Coupons didn't come today :-(
Got finger crossed for tomorrow!
I found another catalina coupon
good for $1.00 off with $10 meat purchase.
(expires the 16th so am hoping for those coupons to come)
So if I can round up 3 of those $3.00 off meat Catalinas
from Hamburger Helper
and use that other $1.00 Catalina,
I can get $10 worth of meat for FREE!!
I did get a coupon for FREE M&M's
and got a gas bill that I don't owe anything on again!
I still have a gas credit of $38.54.
This month's bill was only $25
so I forsee another bill next month
I won't have to pay!!
That will be 3 months of not having to
pay a gas bill!!
Got my running done for this morning.
I did go to the thrift store
and found a $1.99 sheet for the kids bed
and $1.99 dust ruffle
to make a bassinet ruffle with.
I also found a small blanket for .99 cents
that I thought would go with it also.
Found Christopher a pair of pants.
Was $1.99 marked down to .99 cents
And I found Jonathan a Mountain Bike
for ONLY $4.94!!!!
I told the kids I wasn't buying any more
bikes til this fence was complete.
Now that it's done I have started
keeping an eye out.
Jonathan's been wanting me to buy
the neighbor kids bike for $20!
I told him I didn't have $20 for a bike.
We've had bicycles stolen and the
kids have been sharing 1 bike.
I wasn't investing a whole lot into
another bicycle so when I saw this one
for $4.94 I jumped on it!!
Mountain bikes new go for $90+.
So I saved at least $85 with that purchase!!
Oh yeah, I did get that Barnyard Buster this morning!
That really hit the spot!
Don't ya hate when you get certain cravings?
Me and mom split one
and it was just the right amount to fill you up!
Cut the ruffle off the dust ruffle.
I went around and hemmed up the edges.
The middle piece of the dust ruffle
will get used for the inside of the
I don't know how to attach it
to the bassinet other than hot
gluing it on so that's the route I'm going.
Here's how far I have gotten with the bassinet.
It's not done!
I still want to add some satin ribbon and lace.
Satin ribbon around the handles
and around the top edge of bassinet.
Maybe ribbon around the sides.
I don't know at the moment.
Will have to study some pictures
first of other bassinets.
But at least I got it started :0)
Jonathan loves his bicycle!
He couldn't believe it when
he saw the price of $4.94 on it.
I didn't tell him about it til we got home.
He kept asking if we could buy his friends
bike all the way home, lol.
I said no, you need to get your hiney
home and you have a job to do that involves
cleaning. He was like WHAT!
But soon discovered I meant cleaning
up his new bicycle.
Here is Christopher curb crawling on our street.
We had a neighbor a couple houses down
put a bunch of stuff out to the curb.
I told him to go down and see
if they had a chair to replace his desk
chair that broke yesterday.
And here is the chair he found.
The fabric is can easily be replaced/recovered.
Can also use this as an extra chair around
our dining table if need be since it is very
similar and of the same color wood.
Now he is telling me there are a couple
more of the same chairs.
Hmmm, LOL.
I've got my kids and a neighbor kid
going down to haul any more home.
I can store these in my basement
and use them for Thanksgiving
and Christmas dinners
when I need more chairs.
I now have a dining room table
with 2 extensions and it has
6 chairs.
It could easily fit 8 chairs
so that's the reason for getting a
few extras.
The kids brought me home
2 more chairs, so now
I can have a total of 8 people around
my table during the holidays
without the kids
having to sit at the coffee table to eat!
Here's the other 2 chairs.
Just needs wiped down
and the fabric recovered.
Here's something Jonathan
curb crawled the other day
and drug home, a 42" LCD TV.
I knew if he found it in this neighborhood
the chances were it didn't work.
Today another kid brought us
a cord to test it out.
It comes on but the liquid crystal screen
has blotches on it.
So I told the 14 year old boy
that's over here he can have it
and haul it outta here for free, lol.
Also told him he could have a box
of VCRs, remotes and phones
that Jonathan also curb crawled from
another house on our street,
Never a dull moment around here!
Now I wish I could find some
bars to hang up in the basement
to hang clothes on.
That wouldn't be too much
to ask for I wouldn't think.
Hell kids are finding cherry chairs
and lcd tvs.
Don't ya just love when neighbors,
ok it's the truck driver neighbor,
doesn't teach his kids to knock
on doors first.
