I made chocolate- chocolate chip
(Jiffy Muffin Mix)
and banana nut waffles.
(Martha White Muffin Mix)
Between both packages I was able
to make 10 waffles.
I had 4 leftover which I put in zip
baggies and put in the freezer for
the kids one morning.
Just pop in the toaster and done.
Today we had to unbury my car so I can use it
tomorrow to take the kids to the bus stop.
It's been sitting since Friday eve so has
plenty of snow on and around it. Plus it
sits out by the road where the snow plow
has been.
Went back to Urgent Care today.
They gave me plastic bottles and things to collect
samples and take back to them tomorrow. Then they will
ship off to Riverside Hospital for testing. Then wait
another 2-3 days for results.
I quit taking any medicines.
They made me sick twice today plus
they make you tired.
I feel like crap!!
Make it go away!!!