Today I think I am going to start
working on freezer breakfasts for
back to school mornings.
-Homemade Rolls
for sausage, egg & cheese sandwiches
-pop tarts
Going to Kroger this morning
to get a few things.
Time to stock up on things for
school lunches also because this
is the time of year that anything
school related is on sale.
It seems I have to wait about
a month before getting the reduced
lunch approval from the school.
So in the meantime I try to
round up things for their lunches
that are cheap.
Here is the recipe I use to make
simple no knead yeast rolls.
1 (4 oz.) box Jiffy cake mix (yellow or white)
1 pkg. yeast
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 c. hot tap water
2 1/2 to 3 c. flour
Combine first 3 ingredients, add water and flour to make a soft dough. Will be sticky. Cover and let rise to double. Stir dough down and spoon on to a well-floured board. Gently turn a couple of times to coat with flour. Shape into balls the size for rolls and place in greased muffin pans. Cover and let rise approximately 1 hour. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Rolls can be reheated with good results.
Here is a simple technique to use
when making the dough for pop tarts.
You can find the recipe here.
Make the dough and insert into
gallon size zip bags.
Flatten inside the bags with
rolling pin.
Put in freezer until frozen.
Remove and allow to thaw some.
Using a pizza cutter, cut
rectangle pieces the size
of a pop tart.
Place filling on one then
top with another and crimp
edges with fork.

Just returned from Kroger. I spent more
than I would have like but I am trying
to stock up also on things for kids' lunches
while they are on sale.
I spent $49 after coupons.
I'm hoping once the kids return
to school to get my grocery budget
back to $35 to $45 a week!!!
Stupid me should of bought something
else that was cheap and I could
have used a coupon I had for $5 off
a $50 purchase at Kroger.
I keep forgetting I have this coupon.
Jonathan found it a couple weeks
ago on the floor of Kroger!
According to my receipt
and the mark down I got
I saved $34.77.
Not the greatest shopping
trip but I did save money!!
Plus I am almost to the point
of hitting the .20 cents off
each gallon of Kroger gas.
Watch gas prices. Some areas
are in different tax brackets
and that's why gas is more
expensive. Buying gas near
where we live is cheaper than
buying gas in Upper Arlington
near where Tony works!!
I found a couple good mark downs.
$7.99 12pc. deli chicken marked down to $1.99, got 2.
$1.99 Italian bread loaves marked down to .49 cents.
Other sales:
$3 Heft zip bags for $1.00
4 pack pudding cups .70 cents each
I am usually not a fan of buying
Chef Boyardee canned items because
of price. But today I bought 9 cans
@ .70 cents each. Plan to use these
in thermos type containers for the
kids to have a hot lunch. 1 can
will be 2 servings.
Bought some frozen rib patties.
These are reg. $2 for $1.
Welch's grape Jelly 32ounce for $1.39 each
And a bunch of other things for
a buck or less.
To hopefully keep kids out of the
food for school lunches I put
everything on the top shelf
out of reach!! I am seriously
thinking about getting a keyed
door lock handle for our coat
closet and storing snacks and
other items in there to keep kids
out of!
I have problems keeping cheese in the
house as the kids will sneak and
snack on it. To prevent them from
doing this I now store it in
empty butter bowls. They think
it's butter and don't get into it!!
Works like a charm!