Instead I'm sitting here,
while the kids are out back,
and they come over and open
up the front door and start to walk in!
That's how they got in our house
the other day running around
when we were all out back.
Dad's a dip... well you know.
This morning their dad says to
me at the bus stop,
"this sucks having to get up early every morning."
Awww poor freaking baby!!
Has to take the kids to the bus stop
on his days off instead of pawning
it off on someone else!
Well I need to head into the kitchen
and start working on supper.
Doing sausages on grilled buns
with sauted red onions, mushrooms.
banana peppers & green peppers.
along with a little shredded colby on top.
Will use the remaining vegetables,
zucchini & cherry tomatoes,
in a salad another day.
Also got a tray of fries in the oven.
Coat them with non-stick
spray then topped with
a little chili powder and paprika.
Will serve with colby cheese on top.
Still have yet to even start supper.
Truck driver neighbor wanted
to know why my boys
wouldn't allow his kids
in the yard to play.
(In all reality I have enough
crap to do and don't feel like playing
babysitter at the moment, but that's
just me thinking out loud).
Why do I have to explain things to him?
Just leave me be!
I told him the boys were grounded
to being in just their yard for a week.
They are only allowed to have 1 friend
in the yard at a time to play with them
and they already had a friend over.
The reason being is I'm tired of neighbor
kids coming over and not cleaning up
after themselves. I've had to clean up
the yard and carport area about 3 times
in the past week and I'm getting
really tired of it.
Now go home and mow your yard or
do something with your kids as a father!
I thought that but didn't say it!
Now going to attempt to make
supper for the second time.
Front door is now shut and locked!
Tony's working late tonight :0(.
I am whipped.
Still awaiting for fries to get done
in oven before serving supper.
Gosh I look around the house
and it is wiped out!
I can NEVER keep it cleaned
for longer than a day
no matter how hard I try.
I got the back end of the Suburban
loaded up with trash and crap
to go out.
If Tony gets called out to work
tonight then we can take
and dump it at his work dumpsters.
Supper's finally done!
1 pkg smoked cheddar sausage $1.00
1/2 pkg colby cheese .50 cents
1 pkg hot dog buns .69 cents
French Fries- FREE
1/2 pkg Kabob vegetables $1.00
1/2 can diced tomatoes
w/ basil & garlic- FREE
paprika & chili powder- FREE
serves 8 @ .39 cents a serving
(cut each sausage in half,
then in half again to make 8 half
pieces for each sandwich)
I did open faced grilled buns and topped
with the sausages, cheese & veggies.
Sloppy like fair food and needs
eaten with a fork.
I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off
bouncing around here in hyper mode.
Maybe I need to lay off the Pepsi Max, lol.
Tony went out to cut the grass.
I'm gonna work on getting the dishwasher loaded
and start making lunches for everyone for tomorrow.
Still have homework for one kid
and then will get them their showers
& teeth brushed
here in the next half hour 45 minutes.
Today at the thrift store mom bought
a book called The Stay At Home Mom-
for women at home and those who want to be
for .90 cents.
She read the book already and passed it
onto me this afternoon.
HA HA, now she gives me a guide!
I think it's 11 years too late!
But I'll check it out to see if I might
have missed doing something over
the years.
I swear I need to write a book
to make millions!
HA HA again.
What woman, who is a stay at home mom,
has the time to write grocery list
let a lone a book???
I don't even get a moments
rest while I sleep as hubby
tells me all the time I am talking
and laughing in my sleep.
Kitchen's cleaned up, wiped down,
dishes put away from dishwasher,
dirty dishes loaded in and washing.
1 kid's shower taken & teeth brushed.
All homework done, kids bathed, teeth brushed
and kids settling into bed.
Deep breath, ahhhh!
Had a question come across Facebook
from Vocalpoint.
Here is the question:
And here was my answer for people who don't have time
to shop with coupons:
Shop the perimeter of the store. This is where perishables can be found and some stores will discount them when they near their expiration date..
Go HERE to see others comments
on how to save money at the store.
OK tomorrow NO Pepsi Max for me!
If you drink a 20 ounce every now and
then it has no effect BUT if you drink
3-4 glasses a day for a couple days
that's when it really kicks in.
Feel like I am plugged into a light socket
at the moment, buzz buzz buzzz.
Got finger crossed for tomorrow!
