Why can't things go as planned
and be organized? That would
be asking for a lot around here, lol.
Jonathan's sandals broke last
night and someone forgot to repair
them. Sooo they are not ready to
wear this morning.
Jonathan left his book bag in
the truck last night then presents
me with a crap load of paper
work this morning. I ain't filling
it out this morning so it will
go to school tomorrow!
I ain't got time to do it right now!
The kids remove a fan from the
window this morning to be able to
wave bye to dad when leaving.
I was outside when I heard crying and
ran back into the house to see
what happened. The fan hit Christopher
in the head putting a gash. Doesn't
look bad enough for an ER visit and
not bleeding all over. So that's good.
Good enough to still go to school.
While I have a shopping list
ready for Meijer this morning
I still have to pull all the
coupons I am using out of my binder
for my shopping trip.
Mom calls at 8AM says there is a strange
man coming to her door
and walking around her house.
She thinks it is gutter people
BUT they weren't supposed to
be there. She had not scheduled
an appointment with them.
This guy just showed up outta the
blue in an unmarked car.
She didn't answer her door.
Luckily he was gone by
the time I got down there.
Then I am used to the bus coming
around 8:30-8:35AM.
It now comes at 8:25AM.
I was running late.
On the way to the bus stop
I had to flag down the bus
to get the kids on it.
Can ya tell I was determined
this morning to get the kids
off to school between bleeding
heads and almost missing the bus.
Had to go to Tony's work
with mom to drop off the paper
work for him to fax to Downy
for the contest.
From there me and mom headed
to Meijer then out to lunch
at Taco Bell for a $2.00 meal deal.
Returned home by noon.
My grocery bill before was
$43 and I paid $28.
Even though it's been 3 months
of not shopping at Meijer
the cashier still remembered
me!! She said, "you always use
lots of coupons and save lots of money!"
LOL. Then the Catalina machine
was spitting out coupons like crazy.
I said keep "'em coming baby, I like
coupons!" She laughed.
Oh yeah, I checked out that
unadvertised deal I saw online
about the spiral 70 sheet notebooks for
.10 cents each and they do have them!
I got 20 of them for $2.00!!
They are normally .99 cents each!!
You can get 20 for the regular
price of TWO!
I now have a total of 40 notebooks
I paid $5.00 for.
It would have cost $40 any other
time of the year!! Saved $35!
Tony just called to say he
got signatures needed for my
Downy form and got it faxed
to them. Now will sit back
and wait to see what's next.
Something should be happening
in the next 3 weeks.
Hoping they will compensate us
for driving to Cinci instead
of flying.
Well guess where I am heading?
I am going to take a nap!
My belly is hurting and my back
and legs are hurting.
I just took an Excederin and
hope it kicks in soon.
Sounds like it is going to
be a long evening ahead.
Tony has to work late and I don't
know when he will get home.
They have many move outs also
and have to get them done
before this weekend.
Just checked the mail.
Found a box Fed Ex had dropped
off on my front porch.
More free food to do a survey on!
I'm telling ya, those recent
survey sites I signed up for
work like a charm!
If you need an invite to
sign up for them just email
me or leave a comment.
I have never had something
shipped to me that was frozen.
So that was pretty neat to see.
Oh also got another $3.00
check today from another
survey site. I gotta get
those in the bank! Got
quite a collection going.
Got kids off bus.
Mowed the front & side yard.
Made frozen
pizzas for the boys for supper.
Tomorrow I'm gonna microwave up
some of those pizza rolls and
put into a food thermos for
their lunch. Also got them
some yogurts today for something
different than pudding.
To save time in the morning
on school days:
-I lay out the boys clothes
the night before with shoes,
socks, undies, shirt & pants/shorts.
-I make sure backpacks have homework
and paperwork and are ready to
-I set lunch bags on
counter by fridge ready to
be packed in the morning.
-They take baths or showers the
night before.
-Sometimes we go a step further
and have cereal bowls, spoons
and cups sitting on the counter
ready to go.
-Tony sometimes
has his coffee pot ready to go
with coffee and water and all
he has to do is hit the on button.
No we don't have a coffee maker
that has automatic timed start.
His coffee pot doesn't have a burner
warmer, instead it is a thermos
type that he can take with him
and it stays hot for like 6 or so
Tomorrow me and mom will go to
yard sales. Now that kids are back
in school I will look for things
for Christmas gifts and maybe some
baby things for this diaper cake
I am making.
Knock, knock on door. It's the
truck driver neighbor trying
again to see if I would watch
his kids in the mornings from
7:15 til whenever the bus comes
and get them on the bus.
I politely told him I didn't think
I could handle it. My mornings are
hectic with getting Tony and 2 kids
ready. I showed him what happened
to Christopher's head this morning
before school and I also told
him we damn neart missed the bus also.
I'm not a morning person at all
and have a hard time getting it
in gear and getting things ready
for ourselves.
I heard a noise outside so got
up to take a look see.
It was the kids and the neighbor
kid trying to get a huge ladder
out to get on the roof!!
AHHHHH! I guess the neighbor kid
threw Jonathan's shoe on the roof
and they were gonna get it.
I stopped that in a hurry.
So now guess what I get to do?
Climb up on the roof to retrieve
a shoe. AHHHHH!
And what makes the neighbor think
I want to watch THREE more kids????
Going nuts, be back later.
Why is it I always have someone roll
down there window at red lights
and ask me directions. Had another
one today. This guy says, excuse me
I was wondering if you knew where
there was a gun shop around here!!!
I was told there was one. He looked
like a decent person, older guy, well
dressed and driving a very nice car.
I told him how to get to Vance.
Now if it would have been a couple
of younger people in a hoopty mobile
I would have said I had no clue!!
I am currently researching how
to possibly fix our Explorer.
If we can figure that out then I wouldn't
sell it and would drive it.
Me, myself and I, thinks I have
figured out what the problem
might be but don't know how to
go about fixing it.
It needs a speed sensor and
possibly the vss gears replaced
which are plastic. Over time
the teeth on those gears can wear
away causing the slip and the bouncing
speedometer needle causing erratic
The speed sensor replacement wouldn't
be so bad but having to get inside
and tinker around the transfer case
sounds complicated!
I need to dig out the Explorer's
repair manual we have and look it
Explorer's transfer case:

Tony is still not home.
Kids are outside.
I've been going through
more laundry organizing it
and putting it away.
also got clothes laid
out for everyone for tomorrow.
Can everyone see my head spinning
and me going crazy??!!
Boys come running inside to tell
me a car of Ferris was speeding
very fast, slid into a fire hydrant,
I can't take a break for 5 minutes
around here that something has not
gone on today.
Tony got home around 7ish.
We spent this evening cutting
down the remaining fence posts
from the old fence. Then I took
a pile of dirt that was leftover
from the fence and graded it
over the back part of the yard
to look half way decent. Will
have to get some grass seed sometime.
Then Tony mowed the backyard.
In the meantime the neighborhood
kids were in our front yard
playing football.
Got dark so we all came in.
Then I had a ton of paper work
to fill out for the school.
Oh yeah, my day has ended with
Christopher spilling a FULL cup
of pop all over one of the laptops.
I turned it off and unplugged
it. Got it sitting on it's side
draining any pop out of the keyboard
I am REALLY hoping to have a better
day tomorrow. Don't know what it
was about today, but it just wasn't
my day. One of those days you wished
you just stayed in bed.
Winding down by watching AFV to lift the
spirits. Then taking a hot shower
and going to bed.