I can't stand car salesmen!! If I know we're going
to a car lot I put up my armored shield. They will
say anything and everything to try and make a sale.
I know how they work, the sly lil devils.
Pushy car salesmen are the worst and are so annoying!
Stay away from Airport Car Sales! That guy drove
us nuts! He had nothing but junk. Cars falling
apart with bald tires. If you are gonna sell
cars don't leave jumper cables or car parts
on the seats! Big turn off. Hell he was ready
to sell us a 98 Jaguar! What part of good
on gas did he not understand? That was a sport's
car. I'd hate to see how much parts were for it.
See that's another thing I consider when purchasing
a vehicle, what do the parts cost and how much
it will cost to maintain it.
We'd point out major flaws on cars at this lot
that scared us on almost all his cars.
Oh but he said he would fix those problems
in order to sell it to us. I don't believe him
for a minute! Why weren't these things done
before putting them on the lot to sell?
He started telling me what some cars needed like
I didn't know what they were, like it was a simple
fix. He shows me a car saying it only
needed an idler sensor. I say hmmm doesn't sound
like something I want. The idler sensor controls
your idle and when it goes bad your engine
will race up and down and not at a steady
idle. Well let's just say he was shocked that
I knew what he was talking about and knew
what these parts were that needed replacing did.
I said I am not your average woman your going
to screw and tell them anything to make a sale.
I know about cars!
I think Tony is at the point that he lets
me deal with car salesmen. I get soo good
with treating them the same way they treat me.
You ain't pullin no wool over my eyes!
The older I get the more pissed off I get
with sales people of any kind. I'm sick of their
lines that I start feeding the same crap right
back at them! I can make up stories too just like
they do. I have gotten so good at it that Tony
has believed what I was telling the salesman at times,
LMAO!! I'd have to pull him aside and tell him
just play along.
I realize these sales people have a job to do
to make money. This is our hard earned money
their messing with! It doesn't grow on trees
like it does for some of these yuppier people.
I don't have money to blow on just anything!
Next stop Auto Direct on 161. A more
fancier dealership with a fountain
and a partial moat around the place.
They had cars on Craigslist
but no price! So we went to ask about a few.
More like the ones in the back row as those
are usually the cheapest. The first one
was a Suzuki Sidekick. Rust bucket
and it looked whipped. Door handles
missing, couldn't open door from inside.
Let's just say this Sidekick should have been
kicked to the curb and put out of it's misery!
Oh but he wanted about $1600 for it. I flat
out told him it was priced too high and I wasn't
interested in it. Oh but his comeback was he
could get that much out of it at auction.
Well go for it and good luck with that I said.
Then he shows us a Dodge Avenger. It ran pretty
good. We were almost sold on this one. But ya
know a car salesman and his attitude could blow
the deal for me. He started telling me I couldn't
find a better deal on a good running car at
another car lot. I said well I don't want to
make an instant decision right now and will go home
and see what the reviews have to say about this car.
He says with the money you're looking to spend
this is as good as it gets. I said I realize
with what little money I had to spend I didn't
expect a miracle car. I just wanted to know
what kind of repairs to expect on this vehicle
while owning it. You know those things that
could go wrong with certain vehicles, some
end up with known transmission problems
or even engine lock ups. He was getting more
irritated with me. I said I also have a Corsica
to look at the next day. Oh he says, "that's an
old car!" Oh really I say, it only has 69,000
miles on it and to me that's a pretty new motor
in it if you ask me. It probably would be more
dependable than this one I was looking at.
I did reviews on the Corsica and they came
out really good. I should have told him if
he thought the Corsica was old he should see
the 1981 car I had at home! Sometimes I feel
like the older cars are built better than
the newer ones. No computers, no fancy
gizmos and electronics to go wrong. No plastic
and styrofoam body parts and real metal bumpers.
Think about it. We got rid of a fancy Expedition
for a Suburban! I'd trust a 350 motor over
the Triton motor any day!
But anyway I don't think any car salesman
should judge what cars I look at!! Compared
to the Sidekick he showed me that was a piece
of crap he should of just shut his trap.
Last stop was a private owner off Craigslist.
This was a road trip for us considering it
was in Marion. It was a minivan that this guy
was selling for a friend. He claimed it was
really nice inside and out and it ran so good.
It needed nothing he says.
Let me just say this. One persons version
of very nice and the next persons version
are 2 different things! While the van did
look nice inside and out I found many problems
I was not happy with, ones he failed to mention
on the phone before making this long drive.
The hatch wasn't able to be opened as the lock
look like it was mangled. Next we smelled exhaust
fumes so crawled underneath the van to investigate.
Someone had removed the catalytic converter and
attached another pipe in it's place. So it
ran kind of loud. We took it for a test drive.
The thing had a shake and almost died on us
as the rpms dropped really low when coming
to a stop. And lastly the front end creaked
and popped. We left and didn't look back.
So that's how yesterday went. I was so wore
out from being on the defensive with car shopping.
Our sofa is supposed to come sometime this morning.
Getting out my magnifying glass to give it
a thorough inspection after all the crap
they put me through.
Oh did you hear that they finally banned
texting while driving in Columbus. They really needed
that. Not that it will stop people from
doing it but it's a start if they start cracking
down on it. I think the more you get
caught doing it the fine or punishment should
be more severe. Confiscate their phones,
and ban them from their phone services.
But that won't stop them if they use someone
elses phones or services. If there is a
will their is a way.
I myself can't punch in
seven digits to dial a phone while driving
so you tell me how people are typing out
messages??? It annoys me. I see people driving so
slow and under speed limits tying up traffic,
they go left of center, sit at a green light
and so on.
Well I am off here to give one of the bedrooms
a Spring cleaning. I don't look forward to this
at all.
Why is it I have a hard time getting kids
motivated and up during a school day at 7:30am
but during vacation they are up and adam
at 7:30am on their own and raring to start
playing and carrying on. Any other day
it's like they have broken legs and can't
crawl out of bed and walk.
My first ever new sofa!
Called the vet today. Had some concern that this
dog is still drinking lots and lots of water!
She had this symptom when we took her in.
Obviously they didn't resolve this problem
and now wants us to bring her back in for
more blood work and MORE FREAKING MONEY!
They did blood work and xrays already!!
I think at $1700.00 that she should be
good to go. I am sooo tired of this damn
vet and I've only been there once!
Never go to Anhurst Vetrinary Hospital
in Westerville!!! They'll try to suck
any and all money out of you. They did
not figure out why this dog drinks
bowl after bowl of water the first time
around. They gave me the excuse she was dehydrated
from surgery. She had this before we took her
in AND after. It's over a week later!!
I can no longer let this dog roam my house
because of drinking so much and using my
carpet as a bathroom. As soon as I fill her
water bowl she will drink the entire thing
and lay on the floor staring at the bowl
wanting more!! She will get to the point
of puking water! I have to cut her water off
for a couple of hours or I'd be letting her
outside every 15 minutes or cleaning up puke.
Before going to bed at night I let her out to
pee. Then I can't give her water over night
or she'll drink the whole thing and pee everywhere.
I then give her a bowl when I get up and about
every two hours there after. This morning
she went outside to pee and then I caught
her drinking from mud puddles, something
she does not normally do. I think we are to the
point that the dog is eventually going to need
a new home as we can't keep up and give her
the constant attention she needs. Plus
my allergies have kicked in pretty good
and with dog hair, dander and what not
I have felt like crap since getting her.
I think without animals in the home
would help tremendously.