I found another catalina coupon
good for $1.00 off with $10 meat purchase.
(expires the 16th so am hoping for those coupons to come)
So if I can round up 3 of those $3.00 off meat Catalinas
from Hamburger Helper
and use that other $1.00 Catalina,
I can get $10 worth of meat for FREE!!
I did get a coupon for FREE M&M's
and got a gas bill that I don't owe anything on again!
I still have a gas credit of $38.54.
This month's bill was only $25
so I forsee another bill next month
I won't have to pay!!
That will be 3 months of not having to
pay a gas bill!!
Got my running done for this morning.
I did go to the thrift store
and found a $1.99 sheet for the kids bed
and $1.99 dust ruffle
to make a bassinet ruffle with.
I also found a small blanket for .99 cents
that I thought would go with it also.
Found Christopher a pair of pants.
Was $1.99 marked down to .99 cents
And I found Jonathan a Mountain Bike
for ONLY $4.94!!!!
I told the kids I wasn't buying any more
bikes til this fence was complete.
Now that it's done I have started
keeping an eye out.
Jonathan's been wanting me to buy
the neighbor kids bike for $20!
I told him I didn't have $20 for a bike.
We've had bicycles stolen and the
kids have been sharing 1 bike.
I wasn't investing a whole lot into
another bicycle so when I saw this one
for $4.94 I jumped on it!!
Mountain bikes new go for $90+.
So I saved at least $85 with that purchase!!
Oh yeah, I did get that Barnyard Buster this morning!
That really hit the spot!
Don't ya hate when you get certain cravings?
Me and mom split one
and it was just the right amount to fill you up!
Cut the ruffle off the dust ruffle.
I went around and hemmed up the edges.
The middle piece of the dust ruffle
will get used for the inside of the
I don't know how to attach it
to the bassinet other than hot
gluing it on so that's the route I'm going.
Here's how far I have gotten with the bassinet.
It's not done!
I still want to add some satin ribbon and lace.
Satin ribbon around the handles
and around the top edge of bassinet.
Maybe ribbon around the sides.
I don't know at the moment.
Will have to study some pictures
first of other bassinets.
But at least I got it started :0)
Jonathan loves his bicycle!
He couldn't believe it when
he saw the price of $4.94 on it.
I didn't tell him about it til we got home.
He kept asking if we could buy his friends
bike all the way home, lol.
I said no, you need to get your hiney
home and you have a job to do that involves
cleaning. He was like WHAT!
But soon discovered I meant cleaning
up his new bicycle.
Here is Christopher curb crawling on our street.
We had a neighbor a couple houses down
put a bunch of stuff out to the curb.
I told him to go down and see
if they had a chair to replace his desk
chair that broke yesterday.
The fabric is can easily be replaced/recovered.
Can also use this as an extra chair around
our dining table if need be since it is very
similar and of the same color wood.
Now he is telling me there are a couple
more of the same chairs.
Hmmm, LOL.
I've got my kids and a neighbor kid
going down to haul any more home.
I can store these in my basement
and use them for Thanksgiving
and Christmas dinners
when I need more chairs.
I now have a dining room table
with 2 extensions and it has
6 chairs.
It could easily fit 8 chairs
so that's the reason for getting a
few extras.
The kids brought me home
2 more chairs, so now
I can have a total of 8 people around
my table during the holidays
without the kids
having to sit at the coffee table to eat!
Here's the other 2 chairs.
Just needs wiped down
and the fabric recovered.
curb crawled the other day
and drug home, a 42" LCD TV.
I knew if he found it in this neighborhood
the chances were it didn't work.
Today another kid brought us
a cord to test it out.
It comes on but the liquid crystal screen
has blotches on it.
So I told the 14 year old boy
that's over here he can have it
and haul it outta here for free, lol.
Also told him he could have a box
of VCRs, remotes and phones
that Jonathan also curb crawled from
another house on our street,
Never a dull moment around here!
Now I wish I could find some
bars to hang up in the basement
to hang clothes on.
That wouldn't be too much
to ask for I wouldn't think.
Hell kids are finding cherry chairs
and lcd tvs.
Don't ya just love when neighbors,
ok it's the truck driver neighbor,
doesn't teach his kids to knock
on doors first.
Instead I'm sitting here,
while the kids are out back,
and they come over and open
up the front door and start to walk in!
That's how they got in our house
the other day running around
when we were all out back.
