The best that can be said about Canola oil is that it is not a healthy option. It doesn't even rank among other oils that do promote health, such as cold pressed hemp, flax, or even olive oil. Even worse, tests show that Canola may promote bad health. Read your labels carefully.
Ben & Jerry's 'natural' ice cream filled with unnatural ingredients
According to CSPI at least 90 percent of the flavors used in "All Natural" Ben & Jerry's ice cream are not actually natural.
Walgreens announces flu shot gift card; give the "gift" of a vaccine (opinion)
Of course, if you gave your friends the gift of vitamin D supplements, they wouldn't need a flu shot or a jab in the arm with a sharp needle. Vitamin D has been proven again and again to work better than vaccines at preventing influenza, yet it remains all but ignored by the conventional medical establishment which just happens to be dominated by the financial interests of vaccine manufacturers (pharma companies)
Swine flu again?
As Walgreens admits on its own website,
this year's seasonal flu shot only protects against last year's viruses. In particular, this year's flu shot contains DNA fragments from H1N1 swine flu -- yep, the very same virus that fizzled out last year after the WHO hilariously declared a stage six global pandemic. This whole charade turned out to be engineered by WHO advisors who had financial ties to the vaccine companies.
Had the kids try on some jeans I
found. Measured, hemmed and cut
them to their length.
Turned one into a pair of shorts
since there was holes in them.
Can't beat free name brand jeans
so I can deal with hemming things.
1 Wrangler, 1 Levi & 1 London Jean.
I am thinking about getting
a couple pants extenders
to make the kids jeans/pants
last longer as they grow.
I got searching for and pricing
these waist extenders and the only
place I found them was Ebay.
With shipping they would cost
That's a lil steep for me.
So I got to thinking I could make
my own and I did.
I took an old pair of jeans and cut
off the button and the button loop.
I placed them side by side on
the sewing machine and zig zag stitched
where the fabric butted up with one another.
WORKS PERFECTLY!! One of the kids is wearing
it today because the shorts I made was
just a hair too tight around the waist
but other than that fit perfectly.
So this extended them just a tad
to be worn comfortably.
I am hoping to find other jeans/pants
DDn that don't fit that I can cut
up to do the same thing to so I can
have a couple in different colors.
But if you wear a long shirt no one
will see it anyway.
Made up 16 sausage, eggs & cheese
roll sandwiches for freezer breakfasts.
Worked for a minute and now
is back to not working again!!
Long enough to get my blog
pulled up so I can still
continue working on that
but won't get published
til I once again get internet.
I am working the courage up to call
WOW! and give them a piece of my
mind about all this and tell them
that I am considering changing
companies if they don't do something
about it OR reduce my monthly bill
to something more affordable.
This is the first time having WOW
since moving here. In the first
6 months I think they raised their
rates on me TWICE!! This to me is not
good customer service for a new
I love our DVR and wish I could find
something to replace it with so I
would not have to pay the monthly
fees that racks up to over $100
a year!! Don't let cable companies
sucker you into thinking your
getting that DVR for free because I
can tell you that IT IS NOT!!
I really liked our Time Warner service
we had all these years. But once
we moved here we found out Time
Warner was not offered in our area.
I keep getting junk mail from Insight,
which is the only other provider in our
area, with all these deals they have
to offer that sound wonderful...UNTIL
I read the very very fine print that
one would need a magnifying glass to
read. First they do a credit check
and if you fall below their standards
they will lock you into an agreement
with them. I refuse to be locked in
any contract for these services.
The cable is in my name.
If they run a credit check what kind
of credit do you think I have being
a housewife???
Next they want to give you free cable
channels. BUT if you forget to cancel
those you will get locked into those
and have to pay for them also.
Who's going to remember a year later
to do that???
Oh yeah $60 a month sounds great
for internet, cable and phone.
BUT when I asked in the past what
the total will be each month they don't
know what I am talking about.
I say, $60 isn't what you will charge me
after you tack on all kinds of fees
for one thing or another, then there
are taxes. And by the time it's all
said and done that $60 becomes $90
to $100!! So this $60 deal isn't that
great after all.
My cable, internet and phone is $100
a month. Now want to hear of the
fees on top of that that add up to
an additional $30! That's $360 a year!
-Monthly guide $2.00
Save $24 a year and
get online to see what is on tv for FREE!
-DVR $10.00
It was $7.00 and they raised
it $3.00 in 2 years time!!
That's $120 a year!!
Why can't I just buy one?
-Non published listing $2.20
Why is it costing me $2.20
not to have something published.
Wouldn't it cost more to publish
something. Am I making sense?
-Advanced modem $5.00
what the heck does advanced mean?
Is there any way you could buy your
own modem and save $60 a year?
Why do I have to rent this thing?
-Sales tax $3.06
-Franchise Fee $2.55
-Regulatory Recovery Fee .35 cents
-Federal Universal Service Fund $3.50
-FCC Phone Fee .05
-Ohio TRS Fee .02
-Ohio VSA Assesment Fee .01
Got my gas bill today.
To my surprise, they overcharged
me about $95 in the last year.
And because of that I didn't have
to pay my gas bill this month
and probably the next 1.5 months.
Next I got the water bill which
is running $114 for 3 months
or an average of $38 a month.
