Woke up to another one of my backaches
so ain't moving too swift again this morning.
Been working in Jonathan's room this morning.
I hate these sliding closet doors! I have
taken them off, put them on and just can't
find a mediocre with them. You slide them
and they fall off and are a pain to put back
on! Wonder if in the future we could do something
about them. Here's an idea I had but I would
want regular doors and not ones with glass
windows to put on the closet. This would make it
so much more easier to get into the closets
and see what you want!! I have tried tension
curtain rods with curtains in the place
of the doors but that's also getting
to be a pain in the butt!
Also tried going with no doors and if
you have kids, the closets are areas
where you don't want to expose all their

Or if you wanted to get fancier in a master
bedroom you could hang those dressing mirrors
on the front and glue trim on to look
like French doors.
Mirrors we find at Tony's work for free
and the trim wood pieces can be found
at Habitat for about .25 cents a foot.
Or heck just paint he lines on.

Wouldn't it be nice to make closet
doors that tuck back inside when open like on
some of these entertainment stands.
Hmmmm, will have to be on the lookout
for these stands during college move out
time and remove the hardware from them.
Now if the hardware could hold solid wood
doors like this one below I'm sure it
would be able to hold a hollow core door.

You could probably find these at yard sales,
dollar stores
or marked down in stores come the end of Summer!
- Cut off 3/4" pieces and float in a pool or bathtub as decor or even as packing material, in place of those boring packing peanuts
- Use to cover spokes and frames of bicycles
- Use to make homemade stamps
- Soft building blocks or bath toys
- run thread through pieces and make garlands
- make party straw decorations
- pipe insulators
- draft stopper
- cut a slice in one side of hollow ones
and use around coffee tables when you
have little ones running around.
- Tony uses a pipe insulator on the poles
of his golf cart to keep from banging
his head on them when loading and unloading.

Well I need to get the kids motivated and
something to eat.
Want to head out soon to the library, Walgreens
and possibly the thrift store to find a
flat flannel sheet to start making
fabric wipes for the bathroom.
Just back from library, Walgreens and the
thrift store.
Did not have a good experience at the library.
Could not find my reserved book so asked a
librarian. She looked it up on the computer
and saw that another person with the same name
took the book I reserved. She turned it back in
saying she didn't reserve it and it got shipped
somewhere else. So now I have to wait another
3-5 days for it.
Next WALGREENS so here's the breakdown for that trip
$20.03 I PAID
$43.91 SAVED
Dr. Scholl's gel arch supports
reg. $6.99
paid FREE
Dr. Scholl's Gel insoles
reg. $9.99
paid $2.99
8 pocket folders with tabs
reg. $2.32
paid $1.00
6 packs of 10 pack mechanical pencils
reg. $25.00
paid $2.34
8 mini highlighters
reg. $3.12
paid .72 cents
5 pencil sharpeners
reg. $3.95
paid $1.45
2 packs 100 count index cards
reg. $1.98
paid .78 cents
3 Tuf paper towels
reg. $2.97
paid $1.77
100 count envelopes
reg. $1.29
paid .69 cents
4 legal pads
reg. $3.96
paid $1.16
Charmin 6 double rolls
reg. $3.79
paid $1.99
6 Crayola posterboards
reg. $5.94
paid $2.00
bag of chocolate covered pretzels
$10 and some change (don't remember exact amount)
3 polo school shirts
1 Titanic model ship (already built)
1 toy car
3 wire baskets for organizing
pkg open shoe insoles
1 flannel sheet
(decided upon this one as it has
squares already on the design of
the fabric so it would be easier to
cut out)
Just got done cutting all the fabric wipes.
I got 66- 2 block wipes
and 40- 4 block wipes made.
If you do make your own I highly
recommend finding fabric with
lines or squares on it.
It makes it soooo much easier
when cutting them all out!
Total cost to make all these...
I didn't find the pinking shears
so I will need to zig zag stitch
them all around the edges so they
don't fray.
Let's see how much I would be saving
by doing this...
Let's say a person uses a roll of
toilet paper each week. (a regular roll)
4 people in household is
a 4 roll package of tp a week.
Let's say each pack is $1.50
times 52 weeks is $78 a year.
This is just about like using rags
instead of paper towels at $1.00 a week.
Savings of $52 a year.
Between the TP and paper towels
alone you can save at least
See the little things do start adding
99 bathroom wipes to sew, 99 bathroom wipes,
take one down and sew it around, 98
bathroom wipes to go.
Got about a fourth of them zig zagged
around the edges. This is the tedious
task after that it's smooth sailing,
or should I say wiping, lol.
This is gonna take a long time I see as
I still have rags to make from towels
and cut towels down to fit the swiffer
mop along with these wipes.
Another cost saver. Screw buying cat toys.
Get them a plain cardboard box! LOL.
Think I can put a return label on
it and ship it back???
Don't these two look soooo innocent.
There's been a lot of talk about cutting back
and saving money when doing laundry on my Yahoo groups today
so I will once again add it here of what to do.
-Full Loads
-Wash in Cold whenever possible.
-Use a fraction of the detergent that the label says to.
use 1-2 T. of liquid detergent
-Wear clothes multiple times before washing
-If you use dryer sheets cut them into
about 4 pieces. Use one piece per load.
-Line dry your laundry.
-Wash clothes during non peak electric hours
such as morning or night.
-Match sales with coupons for soap and
fabric softener.
-If using fabric softener use smaller
amounts and dilute it.
-Buy a 5 gallon bucket of detergent.
Use 1 TBSP per load. It will last about 2 years!
-Make your own powder laundry detergent
* 1 bar of shaved bar soap (Ivory, ZOTE, Fels-Naptha)
* 1/2 cup of borax
* 1/2 cup of washing soda
Mix together and store air tight container.
This doesn't suds up. Use only 1 tablespoon.

$1.00 off McDonald's Real Fruit Smoothie
or Frappe.
Where was this next tip when I painted yesterday?
Clean Paint Brushes Easily!
Easily clean latex paint from paint brushes by mixing about a cup of water and a half cup liquid fabric softener. Stir the brush in the mixture and watch the paint come off! It also softens the brush bristles!