Dad's a dip... well you know.
This morning their dad says to
me at the bus stop,
"this sucks having to get up early every morning."
Awww poor freaking baby!!
Has to take the kids to the bus stop
on his days off instead of pawning
it off on someone else!
Well I need to head into the kitchen
and start working on supper.
Doing sausages on grilled buns
with sauted red onions, mushrooms.
banana peppers & green peppers.
along with a little shredded colby on top.
Will use the remaining vegetables,
zucchini & cherry tomatoes,
in a salad another day.
Also got a tray of fries in the oven.
Coat them with non-stick
spray then topped with
a little chili powder and paprika.
Will serve with colby cheese on top.
Still have yet to even start supper.
Truck driver neighbor wanted
to know why my boys
wouldn't allow his kids
in the yard to play.
(In all reality I have enough
crap to do and don't feel like playing
babysitter at the moment, but that's
just me thinking out loud).
Why do I have to explain things to him?
Just leave me be!
I told him the boys were grounded
to being in just their yard for a week.
They are only allowed to have 1 friend
in the yard at a time to play with them
and they already had a friend over.
The reason being is I'm tired of neighbor
kids coming over and not cleaning up
after themselves. I've had to clean up
the yard and carport area about 3 times
in the past week and I'm getting
really tired of it.
Now go home and mow your yard or
do something with your kids as a father!
I thought that but didn't say it!
Now going to attempt to make
supper for the second time.
Front door is now shut and locked!
Tony's working late tonight :0(.
I am whipped.
Still awaiting for fries to get done
in oven before serving supper.
Gosh I look around the house
and it is wiped out!
I can NEVER keep it cleaned
for longer than a day
no matter how hard I try.
I got the back end of the Suburban
loaded up with trash and crap
to go out.
If Tony gets called out to work
tonight then we can take
and dump it at his work dumpsters.
Supper's finally done!
1 pkg smoked cheddar sausage $1.00
1/2 pkg colby cheese .50 cents
1 pkg hot dog buns .69 cents
French Fries- FREE
1/2 pkg Kabob vegetables $1.00
1/2 can diced tomatoes
w/ basil & garlic- FREE
paprika & chili powder- FREE
serves 8 @ .39 cents a serving
(cut each sausage in half,
then in half again to make 8 half
pieces for each sandwich)
I did open faced grilled buns and topped
with the sausages, cheese & veggies.
Sloppy like fair food and needs
eaten with a fork.
I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off
bouncing around here in hyper mode.
Maybe I need to lay off the Pepsi Max, lol.
Tony went out to cut the grass.
I'm gonna work on getting the dishwasher loaded
and start making lunches for everyone for tomorrow.
Still have homework for one kid
and then will get them their showers
& teeth brushed
here in the next half hour 45 minutes.
Today at the thrift store mom bought
a book called The Stay At Home Mom-
for women at home and those who want to be
for .90 cents.
She read the book already and passed it
onto me this afternoon.
HA HA, now she gives me a guide!
I think it's 11 years too late!
But I'll check it out to see if I might
have missed doing something over
the years.
I swear I need to write a book
to make millions!
HA HA again.
What woman, who is a stay at home mom,
has the time to write grocery list
let a lone a book???
I don't even get a moments
rest while I sleep as hubby
tells me all the time I am talking
and laughing in my sleep.
Kitchen's cleaned up, wiped down,
dishes put away from dishwasher,
dirty dishes loaded in and washing.
1 kid's shower taken & teeth brushed.
All homework done, kids bathed, teeth brushed
and kids settling into bed.
Deep breath, ahhhh!
Had a question come across Facebook
from Vocalpoint.
Here is the question:
Vocalpoint Melissa G., Vocalpoint member, has a question for our thrifty ladies. “I want to save more money at the store but am not sure where to start. What techniques have you used to get the best deals?” Thanks for helping her out! ~Mary Lynn
And here was my answer for people who don't have time
to shop with coupons:
Shop the perimeter of the store. This is where perishables can be found and some stores will discount them when they near their expiration date..
on how to save money at the store.
OK tomorrow NO Pepsi Max for me!
If you drink a 20 ounce every now and
then it has no effect BUT if you drink
3-4 glasses a day for a couple days
that's when it really kicks in.
Feel like I am plugged into a light socket
at the moment, buzz buzz buzzz.