I've got sooo much to do and need some energy to
do it all!
Yesterday I got 4 boxes of stuff weeded out
and a load of laundry done and dried
right before it rained. That's the problem
with line drying, having to keep a careful
eye on the weather. I almost forgot
my clothes out on the line when
the storm was approaching.
While it stormed here I didn't think
it was too severe. But when we left
to go to Newark and headed down Morse Rd.
by Easton they had lanes on Morse Rd.
closed down due to downed power lines
and trees. Some smaller trees were
completely blown over.
Yesterday on the way to Newark we stopped
in a Speedway. I snatched up a bunch more
coupons hanging from their 2 liter pop bottles.
Pop is on sale at Kroger this week so that's
why I grabbed a bunch.
7UP 2 liters .88 cents each
times 2 is $1.76
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon
makes it .76 cents for 2 or .38 cents each!
Kroger large eggs .88 cents
Wonder Classic White Bread .88 cents
Kroger Salad Dressing .88 cents
Kroger Apple Juice 1/2 Gallon .88 cents
Crayola 24 Count Crayons .25 cents
Paper Mate Write Bros. Pens 3 for $1.00
Iceberg Head Lettuce .88 cents
Crayola Markers 10 Count $1.00
Bi-Color Corn .15 cents each
All Meijer Brand School Accessories 5 for $1.00
Paper Mate Write Bros. Pens 10 pack 3 for $1.00
BUY $10 worth of Kelloggs, Keebler,
Sunshine or Eggo products,
Get $10 off 3 packages of
Fruit of the Loom Basics
(includes t-shirts, socks and underwear)
2 Kelloggs Pop Tarts 12 count
2 for $5.00
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon
makes it 2 for $4.00 or $2.00 each
2 Eggo Waffles
2 for $3.34
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon
makes it $2.34 for 2
10 count Kelloggs Fruit Snack $1.99
Total value before coupons $10.33
7-8 pack Fruit of the Loom girls/boys socks
$3.99 times 3 is $11.97
minus $10 when you buy $10 worth of Kelloggs
Makes them $1.97 for 3 pkgs of socks
(21-24 count)
3-in-one recycled sweatpants.
Been going through clothes weeding them out.
If I see pants that still fit around the
waist but have holes, then I cut the bottoms
off and make into shorts. I zig zag stitch
around the bottom of the shorts.
The extra bottom pieces become rags and
the elastic becomes pony tail holders.
Not school attire but an extra pair
can be wore around the house to play in.
Getting ready to head out to go
to Meijers.

Back from Meijers. Here's the run down.
8- 70 page spiral notebooks
reg. $7.92
paid $1.20
3- pkgs 10 count pens
reg. $3.57
paid $1.00
1 compass
reg. .99 cents
paid .20 cents
2 two pack large erasers
reg. $1.98
paid .40 cents
2 pks 2 erasers and pencil topper erasers
reg. $1.98
paid .40 cents
3 packs Fruit of Loom Socks (21 total pairs)
reg. $12.87
sale $11.97
minus $10 when you buy $10 of Kellogg products
minus $2.50 in coupons on packages of socks.
paid FREE plus .53 cents in overage!!
found .50 cents coupons on packages of socks.
Only 2 will double to $1.00 each.
the other one will remain at .50 cents.
Took 3 more coupons off other sock
packages in case I make another
trip to Meijer to get free socks!!
1 Kellogg Fruit Snack
reg. $2.29
paid $1.99
2- 12 count boxes of Pop Tarts
reg. $5.98
paid $4.00
2 Eggo Chocolate Chip Waffles
reg. $4.50
paid $2.34
$11.00 I paid
$31.08 Savings
My friend Kendra & Dewaine stopped
by and started marking off the area
where our new fence to go.
I keep an ice cream bucket in the freezer and put any vegetable that is left over in it. Sometimes it might just be a tablespoon. When the bucket is full I make veggie soup. I save gravy the same way to use as a base for stew or casseroles etc.
Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix
by Patti Chadwick
Want to make your own spaghetti sauce that is quick and easy? Get the taste of homemade and the ease of a mix by making your own Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix.
* 2 tablespoons Italian Seasoning
* 2 teaspoons salt
* 2 teaspoons garlic powder
* 1 teaspoon pepper
* 2 teaspoons seasoned salt
Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in small airtight jar in a cool, dry place.
Quick Spaghetti with Meatsauce
* 1 lb ground beef, browned
* 1 bay leaf
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 12 oz. thin spaghetti, cooked
* 1-1/2 cups water
* Grated parmesan cheese
* 1 large can of tomato puree
* 1 6 oz. can of tomato paste
* 2 tablespoon minced onions
* 1-1/2 tablespoons of Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix
Mix together all ingredients except spaghetti and cheese. Bring mixture to a boil. Cover and simmer for about 1/2 hour. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Serve over hot spaghetti.
Easy Oven Cleaner
On the day before you plan to clean the oven, sprinkle baking
soda into the bottom and spray it with water. Close the door
and leave it over night. It is astonishing how the soda will
release the dried-on gunk. Your oven will need wiping out and
not much more!
More pics of the 1974 Charger.
If you think outside the box like we
do then you can see past the dirtiness
and some repairs it needs.