My morning was not off to a good start.
Tony went out to his truck to get his coffee
pot and found a note on his truck.
Our neighbor left a note on the windshield
wanting me to babysit today! Come on now this
is getting ridiculous! First it was 10:30
and 11:30PM he was asking me now this!
And do you know he came over yesterday
evening to borrow a ladder, he was home
all day yesterday and not a word was said.
I finally called him at 7AM and said I was
busy with mom this morning. I've been
wanting to start weeding out this house
and I can't do it with 5 kids running around!!
When the neighbor stopped by yesterday he
clearly saw me up on a stool and countertops
trying to do my kitchen, which is wiped out
and needs put back together. It takes a lot
of nerve. This guy, recently divorced and
got custody of three kids, needs to get
his act together. He told me on the phone
he was even considering asking our 90 year
old neighbor to watch his kids!! Then he said
he'd just ask his mom again and have to listen
to her bitch at him. I said, you are her kid
and always will be, mom's will always give
you lectures no matter what your age, you're
just gonna have to deal with it. And let
me back up a few to say that he is around
my age.
So anyway that is how my morning has went so far.
Me and the boys are gonna tag along with grandma
and grandpa this morning while on their errands
so the neighbor can see that we went somewhere.
Plus I want to find some boxes to start hauling
crap outta here. Not sure where to go as the last
time I went to get boxes out of a store dumpster
a security person driving around told us
we were stealing them!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!
What next? I just sit on edge anymore
and my back is hurting once again probably
from stress of this guy across the street.
And Tony has on call this week. Which we like
to tag along with him in the evenings if he
gets called out. That way I can be there to
help him if he should have to replace fridges
or what not. He already has back and hip problems
so I want to be there in case he needs an extra
hand. It's not like there are other maintenance
guys around in the evening like during the day.
So there is another reason I don't want to be
stuck watching someone's kids until 6-7PM.
I know I am rambling so early in the morning.
I feel like I have to go undercover to hide
from this guy who now wants me to watch his kids
everytime he has to work. I can't bring myself
to just come out and say, no I don't want to,
for fear that he will be mad at me and he is our
neighbor that we have to live with.
Made the kids a special breakfast this morning
before heading out with grandma and grandpa.
Used a Jiffy blueberry muffin mix
in a doughnut pan.
Topped with cream cheese frosting
and sprinkles.
I still have one more thing I wanted to do
to the kitchen. I bought crown molding from Habitat
last year and never got around to putting it up.
Don't know if I could get the contact paper to
stick to it since it's unfinished. But anyway
I wanted to add it to the soffit just above the
cabinets. Maybe I could just paint it off white
to go with the background of the cabinets.
I think wooden trim at Habitat is about .25 cents
a foot so it didn't cost a whole lot!
I think we paid about $30 for molding trim to
put up around our dining room living room
and hallway. Can't beat that!
Whew back from going out with grandparents.
The things I do to avoid babysitting by riding
with a 70+ year old man. AHHHH!
Almost collided head on with a car in
a parking lot, 35 in a 45 almost getting run over,
taking speed bumps too fast jolting everyone,
running a stop sign. need I say more in about
an hour's time!! Kissing the floor as I walk
in my house, lol.
Started painting, or I should say priming,
the kitchen molding, since it is sucking in the
paint and will need several coats.
To give you an idea of what I want to do
here I am holding up a piece of molding,
no it is not a gloss paint, it is still wet!!
I think it will soften the hard lines
between the cabinets and soffit.
I think I have about 12 feet of molding so
I'm figuring it cost about $3 for all of it!
Here are the details of the molding
since it's hard to see in other pics.
I would of loved to of had it all the
way around the kitchen but finding
that much molding at Habitat that matches
is hard. So instead, last year I found
wallpaper border to go around the top
of the kitchen. That was 3 rolls for $1.00
at Habitat.
So total for everything I have done to
decorate the kitchen is $16.25.
And some people spend $30,000 to $50,000
to remodel a kitchen. Who the heck
has that kind of money???
While painting, the kids tell me there's some
people at the front door. I got paint all
over my hands, 2 kids fighting, another kid
that came over to play and a cat that decided
to run out the front door.
