Out of the blue now I have to pay full
price because they said my deductible hasn't been met.
That's news to me as we have never had to
pay full price before. When we took Jonathan
a couple weeks ago we didn't have to pay
everything up front.
Here have been my symptoms:
-Constant loose bowels for past month 4-6 times a day
-Stomach cramps, severe at times
-No energy, feeling drained
-sometimes swollen hands/feet
-Cold chills, no fever
-lower back spasms
-pain from back, hips and legs down to knees
I have had no fever, been normal or around 99 degrees.
No upset stomach. Appetite has been good.
I didn't get everything done that should have been
done today. I still have to make a doctor's appointment
with the family doctor to get other things done
so that way it will only cost me a $20 copay
or else I would have had to pay full price
for everything during this visit to Urgent Care.
The doc at Urgent Care did run a urine test.
The white blood cell count came back normal
but there was high protein in my urine.
She told me that it could mean muscles distress.
She did give me a pill prescription for diareah.
Take 3 times a day for almost 7 days.
Not supposed to eat fruits, veggies, dairy products,
spicy or fried foods, candy or alcoholic beverages.
Now I have to make a doctor's appointment
with the family doctor to have these things
done for further testing of what could be going on:
(I googled things to show you what they mean)
-Complete Blood Count Test with Differential
-A Comprehensive Metabolic Chemistry Panel
-Pap Smear
-Pelvic Exam
-xrays and possible MRI
for possible herniated disc
causing back spasms and leg/hip pain
Supposed to refrain from picking up heavy things.
Yeah right, this is a mom that does the grocery
shopping while everyone is away during the day
and has to carry the bags into the house
and has to carry laundry baskets and clothes
from the basement upstairs. Think the cat
and dog will do it for me??? What else
am I supposed to do?
So doesn't all this sound like fun???!!!
I'm going to go take a nap!
If you live in the city I am sure you are
well aware of all the hoopty mobiles running around.
You know those ones with the bumpin stereo systems
and 20" or larger tires. I call them wagon wheels
as they look about as big as wheels that
came off a stagecoach in an old Western movie.
I saw a commercial last night where you could
lease to own 18" and up rims!!
Come on now, this is ridiculous.
Lease to own a car, not it's wheels!!
Well actually I don't recommend leasing a
car but you get what I mean.
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I just picked the kids up from the bus stop.
This week is still not getting any better!!!
In their book bag is a letter from transportation services.
Come to find out, right after they were picked up this morning,
about a block or two away from here the bus was involved in
an accident. Just lovely! A car couldn't stop in time
and slid on snow/ice into the rear of the bus.
One of my kids was sitting in the second to the last
seat of the bus. He said the car had a crumpled up hood.
Here is the letter. You will have to click on the photo
to enlarge to be able to read.
Ok why in the world do they wait until after school
to send home a note saying your child was in a bus
It says there were no reported injuries
and they appologized for having the students
get to school late. HELLLOOOOO Columbus School
District why are we appologizing for the delay.
I want to know why parents weren't contacted
after it happened????
And what is their excuse for the bus
showing up late all other days not getting
them to school on time?
Every day there is a different school bus
and a different driver. Who's to explain this also?
The kids said their friends who were on the bus
one morning after they had already gotten off
said the bus driver choked a kid. It's hear say
but seems to be the talk of other children.
We haven't seen hide nor hair of this regular
bus driver since. We have a different morning
bus and bus driver every morning that seems
to be causing the delays.
Where's the note to explain this incident.
Boy everything seems to be hush hush anymore.
Leaving parents to wonder what the heck is really
going on behind the scenes.
I myself never went to Columbus schools.
I went to Westerville City Schools.
And now that my kids are in Columbus I can
see a big downfall with the education the kids
are getting!!
Today while getting my prescription at Kroger
I found a Manager Special boo boo. Never seen
this happen before but figured I mention it.
Be careful of what deals you think you are
getting because they may not be a deal after all!!
Anyways, I was prowling the meat department
looking for marked down meats. I scan
everything looking for those bright orange stickers!
I found some manager specials and upon better inspection
saw that they were not so special after all. The orange stickers
were actually much higher than what the regular
price was!! Let's say a package of beef
was regularly $5.00 but the manager special
sticker said it was $8.00.
So be careful out there.
When in doubt find a scanner for a price
check or find out what the item actually
cost to begin with!
Oh yeah Henderson Kroger had a deal on
Campbell's Chicken or Beef Broth for only .39 cents.
Check in the back by the dairy section as it's
in the middle of the isle on display.
Here's a pretty cool video about
clearance items found in stores.
Check it out HERE.
I think I'll take mom out to lunch tomorrow.
If you go HERE you can print out a
coupon for a FREE piece of crispy breaded
fish from Long John Silvers.
I was able to print her and myself a coupon.
I used different names, addresses and emails to do so.
That's funny as we went to Long John's just last
week and used coupons from the Entertainment book.
Ok I did a stupid thing like let my Ibuprofen wear off.
I usually take another dose around 4pm but forgot.
I remembered it around 6pm. Can't take it now or it will
wear off in the middle of the night.
I don't want that
to happen again like it did a day ago and I woke up
in pain that it brought tears to my eyes.
Then took it and waited another half hour for it to
kick in so I could go back to sleep. That was a rough night!
So I am struggling
at the moment in pain from back spasms trying to get
through til about 10pm tonight so I can take another dose
that should last til about 6am.
No one around here dares to mess with me at the moment
because with pain comes irritability! Even the dog
and cat are keeping their distance, lol.
I keep thinking about the doctor telling me I may have
a herniated disc in my lower back that could be pinching
a nerve and causing the spasms and leg pains. When asked what the
treatment may be she said they could either give you
shots in your back or surgery. How nice! I just
wish this pain would go away and be done with
and I don't have to worry about things like that!
Getting old just plain SUCKS!