Headed down to the flea market
before it got hot out.
There was lots of people there that
early!! I didn't find nothing of interest.
We stopped in Lowes looking for a flush
mount ceramic soap dish for my father-in-law
who called and couldn't find one.
Lowes didn't have what he needed.
There were similar ones though priced
at $9.00.
Instead we went to Habitat and found
one for $1.00.
Stopped in Kroger to get a few items.
I found a 50 pound bag of dog food
in the mark down bin for $6.99.
It was originally $14.00.
I pay $7 for about a 10 pound bag
normally so this was a bonus for me!
I need some sausage rolls.
Jimmy Dean rolls were on sale
for $2.00 each.
Then they had coupons in a blinkie machine
next to them. The coupon was for
$2.00 off 2.
So it made it $1.00 a roll!
I got 4.
The cheap FMV brand sausage is $2.29
so that was cheap for Jimmy Dean.
On the way home we stopped at a garage
sale on our street. I got:
a couple large scented candles .50 cents each
3 pairs of shorts .75 cents each
1 shirt .25 cents
zebra striped beach towel .50 cents
and a OSU tie for my step-dad
for Father's Day.
I paid $1.00 for it.
It still had a JC Penny price tag
of $24.00!!!!

Here's an interesting recipe I found for
making your own Velveeta cheese.
Velveeta for a 2 pound block runs about
$7 to $8.
1 1/2lb grated cheddar
1 1/2c very hot water
1/2cup plus 1T instant dry milk
1/2 envelope unflavored gelatin (1 1/2t)
In blender, put 1/2 of the water and 3T of the milk, 1/2t of the gelatin, and whip until gelatin is desolved. Quickly add to the hot mixture 1/2lb of the cheddar. Whip till blended. Pour into a 8x4x2 1/2" loaf pan that has been lined with plastic wrap. Repeat this twice, till all ingredients are used. Cover pan with more plastic wrap and chill overnight before unmolding. Keep cold and slice as needed. Yield 2lbs.
My first pick from the garden,
Buttercrunch Lettuce.

Looking for a last minute Father's Day gift
you can make yourself?
Fuzzy Dice
We celebrated Father's day today for my hubby
and step-dad since we will be going to Indian
Lake tomorrow to see Tony's dad.
Some people do monthly cooking and then
freeze it all. I think that is a little too
much for me to do so I try to do 3 days
up to a weeks worth of cooking at once.
Today I had a whole crock full of
pork ribs and now I'm cooking up 2 pounds
of sausage.
I plan to make:
Teriyaki pork and veggies over rice.
BBQ pulled pork over mashed potatoes.
Sausage & potato soup.
Sausage gravy.
One day and 4 meals made ahead of time.
Then the other meals will be:
Fish fillets.
Chicken legs.
Tuna salad wrapped in lettuce.
So there ya have it, my menu for the next week.
Just got back from the car wash.
Stopped in Speedway on the way home.
I found some more coupons for Pepsi
2 liters there. This week they have
Pepsi for $1.00 a 2 liter at Meijer.
So will use my coupons to get
the 2 liters for .50 cents each!
I think my next project I would like to
do before Summer is over with is the bathroom.
I have some colors in mind.
Chocolate brown and a teal or aqua.
Something similar to the colors below,
NOT the designs of the fabric as it
will all depend upon what I can find
for cheap to do the bathroom with.
Colors of a spa resort.