It was Jahova Witnesses. They ask if they could
come back another day when I wasn't so busy.
I tell them, I am a mom, it's Summer time
and the kids are out of school. I don't have
a less busy day!! Then as I am ready to walk
back inside they ask if they could give me
a pamphlet. Then ask if I was stressed!
I looked at them and said sarcastically,
NOOOOAAHHH! Are they blind???
So they gave me a pamphlet on stress.
AHHHHHH!!! Go away!! Then they proceed to ask
if I think the world will be coming to an end
someday and that's about when the cat ran out the door.
After chasing it for a moment and capturing it with
the help of the Jahova Witnesses, I say, it
will be coming to an end for the cat very soon.
That's about when they got the hint and left!!
I like Jeff Foxworthy's idea of drawing an outline
of a body on the front sidewalk and throwing a bunch
of Jahova Witness pamphlets around it.
I've got so many things to do and this was
not one of them!
I'm thinking about this for Supper...

I will make my own version of it
with what I have on hand.
For starters I have leftover pork rib
that I will use instead of chicken.
No tomato juice so will use tomato soup.
No taco seasoning but have taco flavored
shredded cheese.
I don't have salsa so may just use
canned diced tomatoes.
And I don't have French bread. Will
use the sweet Italian bread I have in
the freezer.
* 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
* 6 (6 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, thinly sliced
* 1/2 cup sliced onions
* 1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper
* 1/2 cup tomato juice
* 2 tablespoons taco seasoning mix
* 1 cup salsa
* 8 (1/2 inch thick) slices French bread
* 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken, and cook and stir until lightly browned, about 5 minutes.
2. Stir in the sliced onions and red peppers, and cook and stir for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Stir in the tomato juice and taco seasoning, and mix well. Cook mixture until the juice has thickened and the chicken is well coated with sauce, about an additional 7 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven's broiler and set the oven rack about 6 inches from the heat source.
4. Spread 2 tablespoons of salsa over each slice of French bread. Evenly spoon the chicken mixture on top of the salsa topped bread. Sprinkle each sandwich with 1/4 cup Cheddar cheese.
5. Place sandwiches under the preheated broiler and cook for 5 minutes or until the cheese is melted and beginning to brown.
I'm also thinking I want to head on over to Aldi's
to get a few things. It's only about 5 minutes up
the road. I only have $20 to spend that I pulled out
ahead of time for garage sale money on Friday.
That's the bad part of Aldi's, you have to
bring cash with you.
So let's see what I can get for $20.
Going to round kids up and pick mom
up to with us.
Just back from Aldi's and I've gotta say
It's 86 degrees and feels like 96 degrees
according to the Weather Channel!!
I've already told the kids they are staying
inside today. Don't need any dehydration
or heat stroke! If ever you don't think
your air condition feels cold enough to
you just step outside for a minute!
I have ours set at 76 degrees and it
feels great in here compared to outside!
PAID $18 and got this from Aldis:
10 pound bag potatoes
1 head of cabbage
5 peaches
1 pound of strawberries
1 package of cheese slices
1 can of mushrooms
1 can diced tomatoes
1 box pasta salad
1 box stuffing
1 package cream filled cookies
1 jar alfredo sauce
2 mac and cheese
1 box of egg rolls
And I have a gripe about Aldis. If they
sell individual fruits or veggies I think
they should offer plastic bags to
put the items in.
Today the cashier rung up my peaches
and just TOSSED them into the bottom
of my cart. I told her wait a sec while
I retrieved them so I could put them
up in the top of the cart. But she didn't
wait and just as I was about to grab the
last fragile peach, she threw a 10 pound
bag of potatoes on it!! People just don't
Some of these items I got today will be used for next week's
meal menu.
1. Goulash
2. Cabbage & sausage alfredo
3. I will turn the stuffing mix
into breading for some drumsticks.
4. Grilled Cheese
5. Strawberry Shortcake
6. Egg Rolls & Rice
7. Fried taters
8. Peaches I will make jam out of
9. Homemade coleslaw
10. Chicken pasta salad
Plus I have leftover sausage gravy
and potato soup in the freezer for
any lunches.
