It's taken me a few, with everything
going on and all, to think of the
perfect recipe for the cookie contest.
Nothing like cramming for a cookie
contest at the last minute.
I got the idea from another past contest
recipe that took third place. So why not
run with the idea and see if it could
do it again in another form.
Just back from Kroger. All I can
say is I'm thankful for 25mph speed
limits. Because Hop Along Cassidy,
I mean the Explorer, was lucky to
do that speed limit! It's going
downhill and I'm not sure I want
to put the money in it to fix it.
I sometimes smell antifreeze which
could mean the heater core is getting
ready to go out and it needs a speed
sensor. When your speedometer needle
bounces all over it has a hard time
figuring out your speed and when it
should shift gears. I'm guessing
we were in about 1st or 2nd gear
on our trip to the store. If I went
any faster it acted as if it threw
itself in neutral.
So you can see how bad I've got it
for getting these recipes made for
the contest that we hobbled along
to the grocery store and back.
I could really, really use $5,000
right about now along with selling
off a few other cars to get me
a good running Explorer.
While at Kroger I found
4 loaves of whole wheat grains wheat
bread for .50 cents a loaf!
And I had a hankerin' for some
tortilla chips and salsa, so got
some of those also. Thanks Kendra,
LOL!, got me all worked up for some
homemade salsa and chips that unfortunately
never made it over here with Dewaine
Why does it take so long for this
Ibuprofen to kick in???
For the past two days I haven't
been getting around too well due
to the muscles in the back of my legs
aching. And when you walk with a limp
it throws everything else outta wack so
now my back and hips hurt. Can't win!
I'm gonna go work on my next recipe
for the contest. Got my fingers
crossed on this one!!
It has exactly 7 ingredients
and should be really easy to make!
My horoscope from yesterday:
Confidence and inner harmony prevail.
You can move forward with creative
projects and express yourself more
easily and comfortably now.
Your efforts are well received at
this time.
Hmmmm this sounds like when I wasn't
going to accept being the Downy contest
winner due to not wanting to fly.
But I was able to work it out that
we can drive there instead and still
attend. I was able to get all my paperwork
done yesterday and sent out. It should
be on their desk in their office
right about now!
We do have a backup person that is coming
over starting tomorrow to help with getting
the rest of our fence up.
I went outside today to soak up some
sun and check out what we have going
with the fence. Our neighbor who lives
directly behind us, and has probably lived
there for many years, thinks he can
do whatever he wants back there.
For starters we have a grass alley
way behind the houses. That is city
property. It does not belong to any
houses around here. It is for any
access to telephone poles that
may be back there. Right after we moved
in the backyard neighbor made himself known.
Not in a friendly way either. I decided
to mow half of the alley way behind our
house. He came out and told me he mows
that, not us. The people before us didn't
mow it. Well, I am not the people before,
I am the people now, so he needs to get
over that! He got tired of people driving
through the alley way and put up a hitching
post, oops I mean fence to block them
from doing so. He did a half assed job
on his fence for starters. Then he put
his fence half way into the alley.
Then where our yard was, decided he would put
down these huge rocks to help
block it even more. He said he was making
a flower bed. Flower bed my ass, it looks
horrible and ain't no flower ever lived
in there. What pisses me off is that
three quarters of these rocks he put down
is in OUR YARD, and the other quarter is
in the alley way, blocking off alley way
access. Then a couple weeks ago I noticed
dead grass around the rocks. He came into
our yard once again and must have sprayed
weed killer and killed the grass around
the rocks. The funny part is that he put
up this half asses fence and boulders
in the yard and people are still
driving through the alley way. Instead of
coming straight up to the road at the end
of the alley, they are now driving up
between his house and his neighbor's house!
LMFAO!! But I am still pissed he
has this crap in our yard and thinks
he can do what he wants outside his
property line!! I'm really considering
rolling these huge rocks into his yard.
Then maybe putting up a half fence to let
him know where he needs to stay out of!!
Here you can plainly see where he
dumped all this crap in OUR yard!!
He did it to keep people from
driving in the alley. The only
problem is that he HAS NO BUSINESS
He knew at one time we were gonna
put a fence up. His comment was
that we should attach our fence to his!
I DON'T THINK SO!! So now I fear he
will one day go out and put up
a fence and attach it to ours!!
If that happens then I will call the
township he lives in or the city.
Half the alley to the left is township
and half the alley to the right
is city. But I am not gonna be fined
for blockage of an alley way.
Our fence runs to our property line
unlike his which goes into the alley.
Here is the mess load of large rocks
he dumped on OUR property without
OUR permission. This looks hideous
and does not look like a flower
bed to me as he claims.
You can see the top of the sewer
grate. That runs down the exact
middle of the alley.
Here is a direct view of the alley
way behind the houses. You see
how a section of his fence goes
into the alley. He did not have
permission to do this. This IS NOT
his property!!
Our grass he killed with weed killer.
Here's a picture that I drew on
to show where I would like to put
up a little fence to keep the neighbor
out. Doesn't have to be a privacy
fence but at least some kind
of dividing line to keep him out.

For those who are wondering about
Dewaine who was in the car accident
yesterday, Kendra says she will
send me pictures of the truck
and of Dewaine. I just spoke to her
and he will be having surgery
tomorrow I am assuming on his
face for his nose and cheek
Just returned home from Tony's dad's
birthday party. It was pretty humid
outside! Everyone had a nice time.
They had a cookout, lots of food
and cake and ice cream. Everyone's
tummy got full and then some.
Kendra sent me an email and some
photos of Dewaine and his truck
from yesterday.
Here's her email:
To all my family and friends. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. As many of you know my daughter is recovering from surgery on her jaw and then yesterday my husband was in a 4 car accident. He is having surgery Thursday. He has 5 broken ribs, 3 broken bones in nose, his cartilage in his nose is mush, his left eye socket needs rebuilt along the bottom edge of his eye and above his skull is fractured on the left side and had stitches in his nose. He is dam lucky to be alive