compared to yesterday. Yesterday it was 85
and today it's supposed to be 58,
a 27 degree difference. Back to wearing
pants and jackets.
I was watching the news this morning
and saw a segment about Mama Mimi's.
They were making cinnamon rolls.
Oh that sounds so good! I haven't been
able to look at cinnamon rolls since
having one at Cinnabon at the mall.
That was a little much. Too sweet for me!
But I have gotten passed that incident
and have decided I want to make my own
cinnamon rolls that are a little less gooped
up with a ton of icing. That's the great
thing about making things from scratch,
you can make them to suit your needs.
Whew my hands are aching/tingling like crazy this
morning and feel so swelled. I haven't experienced
my carpal tunnel in awhile and it's once
again catching up with me. I can't write
with a pen without my hands going numb.
At least I haven't been getting the pains
in the night like I was. The only way I could
describe that was like having a charley horse
in your forearm. Not a pleasant experience at all.
I've tried splints to keep my wrist from becoming
bent when I sleep and that doesn't work.
I've had other family members who've had the
operation done to both wrists to help
alleviate the pain. But they say the operation
is not guaranteed to work. For some it does.
So I've just been dealing with it for many years.
I started getting it when I was doing cross stitch
and plastic canvas years ago. I was making
about 100 magnets a week to sell to make a little
money. Needless to say I had to sell all my supplies
because I can no longer do it :0(
The boys are ready to head outside.
Jonathan can't wait to get back on his
new skateboard he got. He skinned
up his knee already yesterday with the thing
so decided to get out all the pads today
before heading out.
Here's a video from yesterday.
The kids were playing out front on the
skateboards riding them on their bellies
down the sidewalk.
The neighbor's little boy looked so funny
on the mini skateboard. I thought he
looked like a lil frog!! LOL He's all of
about 2-3 years old.
I got the dough started for the
Cinnamon Rolls in the bread machine
I tweaked my regular roll recipe some
for cinnamon rolls. (now considering
maybe a half batch to make a swirl
cinnamon loaf of bread, yummy)
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup oil
3/4 tsp vanilla
3 T. brown sugar
1 T. plus 1 tsp. grated orange zest
2 tsp salt
4 1/2 to 4 3/4 cups flour
2 tsp. yeast
add everything into bread machine
in order above, making a well in the
flour then add yeast into well.
Put on pizza dough cycle (NOT baking it
in bread machine)
Once done remove from pan, punch down dough.
On a floured surface, roll into a large rectangle. Smear with 3 T softened butter. Combine 1 tsp cinnamon and 1/3 cup sugar. Sprinkle over the rectangle. Generously sprinkle 1/3 c. raisins and/or 1/3 c chopped nuts over the top.
Using a pizza cutter cut dough into 12 slices, roll up. Place the rolls into a round greased baking pan. Cover, and let rise in a warm place until almost doubled, about 30 minutes.
Preheat an oven to 375 degrees. Combine 1 cup confectioners' sugar, 1.5 tablespoons melted butter, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, and 1.5 tablespoons milk into a thick frosting; set aside.
Bake rolls in preheated oven until golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Remove and allow to cool 10 minutes. Spread frosting over baked rolls and enjoy.
Here's a tip of mine for zesting oranges.
I freeze the orange peels. Then when I need
some orange zest I pull out my grater
and run the peel along the side of it.
The orange peel when frozen is so much
easier to grate then.
Just hanging out and waiting for Tony
to get home from his drywall repair job.
Don't know how long he will be.
Damien's supposed to stop by sometime this
morning for Mother's Day since we won't
be home tomorrow.
Afterwards we have to dig out the car trailer,
load up and strap down the motorcycle
then head out East to go pick up our car.
Don't this all sound like fun? Sounds like
a lot of work to me! This is what it is
like being the only gal in the household.
Good thing I am a Tomboy and can deal with
all the guy stuff.
Damien stopped by and brought me a card
and a flat of Geraniums for Mother's Day.
I've been a little behind with pictures.
We had a couple pieces of cake for lunch
with Damien.
Here's the inside view of what my cake looked
like. White cake mix with crumbled up cookies
in it. Topped with cookies n cream ice cream
topped with cut up Snicker bars. Frosted
with cream cheese frosting and more crumbled up
cookies on top.
Was going to go outside and plant the Geraniums
that Damien gave me. It is freakin' BRRRR out!
I changed my mind real quick.
Instead I went out the garden and took the drip
bottles off their stakes and covered the tomato
and pepper plants with them.
Me and the squirrels are gonna have go 'rounds
like last year. After a couple times of yelling
at them and chasing them off with the broom
they left the yard alone. I need to give them
a lil reminder of what last year was like.
Here is Mr. Squirrel in my garden, grrrrr.
Plants are all ok. He must of been eating
the "helicopter" seeds from the trees.
Still waiting for Tony to get done
with drywalling. They purchased quick
drying mud and let me tell ya it ain't
so quick to dry!
Got my rolls and breads baked and
out of their pans. I went with smaller
cinnamon rolls and squished them
all in a small cake pan. Almost
looks like a monkey bread.
I have run out of powdered sugar.
Should have checked before starting
so will have to pick some up later on.
My butt is sooo draggin today. The chilly weather
makes ya want to just crawl in bed and cuddle up
under the blankets. I popped the movie Finding Nemo
in for the kids to watch and fell asleep myself
watching it.
6PM - 10PM
This evening started off pretty good.
Got the motorcycle loaded up and made it
to Blacklick. Was a slow ride as it liked
to jiggle around on the car trailer with every
bump and pothole in the road.
Took us awhile to get the Trans Am up on the
trailer. Then the night went downhill real
quick. Was pulling the trailer with the car
out of the driveway when we heard metal dragging
the ground. At first we thought the hitch part
hadn't been put up but then Tony yells out
that the trailer BROKE!! The weld on the
tongue of the trailer split! Can you believe
that! I sure as hell can't. All that freakin
work to get the car on the trailer and was
almost on the home stretch. It didn't snap
completely off, thank God, and we were able
to park the trailer on the side of the street.
I just thank God that it happened then and
not on the way home!! That could have been
Good thing we have friends with tow trucks
and roll backs that's gonna help us out
tomorrow evening. We have to take the
car back off our trailer then put it
on a roll back to bring home.
Monday Tony will have to borrow a welder
from work and go back out to Blacklick
to try and fix the trailer.
Sooo close to bringing Blue Thunder home!
I am soooo tired. And it is soooo cold
and windy out this eve with some rain sprinkles.
It's been a loooong evening. Hey, about like
yesterday evening. One of these days I'll get
caught up with me sleep.
I'm just glad to be home and have been thinking
about cuddling up under my electric blanket.
Tomorrow we have an early wake up call.
Gonna try to be up to the lake for brunch
with the family at about 10AM. Takes about
an hour to and hour and a half to get there.