get Jonathan's medicine. I could have bought
it from the Urgent Care for $30.
It didn't cost me anything at Kroger on Henderson!!
So there was $30 saved.
I picked up a few things while in Kroger.
I saw Campbell's soup was on sale for $1.00
each when regular $1.89.
I got 3 cans of soup for my potato soup
I'm making today.
I saved $2.67.
Then I got 9 loaves of bread marked down to
.39 cents each.
I saved $3.51
Got some potato soup in the crock.
Sauted onions, celery and 1/2 pound cut up bacon
in skillet and put in the crock.
Then added a can of cream of broccoli and
cheese and broccoli soup to the crock with
some milk. Added about a teaspoon season salt.
Diced up some of my boiled potatoes from yesterday.
Another supper this week will include
"baked" potatoes. I have another can of
cheese soup and a half pound of bacon to use
up that I can use as topping for the potatoes.
And yet another supper will include sliced
and fried potatoes with a pound of leftover
hamburger. So let's call it my own version
of a hamburger helper.
And that should use up all the potatoes I had.
I try to let nothing go to waste around here.
I get so tired of remotes missing around here.
I have even thought about getting a couple
of those whistle or clap key locator things
to put on them but
even at half off wasn't willing to pay $10 each
for them. So I'm hunting down some string
and will tie the darn things to my coffee table!
About like a banker's pen chained to the desk.
I don't know why they don't have pagers on them
like cordless phones!!!
Today AEP replaced our old electric meter
with a new Smart Meter. Here is more information
about it in case you are lucky enough to get one:
What is a Smart Meter?
A Smart Meter is a digital electric meter equipped with wireless communications technology. Smart Meters are a key part of establishing the smart electric grid of the future. Smart Meters help consumers better manage their use of energy, saving money and reducing their impact on the environment. From
What can Smart Meters do for me?
By using Smart Meters, customers can receive information about their daily energy usage and price signals that communicate when they can use electricity at a reduced rate. In addition, AEP Ohio can speed service restoration through better information about the facilities involved and can provide faster response to certain customer service requests, such as meter reading and service connection.
Will every AEP Ohio customer receive a Smart Meter?
For the AEP Ohio gridSMART Demonstration Project, 110,000 Smart Meters will be installed in northeast central Ohio. The project site consists of approximately 150 square miles of urban and suburban neighborhoods, including parts of Columbus, Blendon, Clinton, Gahanna, New Albany, Worthington, Jefferson, Johnstown, Mifflin, Minerva Park, Plain, Reynoldsburg, Sharon, Westerville, and Pataskala. (See the enclosed maps for a detailed view of the project area.)
Will special rates be offered to consumers during this project?
AEP Ohio will explore offering customers in the project area various time-differentiated pricing options that will help customers use energy more wisely by shifting energy use off-peak hours when electricity can be less expensive.
What are off-peak hours?
Off-peak hours refer to the time of day when less energy is being used across the service territory.
Kids are off today and have been watching Myth Busters.
They love that show! So here is my experiment for today...
I'm trying my theory again today with the pans of
boiling water on the stove. Today I put the same 2 pots
on the stove with just water and a dash of salt in each one.
Yesterday I had mentioned when I had 2 pots of boiling
potatoes on the stove the temperature in the house went up 3 degrees.
So I want to see if the steam from those pots actually
caused a temperature increase in the house.
Right now the temperature in here is 73
with the furnace kicking on and off.
The weather is cooler at
30 degrees but feels like 20 outside.
Yesterday it was 38 but felt like 34.
So waiting to see if I can get the thermostat
to read higher than what it's set for.
Results to come.
1:30pm - put pots of water on stove. 73 degrees.
2:10 - temperature now 74 degrees. 50 minutes later.
2:30 - no temperature change. Still holding at 74, hasn't fallen.
Turned off pots. 1 hour later.
3:30 - the temperature just dropped down
to 73, so it remained at a steady 74 for for 1 hour and 28 minutes.
4:30 - still 73 degrees and has not dropped below.
2 hours 20 minutes later without furnace kicking on.
5:20 - furnace kicked on for the first time
since 2:10pm, a total of 3 hours and 10 minutes
without the furnace running due to humidity
in the house helping to hold the temperature
at 73.
Tonight was hair cut night for two of the boys.
I'm not doing Jonathan's as I don't want to
irritate any ear ache.
Here's another contest open to girls/women 13 years
and older.
Tampax and is having a contest.
For the next four weeks they will show
a different picture of Mother Nature and Serena Williams.
You have to fill their talk bubbles with what they might be saying.
Prizes include:
Four finalists:
- $100 gift card
- One Year Supply of
Tampax Pearl ONE Grand prize WINNER:
- Wii Console and Wii Fit Bundle
- Photo of YOUR entry signed by
Serena Williams