juice warmed in the microwave. Added
some cinnamon red hots and a piece of
orange peel and stirred til the cinnamon
pieces were melted. YUMMY!
Not sure what is on the agenda for today
so will have to play it by ear.
I had wanted to read my book from
the library last night but I was
too pooped to pop. I got as far
as page 8 yesterday with everything
that was going on. I need a slow
down. Mom's don't get a day off though!
This morning wasn't too bad. Mom took
me to Bob Evans and we split a Pot Roast
Hash and a Strawberry Smoothie.
It's more affordable and more healthy
to be able to split a meal like this
between 2 people.
Afterwards I wanted to go to Aldi's.
I got 7 large plastic Aldi bags of items
and I also paid for mom's groceries
which was another 3 bags.
Total cost was $68.
Not too bad. I got enough things
to last a couple of weeks.
Tonight I'm thinking about making
a strawberry cheesecake.
I found cans of strawberry pie
filling at Kroger about a month
ago on clearance and today instead
of buying all the ingredients to make
the cheesecake I bought a boxed
no bake cheesecake mix from Aldis.
For supper I'm having breaded whiting
fish fillets with a side of broccoli
and cheese rice and I don't know what else.
Found a 2 pound box
of 8 fillets at Walmart for $5.
5 fish fillets $3.15
2 pouches of broccoli & cheese rice $1.40
5 slices strawberry cheesecake $1.90
(Bob Evans wants around $3.50 a pie slice!
or $14 a pie!!)
SERVES 5 @ $1.29 per serving
I always go by 5 serving because
I will include Tony's lunch for the next day.
I could break it down this way
His homemade lunches sure beats the cost
of eating out at a fast food joint
at about $5.00 a pop each day.
$1.29 x's 20 days a month is $25.80
(and this meal was a little on the
expensive side as they usually are
a buck or less a serving)
$5.00 x's 20 days a month is $100.00
Even at the high side of the estimate
we save around $74.00 a month
with home cooked lunches.
Now look at the long picture for a year...
$74 x's 12 is $888
That's how much we save a year!
in 10 years that's damn neart $9,000!!!!
Every bit helps to save money
no matter how little it may seem.
It ALL adds up!!
A few photos from tonight's supper.
I didn't want the traditional
fries or hush puppies as sides
so made some pasta salad
and cheesy broccoli rice.
My quick, throw together crab pasta salad.
I had some extra spiral past leftover
from the other day's chicken
I cut up about
1/3 imitation crab meat. Threw in
some Italian dressing and mayo
for a quick side dish.
Tomorrow before my doctor's appointment
I think we'll head over to Khols.
Gonna look for something for Jonathan's
birthday coming up and use the $10 off
coupon they sent me. Mom also got one
of those coupons. My step-dad had thrown
it out. She was out rummaging around in
her trash this morning searching for it.
Who in their right mind throws out a coupon
that is good for $10 off anything $10 or more.
Only my step-dad that's who.
Dollar General now accepts internet coupons!!
Check them out.