Got up at 7:30. Getting everyone ready
to head out to the flea market on the
South end.
Just returned from flea market,
gas station to get gas for lawn
Got Jonathan a game for his
hand held game system for a buck.
I also found me a VERY GOOD DEAL
on homegrown green bell peppers.
They had them $1.00 a bag.
I got 2 bags for a total of 15 peppers.
Anyone price bell peppers at stores?
The last I saw the other day at Kroger
they were $1.67 EACH on sale!!
These peppers would have cost me
$25.05 if I had bought them from Kroger.
So I saved $23.05!!!
Tomorrow I'll start cutting them up,
blanching them and get them ready
for the freezer.
That reminds me. I need to pick
up some celery also to do up for
the freezer.
I try to buy vegetables when they
are in season and on sale then
freeze them for soups, casseroles,
omletes, hash and what not.
Tony's weed whipping the yard.
Kendra is supposed to come over
so we can go to Lowes to pick up
fence panels and cement.
Then once back home we are
edging the sidewalks and mowing
the grass.
Sometime today Tony wants to work
on putting the shifter cable on the car.
Then we told the kids we would
take them to the pool this afternoon.
Also need to stop by Kroger
for Tony's prescription, get some
Ibuprofen and carpet fresh.
Don't weekends sound fun around here.
Constantly on the move doing something.
Just back from Lowes. Why does it seem
every time I go to purchase things from
a place like Lowes they act like they've
never sold these things before???
For starters the cashier couldn't
find the fence posts listed to ring
them up. I had to go outside where
they were located and get an item
number from them so they could be rung
up. They had a price sticker of
$26.97 on them. When they punched
in the item number they rang up as
$20.97!! So I save about $42 unexpectedly today!!
So far we have spent $301 on this fence.
That includes labor and parts.
Still need about 2 more fence panels,
4 more posts and about 1 bag of concrete.
Oh also some hinges and a couple wheels
for the gate to roll across the driveway.
Maybe we won't need them. I just worry
about the stress on the hinges.
Tony mowed front and side yard.
Got the front walk trimmed.
Chilling at the moment then will
head off to go swimming at Tony's
work then to Kroger after that.
Well I need to find everyone's
swimsuit and dig out some floaties
for the pool. Of course they are
in a bottom tote out in the shed.
Then use what's left of my breath
for today to blow all these floaties
up. Sometimes I cheat and pinch
the air intake part and use a hair
dryer on the cool setting to inflate!
Dragging my butt out to shed.
Feel so worn out already!
Just back from the pool. I don't know
what it is about swimming that wears you
After swimming we stopped in Kroger
to get Tony's prescription. While
there I picked up a FREE dozen eggs,
FREE Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh brown
sugar ham, a baked pie for $1.29
and a loaf of cinnamon swirl bread $1.49
I saw that cinnamon swirl bread and immediately
knew what I wanted to make with it.
Tomorrow for breakfast we're having
cinnamon swirl french bread stuffed
with cream cheese then rolled in crushed
up corn flake cereal.
Tony finished cutting and weed whipping the
back yard. It is all done for another week.
Never got around to putting the shifter
cable in the car today.
I gave the cat a bath with the Dawn
dish soap. That didn't go too bad.
Then after giving her a bath she decided
to give herself one, go figure.
Guess I got all her hairs outta place
and she was putting them back to her
Time to chill for the evening.
I never got a sales bag on my door
til later on this evening.
It used to come first thing
Saturday morning. They are slacking!
That's what I looked forward to
upon waking up on Saturdays.
Haven't looked at the Dispatch
either so think I'll jump off here
and do that before going to bed.
Tomorrow I'm taking the boys to the
library. I have a reserved book
that came in about Vitamin D.
I also have laundry to do, oh goodie.
It's supposed to be a hot week
in the 90's so shouldn't take the
laundry no time to dry.