There I found 3 packs of pinwheels for a buck
to put in the garden. They were cheap enough but
only plastic. While the movement of the pinwheels
might scare off critters in your garden so
does reflective surfaces. So I hot glued
aluminum foil to the tips of the pinwheels
to make them more affective.
Too much work is going into this garden.
I'm trying anything I can to keep the
birds, rabbits and squirrels out!
Woo hoo, I found the first blooms on a couple tomato
plants this morning. Waiting for the rain to stop
falling to get a photo. I think they are Romas
and they were the last ones I planted.
That's the thing about gardening, having patience.
Wondering if it will all work out and grow to
produce veggies. It don't look like much
now but I am hoping it will all fill in with
a little love and time :0)
Other finds at the Dollar Tree:
Something similar to a Ped Egg

I also got some tater sticks, similar to tater tots
but longer and flatter. And garlic bread.
Got these items to go with fish fillets for supper
For those of you that use Swiffers they now carry
moistened 20 refills for a buck along with the dusting
Or the even cheaper way is to make your own Swiffer
pads by using microfiber cloths cut to fit.
Dollar tree also has those for a buck.
Just remove and toss in the washer and reuse.
This looks simple enough to make.

I bought one large microfiber towel with a scratchy
side and a package of 4 sponges.
I'm going to cut the towel to have one scratchy side
and one microfiber side and sew them around the
sponges. I saw something like this on HSN
and figured I could make my own.
To clean just put in your dishwasher when
doing dishes. So for $2 I will have 4 microfiber
kitchen sponges.
Tupperware wants $16.50 for a set of 4!!
and they don't have scratchies on one side.

If I see something on TV I really like I look
for ways to make it for much cheaper.
Got 4 microfiber scratchy sponges made.
Cost: .50 cents each to make.
Compared to $4.13 each.
A savings of $3.63
It's just me and the kids this evening.
Tony had to go work at his side job.
He's still working on painting the inside
of his friend's home.
Might retire early this evening.
Still feeling tired and have
been experiencing back spasms again today.
Time to get a lil Ibuprofen in me.
Tomorrow heading over to Sprint.
Not long ago I got a new phone.
The people there told me I could choose
between 3 phones that had a $50 rebate
making it free after it was all said and done.
I sent in the rebate and just received a
letter from Sprint in the mail saying
we could not get our rebate because
we did not buy a qualifying phone and
did not sign another 2 year contract.
Let the butt chewing begin!!!!
Sprint is the one that showed me the
phones then gave me the rebate form
to fill out and send in.
So something is screwy here!
Someone better be giving me back my $50!!
I would not have gotten the phone if it
was not for this offer!!
Kids just handed me a note about a field day
they are having tomorrow. Now get this.
The school says it's
having field day rain or shine and to send
an extra set of clothes for them in case
they get SOAKING wet!
I DON'T THINK SO!!! It's not like it's
in the 80's and humid out!
I'm cold and regretted even putting shorts
on the kids today. We wore light jackets
this morning to the bus stop. Can you imagine being
outside in the rain soaking wet???
This school is nuts for trying to get
all the kids sick!!! Jonathan has had
a cough for the past week. We almost
thought about taking him to Urgent Care.
Mom even complained
of being outside today wearing no coat and pants
saying she was cold in misting rain.
Tomorrow's forecast is rain and
between 56 and 59!! I'm thinking about writing
a note to not let the kids do it. I'm sure
they will be upset. But I don't want to have a
household of sick people and spending time
at the doctor's office for everyone.