the last $10 off $10 or more coupon
before it expired on the first.
I got mom a necklace for mother's day.
It was originally $24 marked down to 14.75
then minus the $10 coupon made it $4.75.
I saved $20!
I stopped in Big Lots in search of some
flower seeds. I know I saw they had seeds
earlier this year but I'll be darned if
I could find them today.
Just got home. Threw ingredients in the
bread machine to make some rolls and
hamburger/hot dog buns. I love my
bread machine since it does all the
work for you. But lately I just let
it mix, knead and rise the dough then
remove it to bake in the oven.
Here is the recipe I used:
* 1-1/2 cups water
* 1/4 cup oil (.10 cents)
* 2 tablespoons Honey or brown sugar (.02 cents)
* 2 teaspoons salt (.01 cent)
* 4 cups unbleached bread flour or whole wheat flour (.32 cents)
* 2 teaspoons active dry yeast (.10 cents)
Layer the ingredients into the bread machine pan in the order given. Set the bread machine onto the Dough Cycle. Press Start. When the dough is done mixing and rising, divide it into 16 equal pieces. Roll the pieces of dough into balls and flatten slightly. Arrange them on an oiled cookie sheet sprayed. Let them rise for about 30 minutes, or until doubled in size. Bake at 400° for about 20 minutes. Serve hot, or allow to cool and use as burger buns. I usually brush the tops of the buns with a little oil, to keep them soft. These are Fred’s absolutely favorite rolls in the whole wide world. Very soft, and very good. By using this recipe to make your own burger buns, you save at least $2 per batch. Add the quality, improved flavor, and convenience of not having to go to the store, and you’ve got a real winner of a recipe. Makes 16 rolls.
Tonight's supper will be stuffing,
mashed potatoes topped with chicken & gravy.
Corn on the cob and buttered rolls.
$1.29 Chicken breast
.50 cents Stuffing
.50 cents mashed Potatoes
.79 cents canned gravy
.48 cents 2 corn of the cob
.15 cents rolls
serves 5 @ .78 cents a serving
After topping the
pizza yesterday with the chicken I still managed
to get a gallon zip bag full of chicken for
other meals. It's so nice to have meats cooked
ahead of time. Just take out of the freezer
and thaw.
Well it's almost 11:30am
I think I might get started on reupholstering
a couple more chairs.
I got 2 more chairs done.
Only 3 more to go, but that will
be another day!
I'm loving this fabric! It takes
these chair from being formal, which
we are not, to fun and playful
with the bold colors.
Plus I don't think dirt will show up
as much on this fabric compared
to the cream colored fabric.
a whopping .25 cents, a whole QUARTER!
The dough is done.
I divided it up into 12 rolls
and 5 hamburger buns.
They are currently sitting on the counter
with a towel over them allowing them
to rise more.
I will bake them this evening.
The dough has finished rising.
Getting ready to start supper and pop
these rolls and hamburger buns in the oven.
Will freeze the leftover rolls and buns.
I want to make sloppy joes or pulled pork
sandwiches next week.

Today while at Khol's mom wanted me to pick
out something for mother's day. I just can't
stand to get something at stores at full price!
I just cringe. I told her tomorrow is yard sale
day so I'll just pick something up at the sales
These below are ones I found in the
Northland News.
May 6,7,8
thurs & Fri 9-5
Sat. 10-2
Christ International Church
382 E. Weber Rd.
Use rear entrance
6445 Karl Rd.
Fri & Sat. 8-4
After supper I started working on making
the strawberry jam. I have one problem, Tony
wants some and that means finding a way to
make it sugar-free.
So here is a recipe I'm gonna try.
I have read that jello jams consistancy
isn't the same as regular jam.
But I gotta do what I gotta do and will
let you know how it turns out.
Notice this jam is only good 1 week
compared to a regular jam at 3 weeks in the
fridge. So I suggest making it in smaller
containers when you freeze it if you don't
plan to go through that much in a weeks time.
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam
(makes about 3 cups)
My friend's mother-in-law gave me this recipe and a small container of the jam. It tastes like fresh strawberries and will be wonderful to take out of the freezer one cold winter day to spread on morning toast.
2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
1 cup cold water
1 0.3 ounce package sugar free strawberry flavored gelatin
1. In a large saucepan, crush the berries and combine with the water and gelatin. Place over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes.
2. Pour into sterilized 1-cup freezer containers or jars. Allow to cool and cover. Store in refrigerator for 1 week or freeze for up to 3 months.
Per 1-tablespoon serving:
3 calories (0% calories from fat),
0 protein, 0 total fat (0 saturated fat),
1 g carbohydrate,
0 dietary fiber,
0 cholesterol,
4 mg sodium,
12 mg potassium
Diabetic exchanges: FREE
I just wanted to add that we had the rolls
with supper. They turned out wonderful!!
They were big like something from a restaraunt
not something you buy from the stores all
smushed together in a small package!
What goes better with strawberry jam than
some english muffins! Sound yummy.
So my next recipe I want to make is....
(Fleischmann's recipe)
Looks like a loaf of bread.
Just slice and toast.
Has all the nooks and crannies.
2 packs active dry yeast
6 cups flour
1 T. sugar
2 tsps. salt
2 cups milk
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup water
Combine 3 cups flour, yeast, sugar, salt,
and soda. Heat liquids until very warm
(120-130 degrees). Add dry mixture;
beat well. Stir in rest of flour to make
a stiff batter. Spoon into two
1 1/2" x 4 1/2-inch pans that have been
greased and sprinkled with cornmeal.
Cover; let rise in warm place for 45 minutes.
Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.
Remove from pans immediately and cool.
Well my legs are gonna hurt tomorrow from
all the squatting I did this evening!
I don't feel pain at the moment but
they sure are quivering.
I went out in the garden and measured
out every foot along the border and put in
screws or nails.
Then I started to run
twine to section everything off.
I have two 1 foot rows separated by 2 foot
rows to allow for walking without disturbing
I just measured the entire garden
and it's 25 feet by 11 feet
or 275 square feet total.
While stringing up the garden I had Tony
stop by the library for me. I love having
the library a street, or about 2 blocks away!
I thought I had 2 reserves come in but when
Tony returned it ended up being 10.
They are all about vegetable gardening,
canning and freezing food.
Thinking about heading to bed early
tonight due to my legs. Might
bring along my stack of books and get
started with reading them and taking
notes. This is really my first year
of having an official garden in the ground.
I want all to go well because it sure
is ALOT of work to get it started!!
Well I am off to bed to chill for the evening.
Can't wait til tomorrow. GARAGE SALES!
Woo Hoo! I love Fridays and yard saling!!
Oh yeah I need to stop by facebook and
do some farmin first and harvest my crops.
What's funny is that when tilling the garden
Jonathan says are we Farmvillin'? LMAO!!
Yeah right, give me a mouse to click
to plow, plant and harvest this thing!!
I hurt every dang time I go out there to
do something. Ever need some exercise?
Go plant a garden!