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Tuesday, December 8, 2009



Left over pasta and sauce from last night's supper (free)
1 can Hormel Chili with Beans (.33 cents)
1 can Hormel Chili Without Beans (.33 cents)

6 SERVINGS @ .11 cents a serving
(2 serving will go towards Tony's lunch Wednesday and Thursday)

I forgot to add another deal found today.
It was while shopping with mom at Kroger.
I found her a 5# bag of Kroger flour for .79 cents

After school today the kids hand me a birthday party invitation and asked if they could go.
I'm figuring the party is this weekend.
They just got the invitation today at school and it's tonight at 6:30!!
What is wrong with people these days.
They don't seem to have any consideration for others!
No present, no card and no cash on hand to give.
What the heck do you do when they go to the party in about a half hour!
The kids ran to the basement and got a toy of theirs to give the boy.
We do have a supply of toys in our house so that is good.
And the more that find ways to leave is better if you ask me.
It's now 6:00 and it is sleeting out. Good thing this kid lives only two streets away.
I hope we don't get an ice storm on top of wind gusts tonight as that wouldn't be good.
Then I hear a speeding car go down the street.
Sleet on the road equals slippery roads DUH!
Like I said before what is wrong with people!!

Tonight we have a high wind advisory.
Great just what we need during the cold Winter months is another wind storm.
It says wind gusts could get up to 55 mph.
The last time a wind storm hit the pictures on our walls would rattle!
It's not so bad having power outages during the Summer months but I couldn't imagine one during the cold weather with no heat and what the wind chill might be.
I guess we should consider ourselves lucky as some states are experiencing blizzard conditions.
But hey we had one of those here a couple years ago also.
We lived at Tony's work so that was nice he didn't have to drive but across the parking lot to go clock in and had free access to a snow plow from the company!
I didn't have to worry about him driving in traffic.

Mom experienced a power outage years ago where she lost power in an ice storm for almost a week.
She came and stayed with us during that time and it was during Christmas.
Gotta love Ohio weather since you get to experience it all in one place!
Can I interest you in a recap of the wind storm with up to 75 mph winds at times.
Constant non stop winds!
It was 9-13/14-09
No stores or gas stations open.
No ice available anywhere.
Had to throw out entire refrigerator contents along with 2 stocked freezers!
When stores did open most of Columbus residents did not have power.
That will be a shopping trip I will always remember.
Try shopping for food to make meals knowing you have no stove, oven, microwave, can openers or any appliances to heat things or open things with. No place to store food that needs chilled because ice was in high demand. It's Summer time and if you wanted something cold to drink you couldn't run down to the convenience store to get a cold pop with no power.
You had water out of the faucet or other things that were room temperature.

It was interesting. The kids just started back to school and had already used up 4 out of 5 school
"snow" days and it was still Summer time.
At least they were able to play outside because they would go crazy not being able to watch tv or have the luxuries that come with electricity.
We would go to bed early because of no lights.
We read books by candle light to entertain ourselves.
We played board games.
Kids now a days are soo spoiled.
You would go to bed in complete silence. No fans or air conditioner running.
You could hear the winds whistling outside and would stay up half the night wondering what tree would fall next and would hope it would miss your house and cars.
Power lines would snap like toothpicks causing fires.
You felt like you were in your own little world fending for yourself.
You had no way to know what was going on around you unless you got out and drove around. I would at noon turn the radio on in the truck to listen to the news.
But now you cannot even do that due to all this digital crap.
It took I think 3 nights and 4 days to get our power restored. The lady directly beside us was without power for a week and had to go stay with her daughter.
Driving at night was fun. You think you know where all the traffic lights are until there is a black out. Try driving with no lights anywhere, street lights, traffic lights, lights from houses, stores, NOTHING.
It was eerie!!
People had no clue.
They didn't not know how to come to a main intersection and treat it as a four way stop. It was literally a challenge to drive anywhere. Plus you had to watch out for downed trees and power lines in or around the roadways.

Last year's videos.

Everyone should have a list of what to do in case of an emergency.
In this situation of the wind storm from last year
I had a hard time figuring out what to make or buy for us to eat.

to figure out a list of meals to buy from the store
when you have no way to heat them,
no hot water,
no can openers,
no ice,
and no way to store leftovers or refrigerated items.

What can you come up with to put on this list???
I would like to keep a list in my one cookbook in case this ever happens again!

peanut butter or nutter butter
canned vienna sausages or other canned meats
that has a pull tab top
ramen noodles soaked in water eaten cold
juice pouches
tuna fish with crackers snack/lunch pack
cold soup from cans with pull tabs
dry cereal
pop tarts
dry milk powder
nuts, crackers, potato chips, cookies (snacks)

About Me

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My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"

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