use up the last of my 3 Excedrin coupons.
If you have those $2.00 printed coupons
this is the week to use them up while
Excedrin Menstrual is on sale for $2.50 making them
.50 cents each and then getting a $2.00 RR.
Next week they will be back to normal price
of $6.00!
I will have gotten 10 this week :-)
That's $20 in RR's!
They also have Thera Flu on sale 2 for $10.00
Use two $2.00 off printed coupons making it $6.00
You will get a $5.00 RR back when checking out.
So it's like getting 2 for $1.00 or .50 cents each!
I bought 4 this week and got $10 in RR's.
When printing out coupons always use your back
button to be able to print out a second one.
Usually your limit is 2 of each coupon but
if you have more than one computer
you can print even more!
I also need to stop in the thrift store
in search of a Winter coat. I don't suggest
having a white Winter coat. It gets dirty
way too fast! One possibly in a darker color
where the dirt doesn't stick out like a sore
thumb and I won't have to wash it constantly.
February 26th ONLY, you can get 54% off on ink cartridge refills with coupon!

Returned to the one Walgreens on 161 today
They allow me to do more than one transaction.
I got three bottles of Excedrin.
One receipt is incorrect. On my last transaction
the cashier thought I handed her another $2.00 off
coupon when in fact it was a coupon for FREE Excedrin.
She didn't charge me anything for that one even
though it shows .67 cents.
regular price $5.99 x's 3 is $17.97
With sales and coupons $1.34
PLUS I got $6.00 in Register Rewards.
I made $4.66 on this deal!
This last photo shows all the register rewards I got this
week from Walgreens. (well actually there was another
$2.00 one but I used it) $26.00 worth, woo hoo!
Plus I have another $13 for Meijers.
A total of $39 to spend on whatever.
Hoping for some great sales in the near future
to use them on!
I also stopped by the thrift store and found
me a very nice jacket that was half off.
Was $8.50 I paid $4.25. That's real fur around the hood!
I also picked up a package of 200 straws for .90 cents
and a large bag of string beads with
flowers and butterflies for .90 cents.
Pork Chops With Apple Stuffing
3-4 pork chops (free)
1 can apple pie filling .99 cents
1 box of chicken stuffing .70 cents
can of green beans free
Serves 4 @ .42 cents a serving
Spoon apple pie filling into crock with
about a half cup water. Add pork chops
and cook on high about 4 or so hours.
Once done remove pork chops and add stuffing
mix to the apple pie filling and stir.

It's best to buy fruits and vegetables when they
are in season. Here is a guide to let you
know what is in season each month:
January- oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, tangelos, lemons, papayas, cabbages: red, white and green; leeks, broccoli, cauliflower.
February-oranges, tangelos, grapefruit, lemons, papayas, broccoli, cauliflower
March- pineapples, mangoes, broccoli, lettuce
April-pineapples, mangoes, zucchini, rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus, spring peas, broccoli, lettuce
May -cherries, pineapples, apricots, okra, zucchini, rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus, spring peas, broccoli, lettuce
June- watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, cherries, blueberries, peaches, apricots, corn, lettuce
July-watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, blueberries, peaches, apricots, kiwi, raspberries, plums, cucumbers, tomatoes, summer squash, corn, green beans, lettuce
August- watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, blueberries, peaches, apricots, kiwi, raspberries, plums, cucumbers, corn, eggplant, tomatoes, summer squash, green beans, lettuce
September- grapes, pomegranates, persimmons, eggplants, pumpkins, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce
October-cranberries, apples, pomegranates, grapes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, broccoli, spinach, lettuce
November- cranberries, oranges, tangerines, pears, pomegranates, persimmons, pumpkins, winter squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach
December- pears, oranges, tangelos, grape fruit, tangerines, papayas, pomegranates, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower
Always a Good Deal-bananas, potatoes, celery.
Whenever possible, buy your fruits and veggies by the bag instead of by the piece. Apples, potatoes and many other produce items get sorted by size, with the largest pieces being sold individually (at a premium) and the rest being sold in bags. Often times you can get bags that have smaller pieces of fruit and it is just as good for you as the super sized ones but not as many calories.
Frozen vegetables are best for you when compared
to fesh. They are frozen at the peak of ripeness
compared to your fresh vegetables that may have to
travel to your stores and sit in the bins for
who knows how long.