Got all my running done for this
morning. Kroger, Walgreens,
Dollar General (didn't buy anything there),
and Dollar Tree.
But before talking about any deals
I got I wanted to tell you about
this morning before that.
I'm standing at the bus stop
waiting for the bus with the boys
when they say the truck driver
neighbor was walking our way.
Actually he walked a block from
his house to where we were at.
The bus comes and I get the kids on it.
So now I'm standing there talking
to him and hearing his sad sob stories
once again. I will tell you this, I still
did not give into any babysitting!!
He lost his after school babysitter
which was a 7th grade girl. I guess
he asked the girl which said yes but failed
to ask the mother about her babysitting!
The mother was
a little irate about her daughter
watching 2-3 kids and felt she was
not responsible enough to do so.
I guess she went off on the truck
driver neighbor yesterday when she
found out.
So I stand there listening to my neighbor
who decided to walk allllll the way down
the street just to fill my ear with
this crap of his at 8:30am this morning.
I'm sick of him trying to pawn of his
kids on someone when he himself needs
to grow up a bit and take a little
responsibility and find a babysitter.
Whether it's before and after school care
at the actual school, a church daycare,
or a daycare close by the school or
someone else.
He has bragged to us about
what kind of money he makes being
a truck driver so why not put some
of it towards good childcare somewhere??!!
Now he says he might have our other
neighbor watch them in the morning
for a couple hours then send them
to walk to the bus stop to catch the bus.
Doesn't sound like a bad idea does it.
No, not til I tell you this other
neighbor lady is 90 some years old!!
Come on now!!
Why in the heck he had to become
an over the road truck driver
being a single parent is beyond me.
If he has truck driving experience
he could have took a local route
which came home everyday!! Not
one that runs to Georgia!!
Anyway I am back home now. I had mom
drop me off at my house and I left
my truck at hers. Don't want the
neighbor thinking I am home to talk!!
How many times do you have to be
told NO before you take the hint???
2 bottles of Fish Oil capsules $2.00
Can of cookiing spray $1.00
4 cans Campbells tomato soup
.50 cents each with Walgreens coupon
2 bottles Vitamin D3 Tablets
buy 1 get 1 free $6.99
1 six roll double roll Charmin $2.75
I also wanted the Bayer aspirin for
$1.50 each - $1.00 coupon
made them .50 cents each.
BUT they were out so I got
a rain check.
Kroger Cottage Cheese $1.00 each
times 2 is $2.00 - .45 cent coupon
made it $1.55 for 2 or .77 cents each
stocked up on Kroger cheese slices
@ $1.00 pack for 16 slices.
Bought 5
9 two liters pop $7.20
package of cream filled cookies $1.99
2 packages Chicken strips $2.00
Kroger is marking down their
Summer items so I was checking
out their seasonal isle.
***Hey if anyone sees a great deal
on solar lights let me know.
I want some for our yard
and want to get some for mom
& Don for Christmas!!***
I found a $100 Intex Easy Set Up Pool
marked down to $25. That's 75% off!!
Or $75 off!!
I was going to get it but mom said
she would get it for the kids for
Christmas since she never knows what
to get them. That'll be about like
getting a bike, you have to wait
til warmer weather to use it.
Oh well, who says gifts have
to be seasonal?
BUT it's something the kids have
been wanting but I kept telling
them we needed a fenced yard to
have a pool like that. So are hoping
to get the yard completed this year
with the gate so I can set this up
next year.
The pool even includes a pump & filter
which will be really nice to keep it
Just so you know, the simple blow
up rectangular pools we've been
buying them cost around $25 to
$60+ with no pump, so
this is a heck of a deal!!!
I just got a letter from AEP
which makes absolutely no sense
at all. Meaning they're telling
me the electric increased due
to outside temps and running
the air conditioner.
Well no shit Sherlock!!
It don't take a rocket scientist
to figure that out!!!!!
What I want to know is why there
is so much difference in my bill
when compared to last year that
it doubled my electric bill
and since installing this so
called Smart Meter.
(banging head on wall!)
Anyone remember last years Summer
temperatures? I checked with
the Farmer's Almanac with last
years temps of July and August
and they were very similar
to this years, maybe slightly
cooler, but about average.
Not so much cooler it would
make my electric bill double
this year!!
And as for this crap about not
having the information online
about my Smart Meter is a crock!
When they installed the Smart Meters
they also gave us brochures about
how it worked and how we could
get online to monitor our electric
usage. Why tell someone this
when the information and technology still
has yet to be developed for us to
be able to check it???!!!
