They only raised up about half.
I sliced it all up.
I think I will use it for some sausage gravy today.
Slather some butter on it, grill it in the skillet
and then put the gravy on top.
Went to the flea market this morning.
Man it got hot quick out there!!
I saw lots of people selling flowers and
tomato plants. I wish I could find someone
who had other veggies like peppers and so on.
I did buy the boys a 3 floor hamster cage for $4.00
I'm sure theses things go for about $30 to $40.
No we don't have hamster yet!
The kids are gonna work towards having hamsters
by keeping their rooms and the rest of the
house tidied up and help take care of what
animals we do have now before I will consider
any more critters.
So for now it will just sit out and empty
as a reminder of what needs done around here.
Went out and worked in the garden a little today.
Got a bunch of scallions planted.
Then worked on planting the Enchanted Rose Zinnias
in different flower beds.
Scallions in between red cabbage and Hungarian
Wax Peppers.
Red and white onions coming up in between
the cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce.
More red and white onions coming up
in between cabbage, lettuce and
banana peppers.
Sweet Basil and radishes planted behind
Banana Peppers.
Got more peas planted.
Just got done watering the newly planted plants.
After 2 weeks we finally got the blue Trans Am
off the trailer then loaded up the red Trans Am
to be taken to see why it has a transmission leak.
Earlier today Jonathan went to sit on the couch
and when he did I heard a CRACK!
I was soo pissed the board on the bottom side
of the couch broke! We went over to Value City
with receipt in hand and told them I had a warranty.
I've only had the couch since the first week of
April and it's broke a little over a month later!!
Anyway the customer service guy said a technician
would give me a call tomorrow between 10am and 5pm
to make arrangements about getting it fixed.
Can't wait to see if anyone will call or
can't wait to see how they intend to fix
my NEW couch!!
Why can't anything now a days be made like
the good ole days??? Cutting back and finding
cheaper materials to make things is not
my idea of quality. Nothing lasts very long!
Bought a kitchen table a couple years back
and had to purchase the chairs separately.
Those chairs were horrible. They would
collapse when people sat in them!
This is why I love yard sales, craigslist
and the flea market. I can find older items
that were meant to last!!
Still have laundry to finish up then give the kids
each a hair cut and their showers.
I'm tired. This heat today has wiped me out!
Mom ended up bringing down an extra pizza she had
made so I didn't have to make supper.
That was nice of her to do.
I'm contemplating on whether or not to kick
the air conditioner on a little at the moment.
I have all windows open and fans going in every
room and the thermostat is reading about 84 in here.
Air condition has been turned on for the first time this
year. It feels soooo much better in here!
Got the kids hair cut. That has to feel much
cooler on their heads.
After hair cutting I gathered up all the hair
and told Christopher I was going out to
the garden to plant hair. He gave me a funny look. LOL!
Tony came out to see what I was doing and
thought I was nuts.
I spread the hair over and around the plants
in the garden. The scent of human is supposed
to keep critters away. We'll see.
Me with a fluff ball of hair.