Yard sales sucked. Found a few
but bought nothing. Mom found
a few things though.
Mom bought us Arby's for lunch.
Had coupons for $2.00 subs.
Then stopped in Kroger for some
pop, lettuce and milk.
Tonight's supper will be BLT
sandwiches. I have a Beefsteak
tomato I have been wanting to use
up and this sounded really good.
Yesterday we took a truckload
of crap over to Tony's work
and dumped it. Found a little
bag next to the dumpster with
these items in it for the boys.
4 pairs socks (I myself needed socks.
boys already got new socks, free
from Meijer)
1 pair of Old Navy Jeans
(don't fit me so may see if Christopher
can wear them. Might have to hem up.
size 32x30)
t-shirt for Christopher
long sleeve shirt for Christopher
tablet of paper
Not much but things I can use.
I have been soooo tired today.
This afternoon I dozed off and my kids,
at least I think they were my kids,
went down in the basement and cleaned up
half of it!! I am still in shock!!
How they managed to do that without
being told or without fighting
with one another is beyond me!!
Well I am off here for now.
Might take the kids to get
a slushie and go to a park
or something since they've been
so good.
Did those words actually come out
of my mouth??????
Maybe I'm still dreaming or something.
Gonna go pinch myself.
I thought I would put a few pet tips
I read about here.
Homemade Pet Remedies
Save your money on flea shampoo -
Use plain old blue original Dawn dish soap-
works great!!!
DO NOT wash your pet with the Dawn more than once a week and finish with a conditioner so not to strip the natural oils of your pets coat.
Use Dawn dishsoap in steam cleaners
to rid fleas in carpet.
spritzed with peppermint or lavender oil, which help repel fleas and ticks.
Use Avon's Skin So Soft and mist on coat to repel fleas.
before you vacuum put a
piece of a dog collar in the canister or vacuum bag. When you empty out the
vacuum make sure you put it in a double plastic grocery bag and then put it
in your garbage can.
Fleas in your house-
Salt all over the house will kill fleas as will borax or baking soda. I use salt under sheets on carpet, etc.
make a mixture of lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar in a big pour jug. I put 1/2 cup of the vinegar into the jug and then filled it with lukewarm water. I set that aside within my reach in the bathroom where I was washing kitty. I filled the tub with luke warm water enough to wash the kitten in.
I took the Blue Dawn Dishwashing liquid and before getting kitty wet I placed a ring of it around her neck and rubbed it in. I did this to prevent the fleas from scurrying to her head when I put kitty in the water and that's where the fleas will run to. But by putting the ring of Dawn around her neck this prevented the fleas from scurrying to her head. I then got kitty wet and placed the Dawn directly onto her and worked up a good lather. I washed her for a good 10 minutes. You wouldn't believe the amount of fleas that fell off her and they were dead fleas.
The Dawn worked to kill the fleas. After 10 minutes of lathering her I took a very fine tooth comb and ran it through her to get the remaining fleas off her. They were all dead. Then I rinsed her with clean lukewarm water. After I rinsed her I took the Apple Cider and water I had mixed in the jug and slowly poured it all over kitty to ensure I got every part of her except her eye area, nose area and the inside of her ears. I did not rinse the Apple Cider Vinegar off her. This formula helps to repel the fleas. They dislike the scent of Apple Cider Vinegar. I also put a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in her drinking water to also assist in repelling fleas.
If fleas are a problem for your pet, wash them with Dawn dishwashing soap. It kills them instantly. Leaving a small nightlight on during the night will draw fleas. Just put a small bowl of Dawn under the light and they will jump in.

Other uses for Dawn Dish Soap
Which company owns Dawn?
Dawn was created by Procter & Gamble® (P&G) in 1973. P&G is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio and provides products and services of superior quality and value to consumers in over 80 countries worldwide.
Clean on the Cheap: A 14 oz bottle of Dawn costs about $1. Even if you use an ounce per month–unlikely if you’re diluting a few drops in a spray bottle–you’ll get more than a year’s worth of clean for less than ten cents a month.
Dawn in Your First Aid Kit?
Partially fill a strong zip-type sandwich bag with Dawn dishwashing liquid, close and freeze. Just to be safe, double bag it. Freeze. The liquid soap stays cold much longer and it can be re-frozen many times. It will conform to the place you need an ice pack.
- Wash That Driveway
While there are many chemical solvents and degreasers on the market, most of these are not biodegradable, but Dawn dishwashing detergent is. If you have gasoline or motor oil stains on your driveway, you can use the kitty litter method to clean up the excess oil and then use a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent and warm water to effectively remove excess motor oil from the pavement. Using a scrub broom and a little bit of muscle power, and your driveway will be once again oil-stain-free.
-Soak your Tools
After you have finished your automotive repair project, what are you going to do with those dirty tools? Well, you can soak them in a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent before you put them away to remove all the oil and grime from them. Apparently, many mechanics also claim that using Dawn dishwashing detergent also helps prevent rust from forming on the tools.
Try Dawn on your next greasy stain in place of your favorite pretreater–you may be surprised by the great results! Note: if you use a HE (High Efficiency) machine, wipe the Dawn away before washing–you may produce more bubbles than your machine can handle.
Forget those pricey automotive hand cleaners. Full strength blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid cuts through grease and gets hands and nails clean with no harsh chemicals.
Spray countertops, cupboards and any other area where you see ants with a solution of Dawn and water. Wipe dry. The slight residue of Dawn that remains will not be a problem at all for kids or pets, but ants hate it. Should you see a trail of ants, go ahead and hit them with the Dawn spray. You'll see. It will kill them.
Original blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid has some kind of miraculous quality about it that makes it "melt" through stubborn soap scum and hideous build-up on showers and tubs, no matter whether porcelain, acrylic or fiberglass. Use it straight up and you'll bless the day you read this column.
Once a month use original Dawn as you would shampoo. It will remove excess oil from your hair and scalp and strip away any build-up of styling products without any damage. Perform this once a month and you won't have to buy expensive salon products that do the same thing.