Do you ever have a ton of t-shirts
you don't know what to do with?
Here's a great way to recycle them
by making underwear! No need to buy
a pattern. Use a pair of your old
underwear and carefully tear apart
with a seam ripper to make your
own pattern pieces. Just remember
or take pictures along the way
so you can be able to assemble
it all back together.
Make some cute undies with sayings
and pictures from those t-shirts
Gonna have to keep this in mind
when DDn as I run across a lot
of t-shirts.
Tip: Borax for Fleas
Fleas--Now is the time to rid your house with natural products. Save a bundle. Mostly, be kind to your animals. Spread dry 20 Mule team Borax, about 1 and a half to 2 cups per average size carpeted room. That is where the fleas live and breed in your house.
Leave for 2 weeks without vacuuming so the cycle covers eggs, larvae and adults. You will have eliminated your household fleas for at least a year and a half.
I don't like to light candles
around the house with animals
and kids for fear of forgetting
to blow them out or getting
knocked over.
A much safer way to have your
home smelling good is to round
up some leftover scented candles
which can be found cheap at
yard sales or in my case found
while DDn.
Use a knife to scrape wax out of
bottom of glass jar and put into
a potpourri warmer, a mini crock pot.
Set in a place out of reach from
When you want to remove wax
just unplug and allow to harden.
Then scrape out with knife.
To me this is so much cheaper
than buying all those fancy
air fresheners. And it makes
the house smell soooooo good!
Here is an example of a
pure vanilla candle I found the
other day. Someone threw it out
because it was burnt down too much
to light.
I think the smell is more intensified
by melting it in a crock rather
than burning a candle and it lasts
much longer also.
Sometimes everyone thinks I am
baking something when it's just
the candle simmering, LOL.
I am currently working on getting
some pie crust dough made for the
homemade pop tarts.
I am using this
Flaky Food Processor Pie Crust recipe.
My tip is to pre-measure the butter
and shortening and put it in the
freezer to get really cold.
Well it's that time again, 1:30PM
and the internet is not working,
What is it about this time of day???
Got the pie dough made and rolled
out in zip bags. Just put into freezer.
Will work on the pop tarts later this
afternoon when the dough's had time
to chill.

Boy if you needed a cheap place to live
where you owned the lot this would be it
for $8,000 plus $480 yearly fees & tax
which include trash & water & all
grounds maintenance!
Includes deck, shed, 2 gravel drive ways,,
fire pit.
900 square feet.
Found it on another ad marked down to $6,000!
Has it's own security, gated community,
swimming pool, store, youth center,
laundry mat, bingo hall, 4 stocked ponds,
restaurant, corner lot, sleeps 6,
club house along with
many planned activities.
I'm just browsing Craigslist.
Just thinking of the things people
could do to live for very cheap!!
Can you imagine only having
to pay $480 a YEAR to live there???
That's providing you paid for your
home/camper with cash.
This sounds like a great place
to retire when you don't have
much money.
OK imagination is running wild, LOL.
Here's an instant garage for Tony
for only $1200!!
Says it's big enough to put 2 suburbans
side by side in it!
Now how in the world would you
haul something like that home???
And would the city allow you to put
it on your lot???
The pic looks a little funny
because the wind blew this
Hmmm would they take $1,000???
Compare that to having an
actual garage built for $10,000+!
Probably lots more for a 2 car.
Do they make a roll back this big, LOL.

Have dessert baking in the oven for
I used a gingerbread cookie mix
and made it according to directions.
Put in greased baking dish.
In another bowl I add 8 ounces
softened cream cheese,
1 cup milk and 3 ounce package
of pumpkin spice instant pudding.
Once the cake is done and cooled
I will top it with the cheesecake
mixture and put in fridge to chill.
Some of us like summer time veggies
and treats during the Winter months.
So how about Fall time treats
for the Summer months for a change
of pace.
Unfortunately you have to stock
up on things like gingerbread
cookies mixes and pumpkin pudding
when they go on clearance after
the holidays. I don't think you
would find them in the store now.
You could use any flavor cookie mix
and any flavor of pudding.
Total cost for my gingerbread
$1.00 cream cheese
.50 cents cookie mix
.25 cent pudding
plus egg, milk, butter
So somewhere between $2.00
to $2.50 I'm guessing to make this
with the marked down items.
$2.00 12 piece deli chicken
.50 cents Betty Crocker Scalloped Potatoes
.30 cents 2 ears of corn cut in half to make 4
so $2.80 for supper
plus 1/2 cheesecake dessert $1.25
$4.05 for 4 servings or $1.01 a serving.
First batch of homemade pop tarts
are done.
These taste soooo much better than
any store bought pop tart with
the pie crust dough!!
Having a late supper. Tony
had to work over today.
Along with supper I managed
to get 2 lunches packed up
for Tony this week.
I know I can be weird at times and
think too much but that's one
of the reasons
for my blog, lol. To put
thoughts down into words.
I all the time wonder the stupidest
things. So today's thoughts
and questions are...
Why is it when most men own and ride
a motorcycle do they let their hair
grow out long like a girl???
What is the whole point to this???
Is it a tradition and if so how
did it get started???
Do they have a feminine side???
No answer found.
What puts the stink in poop?
Because feces has bacteria in it.