This is for a family of 4
with 2 pets.
Now I talked to a family of
2 adults with no children living
at home and no pets and their
water bill was $150!
Ewww I am so pissed. I went outside
with bowl in hand to retrieve some
apples out of the basket Kendra
dropped off. I no sooner got
out the door and noticed my kids
and neighbor kids who was playing outside
took off like a bat out of hell.
So I went around the corner to
see what was up. That's where I found
apples all over the yard.
They had been hitting them with a
baseball bat. So I lost an estimated
guess of 10-15 apples. You could
have heard me yelling at them all
down the block!! I had them pick
up all the apple pieces laying in the
yard. Needless to say
there are no more kids in the yard
at the moment. I let them come
over to play and this is the thanks
All I could see was wasted food
laying all over our yard!][]
2:30 - 3:00PM
Started working on juicing some
apples. I got about a gallon
made so far. I still plan
to strain this juice, maybe
boil it some, then add some
Splenda to it.
3:45 - 4:15PM
Why is it kids like to test your
talents???? AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Jonathan comes and tells me while
he was at his friends house
across the street he pushed on
his friend's garage door along with his
friend trying to open it up and the wheel
came off. I had just taken a shower
mind you and didn't even have a comb
run through my hair. I go over
there in the backyard to check out
this garage door. Should of had
a picture of it! It looked horrible!
One of the bottom panels was almost
completely pushed in. I was determined
to fix this garage door before having
to pay for it. The mom was not
home at this house, thank goodness,
to see it. I know how much garage doors
cost, especially double doors. We priced
them once when looking to buy a house
with a garage and it needed a new double door.
I got the wheel back on track and went to
test the door by opening it. That's when
another wheel on the other upper side came
off. I got a chair from his house
and climbed up there and somehow managed
to get that wheel on track. I knew absolutely
nothing about garage doors and how to work
on them before this!! I do know that those
springs on the doors can injure and kill
people and that really scared me working
so close to them. What looked like
a mangled mess now looks back to normal,
THANK GOD!! I don't know how I did it
but I did. If there is a will there
is a way.
So much for my shower because now I look
like I crawled out from working underneath
a car with grease all over me. I had to
put on another change of clothes even.
KIDS!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!Banging head on wall.
We won't talk about the kids metal
detecting in the back yard and using
the post hole digger to make a
2 foot hole either!!!
Tony had even called me while I was going
to this person's house saying Jonathan
called him to see if he knew how to
fix a garage door. Hey, he never asked
me but calls dad and asks him?
I hope I look like super mom to them now,
Anyway Tony told me on the phone that
we should make a trip over to UV
tonight. Fine by me, twist my arm, LOL.
Oh yeah that reminds me, I gotta go clean
out the back end of the Burban so Tony
can put his work tools in there tonight
because he is on call.
Finding time to chill a minute.
Ha, is that possible around here?
Got dishes in the dishwasher
and managed to find a moment
to comb the rat's nest outta my
hair from showering earlier.
Well Tony's home from work.
Gonna suggest to him about
maybe going out to eat tonight.
Taco Bell still has their $2.00 meals,
burrito or taco sandwich, bag of
doritos and a drink.
I'll let you know how tonight
turns out at UV if I'm not too
This evening was adventurous to
say the least.
Ate at McDonalds by UV.
Tony left to go potty and
this weird guy comes over to
our table and starts talking
to us. He left soon after Tony
came out of the potty thank goodness
because he was making me a lil
Then we headed to UV. Oh yeah baby
all the move outs are a startin'.
I predict by tomorrow dumpsters
will be overflowing out into
the parking lots. They are pretty
full now.
I was driving down one street when
this idiot starts to back up right
in front of me having me slam on
brakes. I yelled out the window
that he needed to look before backing
up. Well I got told FU so I slammed on
the brakes once again stopping. He yells at me
saying bring it. I didn't move from
the middle of the street and was listening
to this idiot hollering obscenities
at me. Telling me to bring it and when
I wouldn't budge he then takes off.
College boy who is all mouth and no
action. It's not like I would
have done anything anyway. But ya know
I get cussed out and he was the one
who damn neart caused an accident.
That's Columbus drivers for ya.
I thought we did pretty good for
this evening dumpster diving.
I got a couple set of dishes,
one still new in the box.
While I was at once dumpster I
glanced over and saw someone
across the parking lot throwing
away a surround system. Yeah
I got that puppy back out.
There's other stuff I will
get to tomorrow. Will get pictures
tomorrow also.
Kendra- I got you
what looked like one of those
bed in a bags for a double bed.
I think it had the colors of
green and red. Comforter green
design and sheets a red checkered
Then from UV we stopped by Kroger
in the shopping center. Me
and Christopher went in.
When I was in the checkout Tony
came in and said the pager went
off. He said it was the police
calling. They were contacted through
the alarm system at the property.
The silent alarm at the rental office
was set off. So we raced over there
to meet the police. The police officer
was a young boy. Looked like he just
graduated from the academy, lol.
I know he didn't have many years
under his belt. Him and Tony
walked around and through the rental
office and didn't see anything suspicious.
They think someone might have jiggled
the handle to the front door setting
off the alarm.
And that was how my evening went.
I'm pooped!!