our vacation in Hocking Hills.
Monday June 7th continued.
After lunch at Grandma Faye's
we headed over to Lake Logan
to take the kids fishing.
There was a little turtle
sunbathing next to a tree
where we were fishing.
We also saw what appeared to be
a helicopter hauling a log.
That was interesting to see.
He passed over Lake Logan.
Fishing was kind of boring so we
decided to head down to Nelsonville
and Lake Hope.
We stopped in Nelsonville so the kids
could see the Hocking Valley Scenic
Railway train cars.
We haven't been here in 11 years.
We did a lil fishing. Christopher
caught a bluegill. I caught a turtle.
Lake Hope is about a 50 mile
round trip from Logan.
Returned back to the hotel.
Went swimming 8-9:00pm.
Hotel patio area.
View of restaurant, petting zoo,
putt putt, glass outlet and canoe livery right
behind hotel.
Breakfast at the hotel.
They had donuts, cereal, waffles, toast,
french toast, blueberry muffins, oranges, bananas, apples,
coffee, tea, milk, apple and orange juice
to offer.
Checked out of the hotel around 10ish.
Then headed into Logan.
I'm not one to do bridges, especially ones you walk
over. Here is a photo of the bridge from the
bottom and a video of where the kids wanted to
walk on this thing from the top.
Last stop was Conkle's Hollow.
I will post those pics and videos here
in a little bit. Eyes are starting to cross
with sooo many pics and videos to go through.
I think I took around 300.
We would have probably stayed another
day but saw rain was coming through for
today and decided to come home instead.
Tomorrow we're thinking about taking
the kids to a drive-in-movie. Something
different for them to enjoy.
Cost $18 for all 4 of us.
They have Marmaduke and Shrek playing
back to back. Not too bad for a family of 4
to see 2 movies. Plus we could bring
our own drinks and snacks to save
even more money.
I priced these 2 movies to be seen
in an indoor theater and it
would cost us $24 before 6pm.
After 6pm would cost $48
to see these 2 movies.
We might do an indoor theater
today. The theater on Bethel Rd.
has movies for $1.50 a person.
So $6.00 for a family of 4.
They have Alice in Wonderland,
Tooth Fairy and Diary of a Wimpy Kid
that are kid oriented movies.
I'm thinking the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Back from the movie, a walk around Petland
and Kroger.
Back to photos and videos, ahhhh! LOL!
For those who have not been to Hocking Hills,
pictures cannot show the sheer sizes
of these rocks throughout all the photos.
It's hard to believe all this is in Ohio!
If it weren't for finding decent jobs
in Logan or Ohio's severe Winters I would
love to live down there!
While there we saw a Ringnecked snake
and a salamander. The first I have ever
seen in Ohio.