4.50.
These covers are like a rubberized
material and will help to keep
bugs, leaves and whatever out of the pool.
Ok from Big Lots we pick up my step-dad
to go out to lunch at Popeyes.
I see the Popeyes sign out front
and pull in and we all get out
and go inside.
That's when we realized we
were in Tim Hortons!
So back into the car and go
next door to Popeyes for lunch.
I ate only one piece of chicken
and saved a chicken breast
to put in one of Tony's lunches
for another day.
From Popeyes I want to stop
in the thrift store right behind there.
I say I will only be a minute to run inside.
I've been going to this thrift store 20+ years
and I walk in today and they COMPLETELY
rearranged the store. I was walking blind
through that store trying to find the shoes.
I didn't find a pair of shoes for Christopher.
Back out to the car. Mom suggests
I go to the other thrift store across the street.
The place is packed.
I find a pair of 6.5 sized shoes
then drop my wallet and of course
had change and dollar bills going all
over the floor. Scooped all that up
as quickly as possible.
It was embarrassing!
From there we head to my house
to unload groceries.
Mom & step-dad went home.
I get the groceries put away
and then take out those shoes
I got for Christopher.
His shoe now says size 6
and this pair I got today says 6.5.
I compared them side by side,
sole to sole and see that these
shoes look much smaller
than the ones he has!
I know they are not going to fit
him even though they say a half size bigger!
Tony calls and I tell him of the
great deals I got today.
Then was telling him about
that chicken breast I saved for him.
That's when I realized I forgot to get
the chicken out of Don's car.
So I quickly called mom to tell her
to get my chicken out of the car.
Too late!
Don had left to go visit his dad
in Marengo, Ohio.
Won't be back for another 4-5 hours.
So much for saving that chicken!!
It's now tagging along with Don
to Marengo!
Then I find out yesterday my Uncle
was out walking their little dog
when a Pitbull tried to attack them!
Then today I learned that my brother's
doberman was attacked by their
neighbor's Mastiff and tore
a chunk out of his side
and had to had staples put in.
And that is how my day has gone so
far and it's only half over with!!
Got boys off the bus.
Everything seems to be going smoothly, lol.
I got to thinking about wanting
to hang all my extra clothes
on bars in the basement.
Now I REALLY will need a dehumidifier!
So if anyone sees a good deal on
one out there anywhere like a yard sale
or something let me know!
A good deal to me is like $5-$15
An ok deal is $16 to $20.
Tonight's supper:
6 Breaded Pork Chops- $2.12
Bread Crumbs-Free
Honey Glazed Carrots .60 cents
Seasoned Hash Browns- .50 cents
3 slices cheese for tops of potatoes- .15 cents
TOTAL: $3.37
Serves 6 @ .56 cents a serving
Will make up Tony 2 lunches,
one for tomorrow and one to put back in freezer
for another day.
Oh yeah the day hasn't gotten any better!
The storm has passed and it
has beautiful sunny and partly cloudy blue skies!
It hardly hit here!
Once a storm passes and gets sunny
out I always tell the kids to watch
the backside of the storm clouds
for a rainbow.
Sure enough there was one
that we saw just seconds after the
sun came back out but
only lasted just seconds though.
By the time I told mom it was gone.