I don't have coupons to match to the sales included as I am a little
behind with those due to the holidays.
-Buy 3 participating Kellogg's products get 2 gallons of milk free.
So be on the lookout for coupons for those cereals and bars.
They are 3 for $8.00 or $2.67 each.
If no coupons are used then it would cost $8.10 for 3 cereal and 2 gallons of milk.
Big K 2 liters are .59 cents, regularly .79 cents so save .20 cents
12 packs of Kroger Macaroni & Cheese $3.99, making it .33 cents a box
Kroger peanut butter $1.00
Rice-A-Roni $1.00
Gorton's Fish Fillets $3.49 ($4.99 at Meijer)
Milk $1.79
Pork Shoulder Bone in .99 cents a pound
Campbell's Select Harvest Soups .99 cents
Coffee Mate Flavored Creamer .99 cents
Fresh & Soft White Bread .78 cents
Buy any 4 General Mills Get $4.00 off at register
6 Double Rolls Cottenelle Toilet Paper $2.79
Milk Gallon $1.59
10 pack socks $3.99 regularly $6. Makes each pair .39 cents
Here are some sites for cheap cooking...
He takes food found in dollar stores and creates recipes with them.
I have also found this book at the library.
And some books that may be of interest.
Now's the time to catch up on the reading during the Winter month's
with being cooped up indoors.
When everything gets back to normal around here
I might make a trip to the library to catch up on some reading.
All can be found at the Columbus Public Library...Reserve the books
as they are not all found at one location! By reserving them they
will find the books at different locations and gather them up for you.
Then they will drop them off at the location of your choice for
you to pick them up.
-Frugal Families
-Frugal Gardener
-Shop, Save, and Share
-Square Foot Gardening
-Frugal Living For Dummies
-Cheap Talk With Frugal Friends
-The Use-It-Up Cookbook
-Extraordinary Meals From Ordinary Ingredients
-Baking Soda, Over 500 Fabulous, Fun and Frugal Uses
-The Complete Tightwad Gazette (great book!)
-Miserly Moms
-Miserly Meals
-Cheap, Fast, Good
-America's Cheapest Family
-Shop Smart, Save More, Learn the grocery game
-Cook Once, Eat For A Week
-Once-A-Month Cooking
-Living Well On Practically Nothing
-The Complete Cheapskate
-Clean House, Clean Planet
-The Starving Student's Cookbook
-Make It Last
-Help It's Broken, A fix-it bible for the repair impaired
-Yankee Magazine's Living Well On A Shoestring
-Thrift Score
-Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom
-How to Save Money Every Day
-$5 Dinner Mom Cookbook
-$3 Meals
-Bargain Hunters Secrets To Online Shopping
-Good Deals And Smart Steals
MY thoughts for today.
One thing I can't stand...
People who go over and beyond their living expenses to pretend to be
someone they are not. So many people I know are like this!
Don't make enough money to afford things but yet want to act like
they make lots of money. They have luxury items while bills go
unpaid, you can't eat a decent meal and so on.
How can you really be happy to pretend
to live a fantasy life. Never judge a book by it's cover!
And just because you don't have the funds to buy those
extra fancy outfits or game systems doesn't make you a lesser person.
Life is not about what you own. Those are material things.
It's about how you live life!
If people don't like you because of the true you then it's time
to move on and find real friends!!!
It's when you try to be something you are not and lead others into thinking
you are something completely different that pisses me off. In a way it's like
lying to people.
And here is another thing....
When parents cater to their kids helping them out every time they need something.
I'm talking about grown kids, out on their own. Sometimes there are legit situations that do need help.
I've seen this situation too many times. Kids run into situations at fault of their
own, whether it's run ins with the cops or buying stupid crap and can't pay their bills. It's ok to do it the first couple of times. It's when you constantly do it that they are solely relying on their parents to help them out every time. That's when you need to cut back and stop it altogether!! They will never learn to figure out problems on their own if you don't! It's a hard thing for parents to do because they want to still feel wanted by their children. Ever hear the saying children learn what they live. Well if they live off your money even when grown then they'll never learn to be independent. If you can ween them off the bottle when they are babies you sure as heck can ween them off your money.
Vacation time for kids is almost over with! Woo Hoo. Time to get back to normal.
I'm so tired. Mom called and asked if I had a grocery list because she was going to Meijers tomorrow. I don't have a list but will tag along to see if there are any mark downs left from the holidays.
Right now I'm not doing any major grocery shopping. I'm trying to eat from the pantry and freezer. While you can get a good stockpile going you don't want things to go out of date and to waste. So being the first of the year would be a good time to rotate your stock and use up the older things. Right now I'll only buy what I need to, to use up what I have.
I think it's almost been a full year since I started couponing, woo hoo, I survived sticking with it. There have been times I have stopped doing it like over Summer break and Christmas break.
Tonight's supper consisted of leftovers. We had ham and bean soup with cornbread and the kids had shredded pork over bread.
Any leftovers from these two are going in the freezer.
For all you crafters out there here is an idea of what to do with all those
t-shirts that are either outgrown or you have way too many of.
Make a t-shirt quilt. Use up those old t-shirts you got from
vacation, of your favorite sports team or ones from your
child's events at school. It will be something special
that could be passed down and held onto throughout the years.
It doesn't really have to be made with just t-shirts, use
any other clothes such as kids or baby clothes to remember
those special moments of when they were little!
Here is a twin quilt I made with t-shirts-- OSU, gray and red ones.
The underside is made from a twin sheet in gray and red colors.
Jonathan received it as a Christmas present this year.
While I cut and sewed it all together, mom took it to have a lady put in batting,
a binding and have it quilted altogether on a machine.
I'm still on the kick of watching all these advertisements on tv.
I saw a new one the other night. It was called Mister Steamy for
$19.99 plus postage and handling. But if you act now they will
double your order!
What is a Mister Steamy you ask, well check it
our here for yourself
Mister Steamy is a dryer ball you add water to, to steam
the wrinkles out of your clothes.
In order for water to steam it has to reach 215 degrees.
A dryer can get up to a maximum of 140 to 180 degrees.
So as you can see on Mister Steamy you need to use
those bottles of Fresh Shot
that creates the steam. That's where they get you.
You would have to continuously buy those bottles to keep
Mister Steamy going.
I wonder what ingredients are in those bottles to make
it steam like that?
I had a Caruso hair setter that in order to get it
to steam I had to add salt to it. So maybe that is
the secret ingredient, I don't really know.
Save your money and don't waste your time with something
like that!
Try this home remedy instead and it's so simple to do.
Get a large towel, or even a wash cloth and dampen it with
water. Not too much water that it is sopping wet but wrung
out really good. Throw it in with your laundry that's been
sitting in your dryer forgotten about. Run the dryer
15 minutes or so and the wrinkles should come out.
Or what about a couple of damp tennis balls? They would
do the same thing.
Or what the call dryer balls.
Don't overload your dryer is another hint. Allowing the
clothes room to tumble properly without twisting around
one another keeps them from wrinkling too much.
They say dryer sheets are not good for your dryer.
They could cause a fire over time. A natural fabric
softener to use is vinegar in your rinse cycle.
You can also add drops of essential oils to it to give
it a smell.
There have been times when I would pull out a wrinkled
shirt or pants out of the closet. I would have a spray
bottle filled with water and lightly mist the garment
and run a hair dryer on it to loosen the wrinkles.