I was giving the kids a quiz in the car
about what each letter meant on the shifter.
"D" was for Drive, "R" is for Reverse.
But when I asked what "N" stood for
Christopher said NITROUS, LMAO!!
Nitrous in a Tracker?? I do need something
to make that little sucker go faster!!
And here's another thing that the kids have
said that made us laugh...
We were in the car going somewhere.
The kids always ask where we are going
and it usually is not a place they prefer
to go. So Tony will say, "someplace
to piss you off". The other day Jonathan
twerpt up and said "and it's working"
after Tony made the comment. I laughed
and laughed because of how he said it
being a smarty pants.
1:30 to 3:00PM
Got a bowl of soda ice cream in the
freezer. That will be a nice treat this
evening. I mixed together one can of
sweetened condensed milk and a 2 liter
bottle of fruit punch flavored pop.
I then put the bowl in the freezer.
I also got the third coat of paint
on the crown molding. Hoping it is the
last but will see after it dries.
Shouldn't take too long in this heat!
Ok I think I have figured out a way to clean
the basement. I have to take slow and easy steps
as this will be a BIG project to clean out.
If you don't set goals for yourself then chances
of getting things done in a timely manner
are slim to none. So my goal is to fill
at least 2 boxes of stuff from the basement
each day and have Tony take to the drop box
after work since it is nearby.
This is all providing I can find boxes.
I just so happened to get 2 of them today
from Aldis even though I only had a small
amount of groceries.
One box down and hopefully one more to go
today. The only problem I forsee is
getting rid of kids toys when they are
home during the Summer. Got to find a way
to carefully sneak them outta here. I have
enough toys to provide for the whole neighborhood!!
Check out these bad boys I made for supper!
I told Tony the guys were gonna be jealous
at work tomorrow when they see his lunch, lol.
Well gotta eat and run. Found a guy selling
a Firebird and Trans Am package deal on Craiglslist, not
far from here. Don't hurt to go check it out.
Can always run away if need be, lol.
Could you imagine 4 of these sitting in our
driveway??? Boy Trans Am people would be jealous!
I can look past ugly, but can't look past
major rust and other severe problems so will
see what the outcome of this is will be.
Had to go on call and over to Tony's work.
Tony called the guy and said we would be running
behind due to work calling.
Afterwards we went to check out the cars.
We were told there would be someone there
so we could see them. And guess what, no one
there and when trying to call them, no answer.
I hate playing games when it comes to stuff
like this!! I do know this, we don't want the
parts car which was sitting outside. The other
car must have been in the garage.
And I know my Trans Ams and Firebirds.
Just by looking at the photos and being
able to see the parts car, he's got the
names of the cars incorrect. The one
that is up and running is actually a 79 Trans Am
with a Firebird nose. The parts car is a
81 Firebird with a Trans Am nose. No one can pull
the wool over my eyes. I know how to run VIN
numbers to double check to see what kind of car
it is if I wanted to. But I had another clue about the parts
car to say it's not a Trans Am, it has a wood grain
dash panel. A Trans Am has the metal dash.
We once had what we thought was a 81 Trans Am.
Had the flares, vents and shaker on the hood.
What got me thinking that is wasn't a true
Trans Am was that is had a wood grain dash.
I did a VIN search on it and sure enough
it was a Trans Am clone.
This looks good to make tomorrow with
the strawberries I got today.
The shortcakes are made with bisquick,
which is something I always have in the pantry
since it is a multipurpose product.

1 quart (4 cups) strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup sugar (I will use Splenda)
2 1/3 cups Original Bisquick® mix
1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons sugar (I will use Splenda)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup whipping cream
I'm gonna omit the whipping cream as I have
a can of whipped cream in the fridge that needs
used up :0)
1. Heat oven to 425°F. In large bowl, mix strawberries and 1/4 cup sugar; set aside.
2. In medium bowl, stir Bisquick mix, milk, 3 tablespoons sugar and the butter until soft dough forms. On ungreased cookie sheet, drop dough by 6 spoonfuls.
3. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Meanwhile, in small bowl, beat whipping cream with electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form.
4. Split warm shortcakes; fill and top with strawberries and whipped cream.