(banging head on wall more, because
I just don't understand people!)
Did they answer my question, NO!
Hell I can do the same thing they
did by checking my account and
seeing how many watts was used
for each month and seeing what
my bills were.
I did not see an answer as to why
it has doubled since the previous
What are they trying to hide
and how do I know my Smart Meter
is working properly if they
"still have yet to develop the technologies
and the interface between the meter,
our systems and our website"
(as stated below in their email)
Here's a thought...
It probably takes a college
degree to sit in a corporate
office to write these
ridiculous answers to people's
questions and complaints.
Makes me feel pretty damn smart!
How are they taking the monthly
readings off my electric meter then.
This Smart Meter was installed so
they didn't have to send out meter
readers. It relays the information
back to them and their offices.
Am I making sense? I hope so
because they are making no sense
at all!!
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Found towards bottom of page
on right.
Well sorry folks I am not allowed
to post the letter they sent me.
I just read this at the
bottom of the letter:
"This message, including any attachments, contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or taking any action based on it is strictly prohibited."
So I wonder why I can't share how
stupid they sound to others.
Why, what they are doing makes
absolutely no sense at all.
You ask questions and get the
run around.
Tomorrow I'll be tagging along
with mom and going to Meijers.
I figured since I'm going why
not get the best deals on sale.
It's not much to get.
2 Ekrich Smoked Sausage
$1.67- .70 cents coupon = .97 cents
total for 2 is $1.94
1 Kraft Dressing
$1.67- $1.10 = .57 cents
4 Huggies 72 count Wipes
$2.00- $1.00 coupon = $1.00
total for 4 is $4.00
1 Cheerios
$3.89- $3.89 coupon = FREE
minus $1.00 off on next order coupon
Meijer Total $4.54
Dollar Tree Total $3.00
Walgreens Total $12.40
Kroger Total $25
TOTAL $44.94
Within my $45 budget
I really don't like to add
pop, beer, cigs and medicines
to my weekly grocery budget.
I consider those another
category other than grocery
shopping. But I have listed
everything together for ya
At the moment I am trying
to find someone to possibly
work on the Explorer so I can
keep it. I cannot afford
a car repair shop like Goodyear
so am in the process of looking
into two "backyard" mechanics.
I know exactly what I need replaced.
I have a guy coming tomorrow
between 2:30-3:00PM to look
at it to see if it's something
he can fix (with what I want fixed)
and tell me what he would charge.
TOnight's supper
Chicken & Rice Soft Tacos
1 box La Choy Teriyaki Rice- $1.00
1 box hard & soft tacos kit
with taco & cheese sauce- Free
1 package of RediServe chicken strips $1.00
leftover lettuce
tomatoes from garden
Total cost for meal $2.00
makes 5 servings with 2 tacos each.
@ .40 cents a serving.
This evening I picked a bunch
of tomatoes and a hungarian pepper.
I also started picking the dead flowers
in the front flower bed to preserve
the seeds for next year.
I bought a couple packs of seeds
this year to get my seed collection
going. Just from that little bit
of seeds in one packet I can produce
hundreds more with all the
flowers I grew from them.
I won't have to pick my morning
glory seeds I just open their
little seeds pouches up and dump
on the ground below, or let
them fall off. Come next Spring
they'll start growing on their
own and I won't have to plant any.
Today I am starting on Vitamin D3.
I got gel tabs that were 2,000 IU.
I read somewhere you should take
20-25 IU per pound of body weight.
So I should be between 2800 to 3500IU.
I'm gonna start with 2,000 IU then
as Winter gets near with go with
2 tablets for a total of 4,000 IU.
D3 is supposed to PREVENT colds
and Flu. So this is my trial and
error year to see if this works.
D3 also helps with so many more
things such as cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, asthma, bone health,
autism and the list goes on.
Will work on finding the kids
some. I think CVS has some liquid
or gummy tab forms.
Some people take lots more of
the dosage on the bottle, sometimes
upwards to 15,000 IU. But before
doing so I think you should read
more about it.
Here is a one web site to check out
about it called
Vitamin D3 World
more links
or just Google it.
Well it's 9:40PM. I'm tired and my
body is hurting. Just took a hot
bath which helped some. Think I might
hit the sack a little early tonight
and watch some Bait Car on Tru TV.
Oh yeah one more thing.
Christopher finally got is free
book bag from school today.
Jonathan is still awaiting his.